entry on 25 July 2010
festivals everywhere!
But again, who needs den heute noch Festspiele und diesmal ohne jede Polemik.
„politicians do their job [for peace], but musicians are able to be the most potent voices. Music doesn’t have borders - it is immediate, effective and very truthful˝. (Sir Georg Solti) oder
Claudio Magris: „Viele Utopien von einem Paradies auf Erden sind verflogen, doch nicht verflogen ist die Forderung, dass die Welt nicht nur verwaltet, sondern vor allem auch verändert werden muss.“
„Ändere die Welt, sie braucht es!“, forderte Bertolt Brecht. „Ändere sie auch, wenn alles dich drängt zu glauben, dass dies unmöglich sei.˝
Ich will nachdenken darüber, warum ich heute Festival go too much money on cards, in grossly overpriced living quarters for a drink in the break a glass of sparkling wine for the price I would otherwise have given a whole bottle. In this case, made it possible TV and radio, I could sit at home comfortable, open my bottle of champagne and my concerts, operas, plays in the best transmission quality to heart. Yes, I do, even with great zeal, because "one can not be everywhere - and it also arises is the question. Why?
Because I like to hear? That, too.
Because I love music? That, too.
Because I do if I already once there, like my tuxedo'm dressed again? That, too.
But that's not all.
Maybe it yet because I expect the motto "... listen to the highest of all "to see.
We go to concerts, theater, opera, exhibitions, have perhaps our subscription for cultural events, and yet,
comes the festival season, then I flip through the programs that I work for the free cards awards of Ö1, hoping thereby to performances at the greatest festivals to come (and sometimes - too often - but I will not be dissatisfied works, too), or else I study the program listings der einschlägigen Rundfunk- und Fernsehanstalten, die für Übertragungen in Frage kommen.
Also, weil ich den Don Gionvanni so sehr liebe? Auch deswegen.
Weil ich hoffe, annehme, erwarte, dass gerade diese Aufführung jetzt das o. e. Motto erfüllen wird und ich das Erlebnis schlechthin haben würde.
Auch deswegen!
Auch weil ich neugierig bin, wie Patricia Pettibon heuer die Lulu singen wird,
oder weil ich durch den Medien Hype aufgestachelt wurde, mir den „neuen“ Jedermann bis 0h15 anzusehen.
Auch deswegen.
Weil ich die Oper die „Passagierin“ von Weinberg aus Bregenz hören wollte und das (endlich) einmal was Neues in der abgedroschenen Operproduktion was. Yes, even so!
Because I'm interested in how to play King Lear in the original language and in Schloss Murau?
Yes, because of that.
Because I'm interested in as 359th Staging of A Midsummer Night's Dream from the Theater Association of Dilettanengruppe Behind Haxenhaus is offered?
Yes, because of that.
And because I enjoy it, to be there not only for the large, prestigious festivals and see how ready you are, to deal with the works of art?
Yes, because of that.
And because there is always something to see. Be it the chamber music festival in Styria, it was the evening music with Jordi Savall at the Helmut List Hall, be it the (past) Tage der Alten Musik in Krieglach bzw. jetzt in Aflenz, sei es ein Klavierabend mit Maurizio Pollini (und sonst niemand!) und den letzten 3 Schubertsonaten für Klavier auf der riesigen Bühne des Großen Festspielhauses in Salzburg, sei es auch die 123. Aufführung von Aida die ich sah und halt wieder einmal in der Arena von Verona, sei es, ... ach was, es kann sich jeder weiterdenken.
Und darum, liebe Leser dieser Nachlesen, bin ich dafür, dass es weiterhin Festspiele gibt. Nicht nur die ganz großen (die auch und unbedingt), aber die vielen kleinen, die oftmals Kostbarkeiten bringen und für die es sich lohnt, sich den blutsaugenden Gelsen auszusetzten.
Und noch einen Satz von der vorjährigen Rede (Elke Heidenreich) opening of the Salzburg Festival (again this one):
"We have many plans for our lives, plans, insurance policies. We make our lives, yes. But it is also made for illness, death, loss, accident, war. We finally have nothing in hand, nothing. More humility would be appropriate. The pain eats us, the fear pounding and drills. We fear what we call destiny and fight against it.
Before the art, to art, we do not have to fight. We can include them in us, we must trust it, it heals the wounds that we feel. Let us for a day of work voller Ärger und dem, was wir Stress zu nennen wir uns angewöhnt haben, nach Hause und zur Ruhe, dann erklingt Mozarts Requiem, dann hören wir König Philips Arie aus dem 4. Akt von Verdis Von Carlos, das Adagio aus Mahlers 10. Sinfonie, wir hören Beethovens letztes Streichquartett oder die Altrhapsodie von Brahms oder die Callas singt Casta Diva, und wir wissen, dass es etwas gibt, das größer und schöner ist als wir und das uns überdauern wird.
Die Kunst, die Musik als das rettende Geländer. Wir müssen Kunst und Kultur nicht aus Ausfüllung von Freizeit begreifen, sondern als Seinsweise, wie das Atmen und das Essen.“
Auch darum, liebe Freunde, auch darum Ja, ich will Festspiele!
entry on 26 July 2010
And since we're at it, the reference. The above-mentioned everyone: I stayed on course until the end and followed the death of the rich man. And I must say, something was already tuned to the media excitement with which the new line was expected. About the play can, of course worthy of debate, who would take because today a poet's very Catholic salvation from, any more that would be made up to Oberammergau, however, who followed the text, at times it reminded me even to the events of the recent past Economic crisis and the great sayings of the slick banker. "Who was called for to take money on interest" of the sarcasm of Hofmannsthal may have been without further said in 2008 the evicted American homeowners. The play itself has been - and this is my conviction - and with his Catholic salvation to the good end, its right to exist in 2010 and later. But back to the players: Yes, we can play the everyman. Will act the presentiment of death, ousted from the party mood, the young lover, the calls simply "swill until it crashes," the dinner party, as risen from the "side-glances. Yes, I mean, we can now produce and play the everyman. And the great devil of Peter Jordan, of course, has the most beautiful sentence in the whole piece when he can finally say with regard to views and the most expensive places of the first series "I'll be back, because there is still much to do!" That was
one of those festival evenings when it was worth staying up.
entry on 27 July 2010
Dear friends, it is not strange that the really big injustices are gone, at least in Europe, fascism, communism, and thus the art and steering control. And all of those works that impossible under these dictatorships were pursuing prohibited (degenerate), who survived, came, in part they are only now - Communism is still only 21 years ago collapsed - but the art comes and there. It's nice that they are there!
entry on 30 July 2010
of the occasion - as it is so beautiful - I would remind you that we have decided at our last annual meeting to offer our members as they receive their new books for review. I personally like to extend this offer to all interested parties from the recipients of these low and middle reading. Anyone who brings a new book out and needs a Renzesion or will have, can I please request the book Send and within two weeks, the review is completed (if I read the book at this time "derpacke") However, it may well be that this work does not suits me, then the author concerned a personal meeting gets from me, then stop not intended as a review is to pass.
This service is available now!
entry on 3 August 2010
After a long (TV) night. I Depp, once again did not read and am therefore on 2 August at 22:50 to set the TV to me, "Lulu" from Salzburg to watch. The play and the music are so interesting and exciting, Patricia Petibon a fantastic singer. Na So, uncork a bottle of Barolo and could begin.
started m. W. of Michael Jackson saying that he himself constantly attacked in the step - on stage - and this was apparently a must. Not only that men and women engage in this step, now it is apparently for the better tone of a modern production that also draw women to men in the crotch. If it's so modern but! but I will whistle. I'm not a prude by God, and my texts bear witness to it, but these methods are simple wooden hammer fad. What does he object to the director? Can not express subtle eroticism on stage? Of course, or could one, but then it is soooo modern?
I do not know I was in Lulu unfortunately bland. Only I'm draufgekommne now that the 3 Sat release at a normal time, ie by 20:15 again broadcast (Saturday 7 August), hence my above self-abuse as a moron! I should have a look at the festival programs!
But back to the reason of my polemic: Of course, the erotic is an indispensable part of art - and I remind you, dear readers of this post-and intermediate reading - we have grater No. 24 - 2007 a comprehensive review of this inexhaustible theme of Konrad Paul Liessmann printed. And therein, the author pointed to a very erotic in der Kunst Stellung. Es lohnt sich, diesen Beitrag wieder einmal nachzulesen.
Wobei ich gerne darauf hinweise, dass wir in unseren Reibeisen –auch in früheren Ausgaben - immer wieder spannende und hoch stehende Artikel von ganz bedeutenden Fachleuten abgedruckt haben. Liebe Empfänger, dieser Mail, schaut euch die „alten“ Reibeisen einmal an, da sind immer wieder Kostbarkeiten enthalten. Und wir wollen hoffen, dass wir das auch in Hinkunft wieder zusammenbringen!
Ach ja, und 4870 Zugriffe auf unseren Blog haben wir auch schon (Stand 3. August, 17h)
Eintrag am 9. August 2010
Da las ich in der Zeitung der Steir. Wirtschaftskammer von einer Unternehmerin, the problems with the Equal Treatment Commission was given. She had taken at a recruiting two serious flaw: it was looking for "washing-with excellent knowledge of German"
First, she was accused of this activity need nobody excellent knowledge of German, it would be good knowledge of German sufficient, and second, it was far more serious: She had a Abwächer searched and not gender neutral, a / n "Abwäscherin / washing-" looking for.
you we look out and I want to have these worries! Since I have bought some time ago a book on mediation, I needed it for a job working for a client. I can tell you, this book is unreadable, unusable. I've fired a few pages in the corner. The author, a well-known expert and colleague, wrote this book, and now need even trade books that support from the public sector (not just poetry), and this was granted only on condition that the textbook just "gender justice" or gender-neutral 'd written. Otherwise there is no funding (in Austria, will perform in Germany, is beyond me - and frankly, I do not even want to know, so rubbish does not interest me). Now an example from this book:
"A attentive listener an attentive listener can get into a situation that he / she even changed with the / of the narrators ...
If the listener, the listener is authentic to him, the narrator / narrator that the respect and respect that that was him / her brought against. "And so on. etc. Apart from the totally meaningless text, a collection of platitudes that we've been around for decades, this form of the letter unbearable. If then the internal I comes to that, is definitely for me the oven.
Entry 31 August 2010:
The literary season is coming up, the first new releases are already there and are already discussed. I wait until the Frankfurt Book Fair which is still and will then give my two cents.
Many thanks to all who participated in the discussion, the practice of "therapy letter. We have collected all the posts and put them in the blog. There, everyone can look up what reactions they provoked my question. One thing I would like to hold down this already: There are in fact all that the literary quality is king, and we should only pay attention to it.
As I said, in brief, there is the summary at the blog and our new website takes already beautiful and concrete forms, and this medium will soon available again!
Hans Bäck
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