Sunday, August 22, 2010

Antivirals Used Cats Herpes

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

Der Anregung von Hans Bäck folgend, möchte ich den Beitrag über das Dilemma von Zeitschriften bei der Beurteilung von unausgereiften literarischen Texten kommentieren.

Eine Literaturzeitschrift ist m.E. ein Medium, um Texte einer möglichst breiten Leserschaft zur Beurteilung zur Verfügung zu stellen. Nicht die Zeitschrift und nicht die Juroren beurteilen ein Stück, sondern einzig und allein der Leser. Außerdem ist Literatur nicht Mathematics, there is no absolute good and absolute evil, it can not be passed because it is very subjective assessments. Consider as an example of Dario For "Misterio Buffo", which helped the author to a Nobel Prize but most readers felt to be devoid of meaning was bawling. The wetlands, which were long on the top places in the hit parade were not seen as a consensus masterpiece.

So I would argue that it is making in non-obvious (= objectified) nonsensical texts the first attempt at a presentation of the piece, but with a feedback mechanism is provided that will allow the magazine, which Acceptance of a text by the audience to find out. I can imagine a form of school grades, or even a query over the Internet. The main thing would be to abandon the idea of authentic texts can be divided into "good" and "bad". This is exactly what many authors complain to publishers: the one-sided selection, possibly on public taste over. begin

Yours, Yours sincerely

Julius Franzot


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