Als Vorbemerkung: Ich habe den Erstling „Wie kommt das Salz ins Meer“ der Autorin vor vielen Jahren (erschienen 1977) mit großer Begeisterung gelesen. Und war von den folgenden Büchern enttäuscht, wie viele andere Leser auch. Dann las ich jahrzehntelang nix mehr von Schwaiger, erst im Jahre 2006 oder 2007 fand ich in der Wochenendbeilage der „Presse“ in the "spectrum" now and then an essay about her. She described her experience in psychiatry, treatment, the (partial) success and her life with depression. Known, they chose 26 July 2010 the "shorter way" - she was found in the Danube.
could now Schwaiger her book "dropping" in which she describes her experiences with her illness, in Cernin-Verlag release and in an interview that has now been repeated on the occasion of her death on Ö1, point out how her writing as therapy and has helped to therapy. Since I would like to tie:
We know, dear friends of literature, there are infinitely many Situations in life that people can throw off the track, which he "beat up", etc. And, the parties have different approaches to "derrappeln" again and again to find their way back to try a restart to make it. ..
Whether it's the death of a close family member, a professional failure, separation from a partner, a disappointment, no matter, we all know what we can get people in all. Often requires only a very ordinary "burn out" to no longer know what to do next.
it, then I get to the core question: Again and again we see that with their authors 'writing therapy' to us . Come Now we're not therapists and can not help in this regard. What we can do is to assess the text. Is it literature in order to vote the images, metaphors, language is consistent and in accordance with the person and the act is simply short of craftsmanship. And very often that's just unfortunately not the case, and we as writers will take the view "of the text is not responsible for literature." Even our judges for the grater every time there are very correct, omit the personal motivations and assess exclusively on literary criteria. And so we have opened the door to conflict. Suppose that an author who mostly Are there writers who hope to come by letter from the penalty situation, we find it perhaps even more deeply into it? Or should we recognize, in this case a man struggles to his "recovery" to his humanity, to improve its situation, and we proceed as pedantically and judge for missing comma. On the other hand, I always take the words of Peter Bichsel orientation as her "If I'm sick I go with my symptoms to the doctor and not a publisher," on the other hand, we might make a promising approach to improve destroy a life situation.
Dear friends of literature, we, our judges, the editors, and ultimately we are all together, standing here in front of a Dilemma. When we compare this "therapy texts" assume we have the accusation - especially by those who do not know the history - we can print from any rubbish, on the other hand, we take the persons concerned of the possibility of help.
What do you think that? We have sufficient "affected" in our ranks, consisting of one or other of the listed reasons at the start, beginning with the letter, what do you think now in retrospect about how we should deal with such therapy texts?
It was so in the past repeatedly that authors (and here again most authors) with the time at their language, work on their texts and make quite passable's condition, which may arise without further competition, many have even found their way to publishers. That is a welcome development, but if someone refuses to accept our suggestions, the cocoon-like hiding behind the disease?
What do you think that? Give your comments, your own contributions to the moderator of the blog, to majolika@email.de we look forward to your responses (especially those which eventually were once concerned itself). If desired, Reinhard Mermi true quite the anonymity of the submissions!
you would help us evaluate such texts might be a little different.
the way, the two mentioned Brigitte Schwaiger books are available in bookstores and well worth reading. And the interview can be requested via oe1.orf.at of interested parties (Series "Interview - from the 5th and 6th August 2010).
Hans Bäck
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