Sunday, January 2, 2011

Denise Milani Faceboook

Loki Schmidt: My life for the school

In my opinion, fits the title "life of the school" does not.
The enthusiastic student Loki Glaser has lived with and in the school and has the two reform schools they visited, the Castle Road School - an elementary school - and later by the Lichtwark for their teachers life much learned what give her teacher training could not.
When she was a teacher then, she has lived for the children . Some schools, she liked to leave again because of her mind there was too authoritarian.

"The book should be required curriculum for educators." (NZZ)
I think it is weniger wichtig für die Pädagogen als für die Kultusministerien und Schulämter; denn es zeigt, dass vieles erst möglich ist, wenn sich die Lehrkraft nicht primär an die curricularen Vorgaben hält und sich die Freiheit nimmt, nicht jedes Jahr festgelegte Bildungsstandards zu erreichen.

"Diese Lehrerin wünscht man sich für seine eigenen und für alle Kinder." (SZ)
Wenn man von den vielen begeisterten Kindern und Eltern liest, legt sich das nahe. Wenn man bedenkt, dass sie oft über 50 Kinder zu unterrichten hatte, kann man sich freilich fragen, ob nicht zwei Klassen mit je 25 Schülern für viele Kinder doch besser gewesen wären.
Und gewiss würden Today, many parents with a teacher who announces them at the beginning of the school year that the children, if it considers it necessary to beat, will prefer the same class.

Nevertheless, when teachers wish you the many skills, enthusiasm and the courage to superiors and the energy that Loki Glaser earned in their work.
With such capabilities and such use of the teacher education reform will bring excellent results.
And I wish I was for the students I have taught, been what has become Loki Glaser-Schmidt for her care.

The reasoning which would have to follow now would be almost as long as the book. Not least, the description of her - privation in many ways - happy childhood and that of their primary school years, worked in the many (arbeitslosen!) fathers and mothers in school and thus a school spirit of togetherness created, as much in less of emergency times characterized to create heavier belonged to, but also the many activities with which she guided her children to work independently and acting.

was first precipitated as Loki Schmidt of illness from the hospital, she has not worked directly for the school children, but started to support such schools, with their initiative to work learning projects for secondary schools the ZEIT Foundation.


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