There are so events or incidents should I say, lead me, my self-imposed silence to break pause. "Of course" I hear a lot of my dear friends from near and far already, "he has again something to bleat and must give his two cents."
That's right my dear friends of literature, authors and members of the ELCC!
Trotz Sommerhitze passieren Dinge, die können nur passieren wenn und weil es so heiß ist (?) und außerdem nur in Kakanien, wo die bekanntlich der Legationsrat Tuzzi zu unsterblichen Ruhm gelangte (Jörg Mauthe: Die große Hitze oder die Errettung Österreichs durch Legationsrat Tuzzi), und den würde der Neid fressen, wenn er davon Kenntnis erhalten hätte, dass im Jahre 2008 ein namhaftes Kärntner Unternehmen den „sehr geehrten Herrn Dr. Robert Musil“ zu einer Kulturveranstaltung einlud. Quelle: Heft 140 der Zeitschrift Salz, Autor Egyd Gstättner. Da hüpft das Herz des Literaturinteressierten vor Freude, wenn er so etwas zum Lesen bekommt. Im selben Artikel räsoniert der Autor übrigens also that one of the initiators of the "Ingeborg Bachmann - Candidate" Humbert Fink in any single event has been mentioned and will be. Neither the occasion of his 5th, 10th or 15 Anniversary of the death of the author Humbert Fink also found only in one line mention yet been recognized at the events in the ORF Theater Klagenfurt his idea to call the Bach competition in life. The judges today seem no relation to the past, to history to have. Why should they when the year's jury chairman himself in public, so even in the 3 satellite remote as "breakfast Director of this event" means. Dear Mr. spiders, then You can stay there and clean up the space for others who would take this task perhaps more serious. I can well imagine that the invitation to Klagenfurt is not only a pleasure, after all, there are hundreds of texts in the preparation of a few hundred more or less (mostly less) to assess hopeful authors and two of them choose. And then you have during the event are also on the texts and the authors, after all, you have indeed invited, and if that would fall by then, then ... What about the reputation? Well, not my problem.
How is really with the invited authors in Klagenfurt?
The Pre-Trial is indeed a few years ago have been amended. Each juror has the opportunity to invite two authors. The authors need to apply for the jurors. Condition is already present publications and a commitment to publishing the submitted text. So far so not good, but the way it is. The judges get to the 800 (no abuse) texts submitted for assessment. From this they will have make their selection from December to May. Since it can even happen that are also texts here, where the audience (and not only this) asks how the text of this comes on the short list. And who asks around a little to the so-called literary and nachstöbert, is of course to the various Marketing efforts of the big publishers come. And since it is just that and him and aufscheint also the publisher of each year. It would really be interesting to investigate in what publishers say the last even 10 Bachmann winners "at home" are.
Of course everyone a scoundrel, who now thinks more bad. Where the voting is still the most transparent, you can imagine and desire, but until it goes off - see above.
Yes, once! It is a quiet nostalgia, again inspired by the already mentioned current issue of the literary magazine "Salt" What were the times als die Juroren aus dem Vollen ihrer Literarischen Schatztruhen schöpften, verglichen, zitierten, sich gegenseitig korrigierten – nicht immer sehr respektvoll. Welche Rededuelle lieferten sich der unvergessene Walter Jens und der ebenfalls unvergessene MRR! Legendär Humbert Fink als Moderator, der nach einer langen Philippika Reich Ranicki’s mit dem Satz „Es kommt, was kommen musste: Walter Jens“ diesem das Wort weiter gab. Oder die damals schon hoch betagte Gertrud Fussenegger, die als einzige in der Jury für sich das Privileg in Anspruch nahm, im ORF-Theater, während der Lesungen und Jury Diskussionen zu rauchen. Natürlich gab es auch damals die faden, farblosen Juroren, das waren meist jene, die aus Gründer to care for the reason of state had, that the authors received their regular price GDR shares.
Let Bachmannpreis and Klagenfurt, no, not quite, Klagenfurt, despite the speech Josef Winkler from last year still have no public library.
would really be nice and interesting, if they would give our member Johanna King, after all, even successful author and director of IG authors in Carinthia to enrich and perhaps with some insider knowledge, we could. Dear Johanna chat, out of school - if you like.
And then there was a literary event of a very different kind
It was the first Kapfenberg reading Biennale. And it will remain after all not the last. We can already say.
However - as travel writers from the farthest corner of Germany (from Hamburg and Schleswig Holstein) and hardly anyone in the otherwise interested Kapfenberger literary audience is. What went wrong? We have to work to the public more interested in the texts of our authors. The integration of our neighboring village of Bruck has not led to significantly increased crowds. Mischievous fellow citizens would say that our friend Bruce K. Rupert with his "literary tower already so spoiled or discouraged that they no longer other literature ...
No, I do not think so. It turns holding that the "clients" of libraries are not set to always coincide with those interested in new literature. So, we will come up again in two years something about the people from the TV to mop. The reading was slightly different in Parschlug neighboring village that was a nice atmosphere, the village square with a covered stage and a very good visit and an interested audience.
But, and it would not mail it by Hans Bäck, if it would But this is not:
But, my dear co-authors, which we used for our audience? It is already heartbreaking when then texts are read, hardly ever in the Reibeisenjury had a chance, and now those books are bought by those present that there is a true joy (for the author). One wonders already! But in general would be to say, the level was not so bad that you would have to feel embarrassed, that we could have quietly invite to the events and the press. It was beautiful on literary events with far worse texts (not only in Vienna).
any case, there is to learn and to be drawn from the events and teachings.
And I can only open an appeal to all our readers in future Kapfenberg Biennials (and other events) read authors sent: The better your Texte sind, umsomehr werdet Ihr auch das Kapfenberger Publikum begeistern können. Schlechte Texte kommen anscheinend nur in Bruck gut an, näher will ich mich nicht äußern. Alle, die dabei waren, werden sich auskennen.
Noch etwas wäre zur 1. Lesebiennale nachzutragen: Liebe Autoren, die ihr lest (ob in Kapfenberg, Hinterhaxenhausen, Berlin oder St. Irgendwo), bringt nicht durch euren Vortrag (Nichtvortrag) eure eigenen Texte um! Ganz wenige der diesmal vortragenden Autoren hatte diesmal ihre Texte „so im Griff,“ dass auch das Publikum mitgehen konnte. Natürlich sind wir alle keine gelernten Schauspieler, aber die richtige Betonung, die Haltung beim Lesen (die dabei waren, werden sich an das Seminar with Petra Rudolf remember!), Hide the face behind the manuscript Hineinnuscheln in the (nonexistent) Beard, these are all sins against your own text. Then there are those most authors, which one observes that they have routine reading in their text at home are able to articulate, just captivate the listener in a position. Allow me here to mention especially Christine Teichmann, Ellen Balsewitsch Oldach, and of course, Sepp Maier. If we do not like Joe, will learn by heart some 300 of his own poems, as the Sepp is really a phenomenon, it can still be expected that we feel in our texts well, we ourselves to them enjoy and carry them forward so gladly and with enthusiasm. Without falling into this unnecessary and annoying hype again - and this was happening.
A glimpse back in other literary magazines:
"salt" I have already mentioned, is a very readable publication, is published 4 times a year more under-www.leselampe salz.at
"clearings" 122 This time the focus " might ask literature from the Democratic Republic of Congo, "What the editors of the" clearings "since we invaded, there is nothing more to report than about the literature in the Congo or is it a nod of Africa in the context with the World Cup? And yet it is not only an exciting duck cover travel to an exotic literature, it is to know a study of subtle lyrics that (have to) deal with all that has beleaguered the authors of all literatures and over again: the dictatorship, exploitation, hopelessness the trip (to Europe, to America?) but also life in the village, in the community. Yes, the latest issue of the clearings brings back exciting reading adventure! Not only the authors of the Congo, many "domestic" poet we meet in this issue.
manuscripts No. 187: Well, the manuscripts will be this year already 50 years old, this is of course, the cultural policy prompted the subsidies for the proposed cut to double issue too much. Certainly.
New texts at home, new name, old reinforced time and again with new lyrics. What disturbed me a little: Julia Fiedorczuk "The world was not made for us," an essay title that evokes the time being with me na no effect. But what I previously did not know and had no idea that something like this is: (! And I'm as wise as before) a ökopoetisch or ecologically oriented literary studies, but now I know. If there is respect for nature, intended to be put in the lyrics expressed when it is the respect for life should in itself be ok. There is no definition of it in the article by the way, maybe it'll help me more ... Ökopoetik means putting the emphasis on maintaining the ökozentristischen perspective that recognizes the interdependence of the world as nature. ... (Manuscripts No. 187, page 149).
Ah ha, now I know too! And I already hear my transatlantic friend motschkern again, what the poet in the first world for issues because they care not about the real needs of the world ... Sometimes, the trans-Atlantic Reinhard not wrong!
literatures No. 3 May / June 2010: "What makes the imagination with the Reality? Ideas and knowledge mixed with their own perceptions and suddenly takes the imagination to power. "This could arise literature. A (this time) exciting book, a conversation between Katherine and Thomas Macho and there Röggla closes a circle that was so not sure thought: the already perceptible reality of man-made natural disasters! And something very important: Suhrkamp brings a new edition of the works of Nelly Sachs! A wonderful opportunity to again look at the works of Nobel Prize winner and read again. (Nelly Sachs works, commented edition in 2 volumes, each € 44, - this is not necessarily a bargain, but perhaps the little town. Library Kapfenberg here make a purchase?)
full text No. 3 / 2010 is as always at this season quite "under the spell of the Klagenfurt Bet reading. Full text always manages to get from the invited authors texts that are not presented in Klagenfurt, therefore, interesting comparisons to be demonstrated with the texts that are then publicly speak out.
exciting, as always in "full text" preprints produced novels, this time Monika helpers "Before I can sleep"
love So, readers of these gleanings, I promise you now I give back a few months of rest and pull me back to work.
Until next time, that will probably be close to the Frankfurt Book Fair, with best wishes for a busy summer
Your Hans Bäck!
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