The Return of the panel painting - table work place presentation
power in the American Buisinesswelt Dan Roam present furore because he uses instead of many Power Point slides only a blackboard on which he draws by hand, stick figures, boxes and arrows.
Sun he leads as before , as he explains the absurdity of the bonuses for American Banker.
Why is it a useful procedure, explained his bestseller The Back of the Napkin (German: Declared On the Napkin: present convincing with a few quick strokes instead of long, 2010 ISBN. 3868810161 ( review / book excerpts ).
The 6 w-questions (who / what, how much, where, when, how, why), which helped avoid answering his visualizations appeared, even in the brain researchers to describe important Nervenstänge in the brain.
The images that serve to support the moderation of a discussion ( Visual Fascilitation ) or the course of a conversation between themselves ( Graphic Recording ) are then of course been less simple, seem indeed quite similar to an - admittedly very tidy - panel after a double lesson.
The neurophysiological background Roam the track leads The blind woman who can look at of Vilaynur S. Ranachandran, the course presents a variety of other interesting phenomena of consciousness.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
What Is A Punisment Enama
offender fathers
self-sacrifice unfeeling father and yet connected with them, either through the Bedürnis to do everything differently.
Ute Scheub, one of the founders of the taz writes 2006, 37 years after the public suicide of her father at the Church Congress in Stuttgart (1969), reflected in her book "The false life " their confrontation with her father. (See also her article in the taz February 2006)
self-sacrifice unfeeling father and yet connected with them, either through the Bedürnis to do everything differently.
Ute Scheub, one of the founders of the taz writes 2006, 37 years after the public suicide of her father at the Church Congress in Stuttgart (1969), reflected in her book "The false life " their confrontation with her father. (See also her article in the taz February 2006)
Friday, December 24, 2010
Why Is My Bilirubin High
Bäcks gleanings 2010
Im Buch Kohelet im alten Testament gibt es das wunderbare Kapitel über die Zeit für alles, was dem Menschen unterkommen kann. Es gibt also eine Zeit für die Freude, für die Trauer, für die Liebe, für den Zorn, für die Arbeit und für die Muse. Der Verfasser des Buches führt noch viele Beispiele an, für die es eine eigene Zeit gäbe. And every age has its meaning, its task. And we are all now in a time of recollection, of reflection, as it was and of reflection, how it will be. Joy, confidence, but also concerns, perhaps sometimes even fear of what awaits us and which we know nothing. We do not know when is something that comes as we are concerned, everything is open 365 days of 2011 ahead of us, today, on 17 December I write this, because after all, have 351 days of 2010 are behind us. It is therefore time to consider what happened to hold a retrospective. Do not worry, dear readers of this blog or e-mail messages, it is not a list of activities, no summation the written lines, etc. It is simply a retrospective for an exciting year.
course will be the focus of these gleanings from the literature, but not only, there are also other areas of art are touched, it will happen a little society, and thus the policy. Let's be surprised what comes to mind as if gleanings 2010.
I have a long break prescribed and adhered to and where not to any rubbish my two cents. Occasionally, but it appealed to me yet and I had to once again, well, yes you did read it. There have been relatively well received - I was glad of - a single cancellation - which also upset me - and much silence that I - presumptuous and conceited as I am now once regarded as a silent nod.
Where to start?
makes sense to where or with which the year comes to an end: the inevitable wishes for Christmas and the upcoming year. The postman groaning under the mountains of mail, although much of it already done by mail. "May I offer his condolences by mail?" Was torn in the spring of 2010, a sentence in a book and a lot of discussion. "Can you do e-mail Merry Christmas?" The question is lost because it is already happening and is increasingly the case. Often with beautifully landscaped enclosures, with their own poems and texts, which is far more beautiful than any 0-8-15 greeting card. So, make all those who write conventional maps and all the others, the sameness by e-mail: a big thank you from me in this way and to me the assurance I will in the years to show myself in this regard abstinence and no Christmas - and send New Year wishes. Why? Well, I let my spinner, I'm just so, so I want to express a little appreciation, those who would otherwise be forgotten too, so I write about none at all.
So, that would be done.
Oh yes, with the coming to an end of the year I wanted to do. There they are still around the wood-timbered ". The way it was before," Cottages on our places in the cities around and signal the general right to give the Advent, at least I can not remember - and as born in 1940, I deliberately but experienced some of Advent - that it used " so "was. There was "used" on the radio always a transfer from the Festspielhaus Salzburg (then the little ones or old) and then someone sat in front with a crumpled, slightly drunken voice and grumbled, "the quietest time of the year."
This mendacious drivel I could not even listen to a teenager and now as age and certainly do not. What lies behind it? Doch eine Sehnsucht von uns allen, nach etwas von dem wir träumen, das es so aber nie gab. Und als Ersatz gibt es nun die Punschhütteln, die gebratenen Maroni, den Glühwein und vor allem die Auftritte der Schulkinder aller Schulstufen, die dürfen dort gemeinsam mit ihren Lehrkräften auf der Bühne am Hauptplatz ein paar Advent- und Weihnachtslieder singen. Und das wissen die Marketingmenschen aller Gemeinden: Kinder ziehen immer (und wenn nur die Großeltern mitkommen), dann noch ein wenig Bläsermusik, der Bürgermeister und die Gemeinderäte lassen sich sehen, gehen huldvoll grüßend durch die Mengen. Ach ja, die Heimatdichter und die heimatlichen Dichter, die kommen auch zu Wort. Wobei ich nun schon erstmals the advent of peace and the celebration of trouble you. Of course, getting the music groups that occur as a fee (yes is no picnic, in the Saukälte had it this year to stand at the main square and "it is scho same Dumpa" blow). What were the children, I do not know the native poet, of course, go empty-handed (or should be happy that we - the community - give them an opportunity to present their texts). If we practice in the coming Advent in denial? I think about it seriously! Invited
we were indeed in some cases. There was a Christmas party, where a business dinner, what's all just so. „Geh, komm und lies ein paar Zeilen“ aber nicht zu lang und nicht zu besinnlich, sonst werden die Leute unruhig. Als Gage? Beim Abendessen eingeladen, selbstverständlich.
Kommen wir doch zu unserem eigenen Metier, zur Literatur. Viele Veranstaltungen des Kapfenberger Europaliteraturkreis waren – von der Besucherzahl her gesehen – ein Flop. Stört das jemand? Oder sollen wir mit dem Fußballklub der Stadt Kapfenberg konkurrieren? Solange die sinkenden Zuschüsse und Subventionen nicht an der Zahl der Teilnehmer gemessen werden, habe ich kein Problem damit, wenn zu einer Lesung 10 Personen kommen, die aber begeistert nach Hause gehen. Dabei bin ich sicher, es gab unter diesen Veranstaltungen einige „Zuckerln“ (For our German readers: these are sweets), it would have been worth that ...
shame, maybe some other time. Certainly we will need to think about how we bring our activities more to the public and inform the population. The next year will certainly be a major task of the Executive Board of the ELCC. At least we now have
with the blog and, since 1 November, with the newly designed website ( two communication platforms created. And we hope very popular. In the blog, our count at least to 17 12. 2010 6435 requests registered. And if we then set the posts in the coming year, again more often, then is also the exchange of ideas to get underway. And they look it will still continue to give, also for a time as a mail interested.
And now for books. I come back to the author of Ecclesiastes. There is the age of plenty and there is a time of drought, he wrote. If we'll get the authors of the ELCC, it was certainly a year of plenty! There was a large number of publications by our authors. This is a good sign, although I sometimes think of that word in ABUNDANCE also Vorwörtchen "to" inside and plugged in abundance also may mean ever "too much", some would have been better wenn es nicht erschienen wäre. Aber das ist eben so, dass auch manchmal etwas „durchrutscht.“ Wir haben ja im Rahmen der Lesebiennale da Beispiele erlebt. Gut, nein eigentlich nicht gut, aber darüber schrieb ich ja schon: Therapieschreiben und dergleichen und da haben sich ja die Leser des Blogs und dieser Nachlesen sehr intensiv daran beteiligt. Damit ist wohl auch für uns als Redaktion des Reibeisens eine Klarstellung erfolgt. Wir werden in Hinkunft doch die literarische Qualität in den Vordergrund stellen und nicht das Bedürfnis von jemand, sich sein Leid und seinen Kummer von der Seele schreiben zu müssen. Nochmals und abschließend zu diesem Thema: Wenn der Text gut geschrieben ist, hat er auch eine Chance. Aber um den Schweizer Autor Peter Bichsel (nochmals) zu zitieren: “Wenn ich einen Befund habe, gehe ich damit zum Facharzt und nicht zum Verleger.“ So einfach ist das im Prinzip. Aber eben nur im Prinzip.
Aber was war denn in der übrigen, der Großen Literatur los? Gab es da auch eine Zeit des Überflusses? Im Sinne von „zuviel“ ganz sicher! Die Freunde, die jährlich die Buchmessen besuchen, werden das bestätigen. Das ist sicher ein Überfluss sondergleichen! Wer da alles von Schreiben leben muss! Es ist ja wirklich unbegreiflich, dass auf diesem Markt die einfachsten Marktgesetze überhaupt nicht funktionieren! Es ist schon spannend als Mensch, der Jahrzehnte lang sich mit Wirtschaftsproblemen herumschlagen had to see how everything we had once learned to be upset. Supply, demand, production, substitution, innovation, or the book market in the literary world is all haywire. There have always been years where there was the so-called About Above results. The book of the books of the year, so to speak. It is already clear that there can not be every year. And so a year it seems, was the 2010! The book, which would have torn me from the stool, no, that was not there. And I've read again because of the reviews but many - thanks to the city library Kapfenberg, which always hangs up a lot of new releases. And it is now but already some years ago that it THE BOOK was. Nevertheless, there are an infinite number of books, very good, excellent and this is so beautiful. Despite all the over-production but there is also the quality and we find ourselves from that, it is not always the one that everything preceding is in the shade. Let us look forward to the books out there and we look forward to those to come.
And now I'm going to write something first in their own right. I'm so happy, in March during the book fair in Leipzig will be released my first book. The publisher machines in Berlin bringing my culture "speakers in the trees" out. I hope the book will be a gracious audience and I will in due time to the respective Presentations invite!
The year 2011 will also bring back our literature workshop, right at the beginning of the year we will fix the board the date and the place to give everyone the opportunity to plan their schedules accordingly and holidays. One thing I can already tell you this, it will be a place of mystery and mysticism to be!
When we hear that the torrent rushes, so we instinctively think of "romantic kitsch, and not without reason. And why does our authors to not see when they write the roar of the surf, from the pull of the clouds, the sound of the bells away over the fields - and hundreds of thousands of other metaphors more? Are we asking for a literature which may be full of romance, but free of the kitsch! If the 2011 brings us, then we can be happy!
Dear friends of literature, peace of Christmas be with us all, and the coming year bring us a step closer to what we have done in life!
Best regards - Hans Bäck your

Im Buch Kohelet im alten Testament gibt es das wunderbare Kapitel über die Zeit für alles, was dem Menschen unterkommen kann. Es gibt also eine Zeit für die Freude, für die Trauer, für die Liebe, für den Zorn, für die Arbeit und für die Muse. Der Verfasser des Buches führt noch viele Beispiele an, für die es eine eigene Zeit gäbe. And every age has its meaning, its task. And we are all now in a time of recollection, of reflection, as it was and of reflection, how it will be. Joy, confidence, but also concerns, perhaps sometimes even fear of what awaits us and which we know nothing. We do not know when is something that comes as we are concerned, everything is open 365 days of 2011 ahead of us, today, on 17 December I write this, because after all, have 351 days of 2010 are behind us. It is therefore time to consider what happened to hold a retrospective. Do not worry, dear readers of this blog or e-mail messages, it is not a list of activities, no summation the written lines, etc. It is simply a retrospective for an exciting year.
course will be the focus of these gleanings from the literature, but not only, there are also other areas of art are touched, it will happen a little society, and thus the policy. Let's be surprised what comes to mind as if gleanings 2010.
I have a long break prescribed and adhered to and where not to any rubbish my two cents. Occasionally, but it appealed to me yet and I had to once again, well, yes you did read it. There have been relatively well received - I was glad of - a single cancellation - which also upset me - and much silence that I - presumptuous and conceited as I am now once regarded as a silent nod.
Where to start?
makes sense to where or with which the year comes to an end: the inevitable wishes for Christmas and the upcoming year. The postman groaning under the mountains of mail, although much of it already done by mail. "May I offer his condolences by mail?" Was torn in the spring of 2010, a sentence in a book and a lot of discussion. "Can you do e-mail Merry Christmas?" The question is lost because it is already happening and is increasingly the case. Often with beautifully landscaped enclosures, with their own poems and texts, which is far more beautiful than any 0-8-15 greeting card. So, make all those who write conventional maps and all the others, the sameness by e-mail: a big thank you from me in this way and to me the assurance I will in the years to show myself in this regard abstinence and no Christmas - and send New Year wishes. Why? Well, I let my spinner, I'm just so, so I want to express a little appreciation, those who would otherwise be forgotten too, so I write about none at all.
So, that would be done.
Oh yes, with the coming to an end of the year I wanted to do. There they are still around the wood-timbered ". The way it was before," Cottages on our places in the cities around and signal the general right to give the Advent, at least I can not remember - and as born in 1940, I deliberately but experienced some of Advent - that it used " so "was. There was "used" on the radio always a transfer from the Festspielhaus Salzburg (then the little ones or old) and then someone sat in front with a crumpled, slightly drunken voice and grumbled, "the quietest time of the year."
This mendacious drivel I could not even listen to a teenager and now as age and certainly do not. What lies behind it? Doch eine Sehnsucht von uns allen, nach etwas von dem wir träumen, das es so aber nie gab. Und als Ersatz gibt es nun die Punschhütteln, die gebratenen Maroni, den Glühwein und vor allem die Auftritte der Schulkinder aller Schulstufen, die dürfen dort gemeinsam mit ihren Lehrkräften auf der Bühne am Hauptplatz ein paar Advent- und Weihnachtslieder singen. Und das wissen die Marketingmenschen aller Gemeinden: Kinder ziehen immer (und wenn nur die Großeltern mitkommen), dann noch ein wenig Bläsermusik, der Bürgermeister und die Gemeinderäte lassen sich sehen, gehen huldvoll grüßend durch die Mengen. Ach ja, die Heimatdichter und die heimatlichen Dichter, die kommen auch zu Wort. Wobei ich nun schon erstmals the advent of peace and the celebration of trouble you. Of course, getting the music groups that occur as a fee (yes is no picnic, in the Saukälte had it this year to stand at the main square and "it is scho same Dumpa" blow). What were the children, I do not know the native poet, of course, go empty-handed (or should be happy that we - the community - give them an opportunity to present their texts). If we practice in the coming Advent in denial? I think about it seriously! Invited
we were indeed in some cases. There was a Christmas party, where a business dinner, what's all just so. „Geh, komm und lies ein paar Zeilen“ aber nicht zu lang und nicht zu besinnlich, sonst werden die Leute unruhig. Als Gage? Beim Abendessen eingeladen, selbstverständlich.
Kommen wir doch zu unserem eigenen Metier, zur Literatur. Viele Veranstaltungen des Kapfenberger Europaliteraturkreis waren – von der Besucherzahl her gesehen – ein Flop. Stört das jemand? Oder sollen wir mit dem Fußballklub der Stadt Kapfenberg konkurrieren? Solange die sinkenden Zuschüsse und Subventionen nicht an der Zahl der Teilnehmer gemessen werden, habe ich kein Problem damit, wenn zu einer Lesung 10 Personen kommen, die aber begeistert nach Hause gehen. Dabei bin ich sicher, es gab unter diesen Veranstaltungen einige „Zuckerln“ (For our German readers: these are sweets), it would have been worth that ...
shame, maybe some other time. Certainly we will need to think about how we bring our activities more to the public and inform the population. The next year will certainly be a major task of the Executive Board of the ELCC. At least we now have
with the blog and, since 1 November, with the newly designed website ( two communication platforms created. And we hope very popular. In the blog, our count at least to 17 12. 2010 6435 requests registered. And if we then set the posts in the coming year, again more often, then is also the exchange of ideas to get underway. And they look it will still continue to give, also for a time as a mail interested.
And now for books. I come back to the author of Ecclesiastes. There is the age of plenty and there is a time of drought, he wrote. If we'll get the authors of the ELCC, it was certainly a year of plenty! There was a large number of publications by our authors. This is a good sign, although I sometimes think of that word in ABUNDANCE also Vorwörtchen "to" inside and plugged in abundance also may mean ever "too much", some would have been better wenn es nicht erschienen wäre. Aber das ist eben so, dass auch manchmal etwas „durchrutscht.“ Wir haben ja im Rahmen der Lesebiennale da Beispiele erlebt. Gut, nein eigentlich nicht gut, aber darüber schrieb ich ja schon: Therapieschreiben und dergleichen und da haben sich ja die Leser des Blogs und dieser Nachlesen sehr intensiv daran beteiligt. Damit ist wohl auch für uns als Redaktion des Reibeisens eine Klarstellung erfolgt. Wir werden in Hinkunft doch die literarische Qualität in den Vordergrund stellen und nicht das Bedürfnis von jemand, sich sein Leid und seinen Kummer von der Seele schreiben zu müssen. Nochmals und abschließend zu diesem Thema: Wenn der Text gut geschrieben ist, hat er auch eine Chance. Aber um den Schweizer Autor Peter Bichsel (nochmals) zu zitieren: “Wenn ich einen Befund habe, gehe ich damit zum Facharzt und nicht zum Verleger.“ So einfach ist das im Prinzip. Aber eben nur im Prinzip.
Aber was war denn in der übrigen, der Großen Literatur los? Gab es da auch eine Zeit des Überflusses? Im Sinne von „zuviel“ ganz sicher! Die Freunde, die jährlich die Buchmessen besuchen, werden das bestätigen. Das ist sicher ein Überfluss sondergleichen! Wer da alles von Schreiben leben muss! Es ist ja wirklich unbegreiflich, dass auf diesem Markt die einfachsten Marktgesetze überhaupt nicht funktionieren! Es ist schon spannend als Mensch, der Jahrzehnte lang sich mit Wirtschaftsproblemen herumschlagen had to see how everything we had once learned to be upset. Supply, demand, production, substitution, innovation, or the book market in the literary world is all haywire. There have always been years where there was the so-called About Above results. The book of the books of the year, so to speak. It is already clear that there can not be every year. And so a year it seems, was the 2010! The book, which would have torn me from the stool, no, that was not there. And I've read again because of the reviews but many - thanks to the city library Kapfenberg, which always hangs up a lot of new releases. And it is now but already some years ago that it THE BOOK was. Nevertheless, there are an infinite number of books, very good, excellent and this is so beautiful. Despite all the over-production but there is also the quality and we find ourselves from that, it is not always the one that everything preceding is in the shade. Let us look forward to the books out there and we look forward to those to come.
And now I'm going to write something first in their own right. I'm so happy, in March during the book fair in Leipzig will be released my first book. The publisher machines in Berlin bringing my culture "speakers in the trees" out. I hope the book will be a gracious audience and I will in due time to the respective Presentations invite!
The year 2011 will also bring back our literature workshop, right at the beginning of the year we will fix the board the date and the place to give everyone the opportunity to plan their schedules accordingly and holidays. One thing I can already tell you this, it will be a place of mystery and mysticism to be!
When we hear that the torrent rushes, so we instinctively think of "romantic kitsch, and not without reason. And why does our authors to not see when they write the roar of the surf, from the pull of the clouds, the sound of the bells away over the fields - and hundreds of thousands of other metaphors more? Are we asking for a literature which may be full of romance, but free of the kitsch! If the 2011 brings us, then we can be happy!
Dear friends of literature, peace of Christmas be with us all, and the coming year bring us a step closer to what we have done in life!
Best regards - Hans Bäck your
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Where Can I Buy Peroni Beer?
improved Addendum submitted by boy truth
The Thomas Denk formulated dramatically. But for the pages 242-249 the characterization certainly applies. As a boy propagated values \u200b\u200bthat are only of black and yellow, and all right if it represented. He
have these ideas might like to keep as a reason, a party who represents another to be undemocratic, they are not me.
Most freuen dürften sich die über das Buch, die im Wahlkampf noch nach Munition gegen die Linke suchen, also vor allem die bürgerlichen Parteien. Knabe liefert dazu in seinem Nachschlagewerk jedes nur erdenkliche Argument gegen die Linke und dazu noch jede Menge Argumentationshilfen gegen die SPD.(aus der Besprechung der Süddeutschen Zeitung from 19/03/2009)
Das Problem ist nicht, dass Knabe immer wieder an das Unrechtssystem DDR erinnert. Auch nicht, dass er die Fakten über das skandalöse Finanzgebaren der PDS als Rechtsnachfolgerin der SED zusammenträgt. Das Problem ist, dass er den Parteigängern der Linken auch 20 Jahre nach der Wende noch pauschal abspricht, sich möglicherweise demokratisiert zu haben.
The Thomas Denk formulated dramatically. But for the pages 242-249 the characterization certainly applies. As a boy propagated values \u200b\u200bthat are only of black and yellow, and all right if it represented. He
have these ideas might like to keep as a reason, a party who represents another to be undemocratic, they are not me.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Thai Green Curry Thick
Friday 17 December 2010 last Hock in the outgoing years
The last greetings in the old year and in the old BLOG
Warning Warning Warning
We continue next year in the new BLOG, see above.
Please subscribe again!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Charleston Wood And Wire Fence
companion Attatürk
I have just read the article in the NZZ on the memoirs of Halide Edip Adivar and think you should draw attention to the woman and the book.
thanks: news service for historians
I have just read the article in the NZZ on the memoirs of Halide Edip Adivar and think you should draw attention to the woman and the book.
thanks: news service for historians
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Fondant Ballet Slipper Tutorial
Germany PISA values
is intelligence, what the intelligence test measures.
German schools now seem to be better on the questions of the PISA tests to prepare. Hopefully it was not lost too much else important.
Here some reports on this year's test.
is intelligence, what the intelligence test measures.
German schools now seem to be better on the questions of the PISA tests to prepare. Hopefully it was not lost too much else important.
Here some reports on this year's test.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Pokemon List In Black Chaos
The educational ideal of the German classical and the modern world of work
Theodor Litt distinguishes the German classics and the modern world of work from her first ambition. While the classical've seen in the training of the highest goal of humanity, whether in the substantive work of the technical progress.
This was seen in the classic Sun It was based on Rousseau, who saw the people at risk in its proper through the culture.
In terms of a nature-oriented view of nature turned against her Goethe mathematization (see his theory of color in contrast to Newtonian).
But, according to Litt points out, freedom remains the man in dealing with the case received, because even reach only the free will to concentrate on the matter.
The educational ideal of the classical and the efforts are to technical progress in accordance Litt but just not irreconcilable in opposition, because:
(Although the entry of even a few main ideas in written But it should be supplemented on occasion. .)
Theodor Litt distinguishes the German classics and the modern world of work from her first ambition. While the classical've seen in the training of the highest goal of humanity, whether in the substantive work of the technical progress.
This was seen in the classic Sun It was based on Rousseau, who saw the people at risk in its proper through the culture.
In terms of a nature-oriented view of nature turned against her Goethe mathematization (see his theory of color in contrast to Newtonian).
But, according to Litt points out, freedom remains the man in dealing with the case received, because even reach only the free will to concentrate on the matter.
The educational ideal of the classical and the efforts are to technical progress in accordance Litt but just not irreconcilable in opposition, because:
more, less is capable, even in substantive result to discover by himself, the firm may rely on it, in the effort to This result also put themselves forward, perhaps even "educated" right to actually. The "alienation", which is completed in taking the thing, a place of honor in the circle of operations, in the "formation" of the work together as a whole viewed humanity. And if you from the fact that and how this formation of the "inside" the "exterior" and by the convinced "outside", one feels tempted in the doing of the then related to fine a statement that "lively appetite", the Goethe undivided applaud: the drive, connected to the world to form a whole. " Thus, reveal the theoretical practical approach with which Goethe can not reconcile such a way as fulfilling a basic requirement imposed by himself. (p.94)Theodor Litt: The educational ideal of the German classical and the modern world of work , Bonn 1955, 148 pages
(Although the entry of even a few main ideas in written But it should be supplemented on occasion. .)
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Fast Thaw Frozen Sausage
The German spirit and Christianity. On the nature of historical encounter
The phrase "the German spirit", 1938 in the Kristallnacht pogrom of a German university teacher needed, which is known to 1933, Hitler raises fears the worst. But this scripture of Theodor Litt retains an astonishing independence, Litt was probably only possible because er im Jahr zuvor seine vorzeitige Versetzung in den Ruhestand erreicht hatte.
Statt einer NS-Bekenntnisschrift erwartet den Leser eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit Alfred Rosenbergs Mythus des 20. Jahrhunderts , freilich eine unpolemische.
Den in der damaligen Zeitsituation an sich nicht vorhandenen, für die Kritik aber notwendigen Argumentationsspielraum gewinnt Litt dadurch, dass er seine Haltung deutlich von der eines gläubigen Christen absetzt. Er betrachte das Christentum als geschichtliche Erscheinung und nicht, wie der Gläubige es müsse, als eine aller Zeitlichkeit überlegene Erhebung zum Transzendenten.
Seine Kritik an Rosenberg setzt an dessen Verständnis von Welfare to. If it is the only object of man's nature to do justice and to not fail, then he could not develop into something higher. It will only be possible through the meeting with something else.
The man is not completely determined by its genetic material, because then he differed not influenced by the animal, but not solely by his environment because he was not free. Rather, he is in an intermediate position where he could choose what he associates, whom he would meet. Conducive to development is always better when it was compared to or greater than the ego. ("The security, therefore, in the gospel of self-development people want to weigh, is a self-deception. "p.29)
same applies to Litt among peoples and cultures. Such a meeting could not be undone by simply stripping creates a newly formed top layer and on the ground of his being return, for a meeting, are becoming the whole person. This was also recognized Christianity to Western culture, so that it "continued to be effective there, too, where every thought is far from gospel, confession and church" (p.56).
Finally, he criticized therefore generally "certain forms of human life interpretation and direction in life" if they disagree with the encounter the others were aligned, and emphasizes "how strict everything human, if it wants to fulfill his destiny, the" other "is instructed, under the not his disposal." (P.58)
From now seen from the surprise of the liberal arts education Coming completely unempirical argument reflects on the genetic and environmental influences is. Especially a statement appears on the Christian peoples and their influences on us today soul quite cloudy. ("The Christian nations, as long as an unshakable certainty of faith in their lives had the lead, this claim and order penetrated more deeply into the soul, moved away, depending on the belief the divine from the earthly and the more he fervently, however, and because of it, to the infinitely distant point and pushed up. "p.47)
But it is an argument that knows no compromises with the Nazi evil spirit and proves that even the conservative point of view in 1938 criticism of Nazi positions was possible
Theodor Litt.. The German spirit and Christianity from being historical encounter , Leopold Klotz Verlag , Leipzig (3 and 4 thousand) in 1938, 63 pages
Wolfgang Klafki goes in his essay Current Controversies in the German education on the relationship of the Humanities Education for National Socialism, Marburg 1998 short on Theodor Litt one turns out and that he had not been corrupted by the Nazis can.
The phrase "the German spirit", 1938 in the Kristallnacht pogrom of a German university teacher needed, which is known to 1933, Hitler raises fears the worst. But this scripture of Theodor Litt retains an astonishing independence, Litt was probably only possible because er im Jahr zuvor seine vorzeitige Versetzung in den Ruhestand erreicht hatte.
Statt einer NS-Bekenntnisschrift erwartet den Leser eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit Alfred Rosenbergs Mythus des 20. Jahrhunderts , freilich eine unpolemische.
Den in der damaligen Zeitsituation an sich nicht vorhandenen, für die Kritik aber notwendigen Argumentationsspielraum gewinnt Litt dadurch, dass er seine Haltung deutlich von der eines gläubigen Christen absetzt. Er betrachte das Christentum als geschichtliche Erscheinung und nicht, wie der Gläubige es müsse, als eine aller Zeitlichkeit überlegene Erhebung zum Transzendenten.
Seine Kritik an Rosenberg setzt an dessen Verständnis von Welfare to. If it is the only object of man's nature to do justice and to not fail, then he could not develop into something higher. It will only be possible through the meeting with something else.
The man is not completely determined by its genetic material, because then he differed not influenced by the animal, but not solely by his environment because he was not free. Rather, he is in an intermediate position where he could choose what he associates, whom he would meet. Conducive to development is always better when it was compared to or greater than the ego. ("The security, therefore, in the gospel of self-development people want to weigh, is a self-deception. "p.29)
same applies to Litt among peoples and cultures. Such a meeting could not be undone by simply stripping creates a newly formed top layer and on the ground of his being return, for a meeting, are becoming the whole person. This was also recognized Christianity to Western culture, so that it "continued to be effective there, too, where every thought is far from gospel, confession and church" (p.56).
Finally, he criticized therefore generally "certain forms of human life interpretation and direction in life" if they disagree with the encounter the others were aligned, and emphasizes "how strict everything human, if it wants to fulfill his destiny, the" other "is instructed, under the not his disposal." (P.58)
From now seen from the surprise of the liberal arts education Coming completely unempirical argument reflects on the genetic and environmental influences is. Especially a statement appears on the Christian peoples and their influences on us today soul quite cloudy. ("The Christian nations, as long as an unshakable certainty of faith in their lives had the lead, this claim and order penetrated more deeply into the soul, moved away, depending on the belief the divine from the earthly and the more he fervently, however, and because of it, to the infinitely distant point and pushed up. "p.47)
But it is an argument that knows no compromises with the Nazi evil spirit and proves that even the conservative point of view in 1938 criticism of Nazi positions was possible
Theodor Litt.. The German spirit and Christianity from being historical encounter , Leopold Klotz Verlag , Leipzig (3 and 4 thousand) in 1938, 63 pages
Wolfgang Klafki goes in his essay Current Controversies in the German education on the relationship of the Humanities Education for National Socialism, Marburg 1998 short on Theodor Litt one turns out and that he had not been corrupted by the Nazis can.
Scottish Nicknames Funny
boy on the strategy of the PDS and defender
Hubertus Knabe, in his book "The Truth about the Left" (p.195) that:
Hubertus Knabe, in his book "The Truth about the Left" (p.195) that:
The strategy itself as Ostpartei was for the PDS a complete success. In this case it was beneficial that the public is always busy with the problems of the unification process, while issues of foreign policy or national security at that time a minor Role-playing. Only a few years after the end of the SED regime in East Germany, the PDS could in any event reap amazing successes. These were closely related to the fact that there the GDR in the picture years i99oer increasingly positive stained. During the year of the reunification of East Germans were almost three-quarters of the intolerable conditions in the GDR, it was 56 percent in 1994 and 2001, even only 44 percent. In contrast, the proportion of those who held the living conditions in the GDR as tolerable, in the same period from 19 to 42 percent. Whathinstellt Hubertus Knabe as a clever strategy of the PDS, led inevitably to some extent from the situation that the PDS practice only in the former East Germany and that members had during the integration process resulted in some hardships for residents, including lower wages than in beting, rising unemployment and the shock of a new legal system.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Is Any One Name Apple
trivializing crimes of the SED dictatorship?
Hubertus Knabe looks dangerous historical distortions and organizations for the darkening of crimes from the SED dictatorship in the Insider Committee for the Promotion of critical appropriation of the history of the Stasi , at the Society for Legal and Humanitarian Assistance ( GRH ), in which ISOR and many other organizations He is the perpetrator in his books cites among us and The truth about the Left . (To The infiltrated Republic and other publications of reviews boy )
These attempts at a historical policy to Verhharmlosung of GDR history have to develop a curriculum for the history of the GDR seem particularly important.
note this here is a link to GDR everyday and DDR-Lexikon .
Hubertus Knabe looks dangerous historical distortions and organizations for the darkening of crimes from the SED dictatorship in the Insider Committee for the Promotion of critical appropriation of the history of the Stasi , at the Society for Legal and Humanitarian Assistance ( GRH ), in which ISOR and many other organizations He is the perpetrator in his books cites among us and The truth about the Left . (To The infiltrated Republic and other publications of reviews boy )
These attempts at a historical policy to Verhharmlosung of GDR history have to develop a curriculum for the history of the GDR seem particularly important.
note this here is a link to GDR everyday and DDR-Lexikon .
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Desert Eagles Pearl Grips
history of the GDR, the SED, the PDS and its successor parties
now there is still little clarity about what is taught in schools about the history of the GDR should be. It is clear that mere facts can not bring much history. It depends on the setting of priorities. More on this later.
One focus has set Hubertus Knabe : Treatment of injustice that has happened in the GDR. In his latest book "The Truth about the Left " he now considers the history and the subsequent history of the SED, the ruling party of East Germany. ( review in )
Although his presentation is controversial, and rightly so, he goes so strange ideas like that trade unionists should not be politically active (p.377), yet is what he Material together with, for the subject post-history of the SED very interesting. He shows in detail how the PDS has tried to get money stocks (by on 10/01/1989 6.3 billion dollars) and assets of 6-10 Milliaerden Mark for the party (p.158 ff), he goes on the revenue of the SED from the gifts and service to the Genex Putnik affair, and referenced findings of the independent commission of the Bundestag to investigate the fate of the SED assets. The
- opaque - role Schalck-Golodkowskis and the "commercial coordination " is therefore my opinion of course zu kurz.
now there is still little clarity about what is taught in schools about the history of the GDR should be. It is clear that mere facts can not bring much history. It depends on the setting of priorities. More on this later.
One focus has set Hubertus Knabe : Treatment of injustice that has happened in the GDR. In his latest book "The Truth about the Left " he now considers the history and the subsequent history of the SED, the ruling party of East Germany. ( review in )
Although his presentation is controversial, and rightly so, he goes so strange ideas like that trade unionists should not be politically active (p.377), yet is what he Material together with, for the subject post-history of the SED very interesting. He shows in detail how the PDS has tried to get money stocks (by on 10/01/1989 6.3 billion dollars) and assets of 6-10 Milliaerden Mark for the party (p.158 ff), he goes on the revenue of the SED from the gifts and service to the Genex Putnik affair, and referenced findings of the independent commission of the Bundestag to investigate the fate of the SED assets. The
- opaque - role Schalck-Golodkowskis and the "commercial coordination " is therefore my opinion of course zu kurz.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Business Loans In Dubai
annual conference of the Association of Free German authors
of 5 to 7 November 2010 in Leipzig.
Why is the event to a retrospective in the Austrian literature of the European literature Kapfenberg blog worth?
Well, once the author is also a member of the FDA - National Association of Hamburg / Schleswig-Holstein (Which is quite near the Styria) and on the other hand, was the conference theme exciting and interesting.
Was it worth it for twice eleven hours train ride to take on?
to pay registration fee, additional costs to accumulate?
Yes, it was worth it!
There's even this city from which so much went out, even though other cities say in the former East Germany on its own, would be something to them and also have been much earlier. That, frankly, I do not care, I'm in the media of his time last year and this year followed the commemorative events. And because Leipzig was for me the "key city" and I was looking forward to it.
It started with the fact that the main station Leipzig presented itself in all its glory, just as we are the first and former head of European Railway Stations of illustrated books and documentaries about. A huge iron structure, which showed how the technicians time to deal with the new material for her iron as a structural element. But do not worry, it is not an architectural and historical analysis. It's about the writing and the twenty years of German unity.
Brecht A great evening after an introductory speech by the President of the FDA was preparing on the mood of the participants. Sorry, could the Department of German literature after 1989, I follow only partially we accumulated thanks to DB (and ÖBB) but a significant delay to Leipzig. But we are thinking for themselves what is left of the East German literature, I often think, where are those authors who for years through the Klagenfurt reading competition under the name of Ingeborg Bachmann dominated? Where is Uwe Saeger, a Irina Liebmann? Where is Erika Schubert? And many others. Who came instead? All those who previously could not publish? A whole new generation of writers? Certainly the latter also, there is still the lighthouses of the earlier generation of writers, a Rainer Kunze, a beer man, who write all still are there. I now think a little of the Annual Conference 2009 held in Munich , under the theme "Literature and Criticism" was. As I often had the impression that the latest literature is dominated from the so-called new federal states the theme: "We were poor, his time in the GDR, but happy," and the West German colleagues that writing at a certain Beißhemmung had. There was some text that you would actually read any better at an all-German annual meeting. But that was both the problem of presenting authors and the national associations, which met the selection.
Back on 2010 and the annual meeting. Of course, we found that the participants (but not only) back a year older were made. Pleased we were able to determine that the meeting this time was perfectly organized and the conference hotel to all expectations met fully (unlike 2009 in Munich) and of course stayed in the evening time to a small circle of a first introductory visit to the Leipzig Kneipp to pay. As was natural for an initial visit to the absolute highlight of the program, had to be there Auerbach's Keller. Too bad the Western fraudulent scam has been struck, and this location is certainly never worth a visit. Since so many can still Goethe, Faust and Mephisto characters and sayings hanging around the place, never again.
A workshop on the relationship with a Leipzig publisher, author and publisher war eine zwiespältige Angelegenheit. Mit den Kleinverlagen ist es halt auch so, dass da zwei Blinde zusammenkommen und das wird nicht immer gut gehen. Da ist der Autor, der meint, er kann Bücher schreiben (und damit expliziert meint „und sonst nix“) da ist der Verleger, der meint er kann Bücher machen (und damit auch signalisiert „sonst nix“). Da geht es doch darum, den Autor und sein Werk zu „vermarkten“ und in diesem Wort steckt ganz deutlich der Markt drinnen, da bedarf es eines Marketingkonzeptes, eines Werbeplans, einer Werbekampagne, und natürlich auch eines Werbeetats. Und wenn es daran fehlt, dann kann das Buch auch kein Erfolg werden. Es ist ja ein bekanntes Phänomen, dass Bestseller are not written, but made. And that it requires more than just knowing where you can print cost who makes an inexpensive editing, where you get a cheap layout, etc. And I think probably because the authors - and especially we who are in the third and fourth row are - not to be "fine" and would cooperate in their own interest. Shaping the advertising line, the appearance, presentation and planning stage. There are already plenty of excellent examples of events with which authors make their presentations to a real event. Since we can not and should abkupfern. All this and much else in this context was missing me. As many would discuss and work out, not only in a workshop of about two hours. As it should have an overall working group of the Association is to worry and work out solutions. That would be a help to many writers who write not so bad and yet ultimately depend on the damn vanity presses. Perhaps a suggestion. Next year, even as the Heinrich von Kleist - commemoration of the program, it is just a matter of opinion whether it is appropriate and necessary, a poet who died 200 years ago, work up. The 189th Biography, perhaps? The rolling out of the poet stood between the Classical and Romantic? S intellectual analysis of his knights dramas, oh no, we have that and we are waiting from 2011. The National Association of Brandenburg is to come up with some (otherwise you could just help a little from Austria - ideas, there would have to, dear Hannah).
Back to Annual Meeting 2010th
Prof. Dr. Alfred Grosser spoke brilliantly about the association from the perspective of a Frenchman, no more from the perspective of a European. And that was important at a time when the joyful resurrection Nationalstaaterei again celebrates (and not in a small Austria). Since there was real "treats" that we as listeners melt on the tongue can be had, as an example of what is reconciliation between Poles and Germans and Jews and Germans? Reconciliation means so that both sides were more guilty than himself. And where is the the other side? On the other hand, the joy of the French on the existence of the Euroregion Neisse, against all estates misery of the displaced - Associations. We know the little ones but also with the aspirations of Gottschee team from Slovenia today to demand restitution. Alfred Grosser - that was a highlight! For that reason alone it was worth it to Leipzig to come!
The following panel discussion "candles - Assembly changed the world, why the guns were silent really" with protagonists of the October / November 1989 showed - at least for me Austrians the tensions and dangers in the air were and how the consideration of the Superintendent, with candles in hand you can not use force 'has been followed 70 000 people. As violence has also led to violent and overpowered a unique win-win situation! That was for me to do history!
course led me to my next way Nikolai Church, from which everything emanated. Wide open, inviting the gate, "we are always open and for all" is the message that comes from the late Romanesque crucifix. The outstretched arms of the crucified Christ, who absorbs all covers, protected. My
memorial contribution in this church - but this is my personal thing, thanks to those who mustered up the courage at that time 20 years ago of Christianity and did not ask "What can happen, which is allowed, so" no hinsichtl Rücksichtl and simply be there to do, pray, trust God. It was nice to have been there to commemorate and whose!
The conclusion in Thomas's Church with an organ concert by the organist Thomas Bach on the great organ, a view of the sky Bach.
Dear FDA Board! Do you like not many opportunities have benefited like, you exhaust yourself in club matters, may you not always best texts and literature have in your ranks - this meeting was a credit to the FDA - a big thank you from Styria!
Your Austrian member
Hans Bäck
of 5 to 7 November 2010 in Leipzig.

Why is the event to a retrospective in the Austrian literature of the European literature Kapfenberg blog worth?
Well, once the author is also a member of the FDA - National Association of Hamburg / Schleswig-Holstein (Which is quite near the Styria) and on the other hand, was the conference theme exciting and interesting.
Was it worth it for twice eleven hours train ride to take on?
to pay registration fee, additional costs to accumulate?
Yes, it was worth it!
There's even this city from which so much went out, even though other cities say in the former East Germany on its own, would be something to them and also have been much earlier. That, frankly, I do not care, I'm in the media of his time last year and this year followed the commemorative events. And because Leipzig was for me the "key city" and I was looking forward to it.
It started with the fact that the main station Leipzig presented itself in all its glory, just as we are the first and former head of European Railway Stations of illustrated books and documentaries about. A huge iron structure, which showed how the technicians time to deal with the new material for her iron as a structural element. But do not worry, it is not an architectural and historical analysis. It's about the writing and the twenty years of German unity.
Brecht A great evening after an introductory speech by the President of the FDA was preparing on the mood of the participants. Sorry, could the Department of German literature after 1989, I follow only partially we accumulated thanks to DB (and ÖBB) but a significant delay to Leipzig. But we are thinking for themselves what is left of the East German literature, I often think, where are those authors who for years through the Klagenfurt reading competition under the name of Ingeborg Bachmann dominated? Where is Uwe Saeger, a Irina Liebmann? Where is Erika Schubert? And many others. Who came instead? All those who previously could not publish? A whole new generation of writers? Certainly the latter also, there is still the lighthouses of the earlier generation of writers, a Rainer Kunze, a beer man, who write all still are there. I now think a little of the Annual Conference 2009 held in Munich , under the theme "Literature and Criticism" was. As I often had the impression that the latest literature is dominated from the so-called new federal states the theme: "We were poor, his time in the GDR, but happy," and the West German colleagues that writing at a certain Beißhemmung had. There was some text that you would actually read any better at an all-German annual meeting. But that was both the problem of presenting authors and the national associations, which met the selection.
Back on 2010 and the annual meeting. Of course, we found that the participants (but not only) back a year older were made. Pleased we were able to determine that the meeting this time was perfectly organized and the conference hotel to all expectations met fully (unlike 2009 in Munich) and of course stayed in the evening time to a small circle of a first introductory visit to the Leipzig Kneipp to pay. As was natural for an initial visit to the absolute highlight of the program, had to be there Auerbach's Keller. Too bad the Western fraudulent scam has been struck, and this location is certainly never worth a visit. Since so many can still Goethe, Faust and Mephisto characters and sayings hanging around the place, never again.
A workshop on the relationship with a Leipzig publisher, author and publisher war eine zwiespältige Angelegenheit. Mit den Kleinverlagen ist es halt auch so, dass da zwei Blinde zusammenkommen und das wird nicht immer gut gehen. Da ist der Autor, der meint, er kann Bücher schreiben (und damit expliziert meint „und sonst nix“) da ist der Verleger, der meint er kann Bücher machen (und damit auch signalisiert „sonst nix“). Da geht es doch darum, den Autor und sein Werk zu „vermarkten“ und in diesem Wort steckt ganz deutlich der Markt drinnen, da bedarf es eines Marketingkonzeptes, eines Werbeplans, einer Werbekampagne, und natürlich auch eines Werbeetats. Und wenn es daran fehlt, dann kann das Buch auch kein Erfolg werden. Es ist ja ein bekanntes Phänomen, dass Bestseller are not written, but made. And that it requires more than just knowing where you can print cost who makes an inexpensive editing, where you get a cheap layout, etc. And I think probably because the authors - and especially we who are in the third and fourth row are - not to be "fine" and would cooperate in their own interest. Shaping the advertising line, the appearance, presentation and planning stage. There are already plenty of excellent examples of events with which authors make their presentations to a real event. Since we can not and should abkupfern. All this and much else in this context was missing me. As many would discuss and work out, not only in a workshop of about two hours. As it should have an overall working group of the Association is to worry and work out solutions. That would be a help to many writers who write not so bad and yet ultimately depend on the damn vanity presses. Perhaps a suggestion. Next year, even as the Heinrich von Kleist - commemoration of the program, it is just a matter of opinion whether it is appropriate and necessary, a poet who died 200 years ago, work up. The 189th Biography, perhaps? The rolling out of the poet stood between the Classical and Romantic? S intellectual analysis of his knights dramas, oh no, we have that and we are waiting from 2011. The National Association of Brandenburg is to come up with some (otherwise you could just help a little from Austria - ideas, there would have to, dear Hannah).
Back to Annual Meeting 2010th
Prof. Dr. Alfred Grosser spoke brilliantly about the association from the perspective of a Frenchman, no more from the perspective of a European. And that was important at a time when the joyful resurrection Nationalstaaterei again celebrates (and not in a small Austria). Since there was real "treats" that we as listeners melt on the tongue can be had, as an example of what is reconciliation between Poles and Germans and Jews and Germans? Reconciliation means so that both sides were more guilty than himself. And where is the the other side? On the other hand, the joy of the French on the existence of the Euroregion Neisse, against all estates misery of the displaced - Associations. We know the little ones but also with the aspirations of Gottschee team from Slovenia today to demand restitution. Alfred Grosser - that was a highlight! For that reason alone it was worth it to Leipzig to come!
The following panel discussion "candles - Assembly changed the world, why the guns were silent really" with protagonists of the October / November 1989 showed - at least for me Austrians the tensions and dangers in the air were and how the consideration of the Superintendent, with candles in hand you can not use force 'has been followed 70 000 people. As violence has also led to violent and overpowered a unique win-win situation! That was for me to do history!
course led me to my next way Nikolai Church, from which everything emanated. Wide open, inviting the gate, "we are always open and for all" is the message that comes from the late Romanesque crucifix. The outstretched arms of the crucified Christ, who absorbs all covers, protected. My
memorial contribution in this church - but this is my personal thing, thanks to those who mustered up the courage at that time 20 years ago of Christianity and did not ask "What can happen, which is allowed, so" no hinsichtl Rücksichtl and simply be there to do, pray, trust God. It was nice to have been there to commemorate and whose!
The conclusion in Thomas's Church with an organ concert by the organist Thomas Bach on the great organ, a view of the sky Bach.
Dear FDA Board! Do you like not many opportunities have benefited like, you exhaust yourself in club matters, may you not always best texts and literature have in your ranks - this meeting was a credit to the FDA - a big thank you from Styria!
Your Austrian member
Hans Bäck
Friday, November 5, 2010
Where To Buy Sugared Walnuts
Bäcks October gleanings 2010
It is generally said that books do not trigger revolutions, and not in a position to change the world.
Like anything else, "men say so," we must also not be generalized, the ideologues of various Couleurs fundamentalists of all religions and they are decided to appeal against such a statement of protest. However, little is clear, there are books that - once so we say now - now and then a vortex . Trigger
was what it there for a noise in the forest of leaves, wrote as a federal German bankers a book and it said that integration should be considered failure of immigrants in Germany and, above all, that immigration does not bring that population growth, that for the preservation of our welfare state was necessary. Meanwhile, the vociferous protests of the good guy has certainly been laid, the author was reprimanded and up to the tips of the Federal Republic of Germany is thinking about the theories and in particular on the conclusions of Mr. Sarrazin. And suddenly there is a Chancellor to be allowed to claim that multiculturalism had failed. And suddenly über darüber gesprochen, werden auch Meinungen angehört, die bis vor kurzem automatisch dem Rechten Eck zugeordnet wurden. Ich habe das Buch gelesen, und ich muss sagen, es lohnt sich schon darüber nachzudenken, was Herr Sarrazin da von sich gibt. Meine Aufforderung, lesen bevor über den Autor das Urteil gesprochen wird!
Wer erinnert sich nicht an das Buch „Kopfgeburten oder die Deutschen sterben aus“ von Günther Grass. Die beiden Studienräte aus Itzehoe haben auf der Reise durch China plötzlich den Alptraum, dass es anstelle von (damals) 950 Millionen Chinesen ebenso viele Deutsche gäbe. Ein Alptraum? Es lohnt sich, die beiden Bücher zu lesen: Grass: „Kopfgeburten“ Sarrazin and "Germany abolishes the"
Once again Marcel Proust. I will not invite the entire Schmöker "In Search of Lost Time" bring out or borrow in the library. But a little would not hurt to page through it. The Austrian philosopher Peter Strasser wrote recently in the "spectrum" of the "press" under the title "There is something better in the world" about the longing that lies within us all. And just quoting Proust on page 3940 (not a joke, actually, I am sure) "For the true paradises are those that you lost." Well, it's already once was: the work through to almost 4,000 pages and then find that sentence! Reading pleasure I can say!
Reinhard Jirgl received on 23 October the year's Büchner Prize. After two Austrians in previous years, so now a writer from Germany, and another one that is more likely to be regarded as outsiders of the literature I'm looking forward Reinhard Mermi will present the author in the blog soon too.
Yes, Reinhard Mermi! He told me on the phone that he met at a reading recently at the poet Gerd Jonker and if I know this Austrian author. Yes, dear Reinhard and whether and how!
Gert Jonkers, died last year, way too early! Since his first novel, "Geometric regional novel" Jonker worked like a madman and published novels, poetry, plays, almost on a yearly basis. As if he knew that his time would be limited. Jonker was the first Bachmann Awards (1977), followed by a series of prizes and awards. I remember performances of some of his plays at the Forum Stadtpark in Graz or in Styriate.
Gert Jonkers, most certainly a delight to read!
A notice yet: As agreed in 2011 will be held back a several-day literary workshop. As our friends and Mermi Reinhard Manfred Kolb no suitable Location have been identified, we will look back on us a bit. Currently, houses are in Slovenia for discussion, either in space Jeruzalem (in Slovenia - not in the Middle East), or at Bohjinsko Jezero (Bohinj lake) or in the Slovenian Karst in the hinterland of Trieste / Gorizia. Details will follow soon after the New Year.
forgive me if I was in my "future reference" continues to consider the so-called do-gooders a little vicious and they look rather than the opposite of what they wanted to be. But I have - of course yet again - a reading experience. Eventually, the youthful exuberance (all that was printed was read) I read also been notified in the writings Robbe spar. Yes exactly, that Jacobins of the French Revolution of 1789! And then wrote more than 220 years of the necessity of terror of the good and as we now than in the 20th Century grew to know the Well-intentioned is often exactly that which led to bad or even worse, become identical to itself mostly with the bad. And as we know, the theory of terror of the good with the French Revolution (and, subsequently, not only there) led to rivers of blood and ultimately seal the head spar and even tasted.
And one last quip, this time the actor Michael Degen, who in the new production des „Heldenplatz“ den Robert Schuster spielte: Österreich sollte stolz sein, einen Dichter wie Thomas Bernhard gehabt zu haben!
Soviel für heute – bis zu nächsten Mal!
Hans Bäck

It is generally said that books do not trigger revolutions, and not in a position to change the world.
Like anything else, "men say so," we must also not be generalized, the ideologues of various Couleurs fundamentalists of all religions and they are decided to appeal against such a statement of protest. However, little is clear, there are books that - once so we say now - now and then a vortex . Trigger
was what it there for a noise in the forest of leaves, wrote as a federal German bankers a book and it said that integration should be considered failure of immigrants in Germany and, above all, that immigration does not bring that population growth, that for the preservation of our welfare state was necessary. Meanwhile, the vociferous protests of the good guy has certainly been laid, the author was reprimanded and up to the tips of the Federal Republic of Germany is thinking about the theories and in particular on the conclusions of Mr. Sarrazin. And suddenly there is a Chancellor to be allowed to claim that multiculturalism had failed. And suddenly über darüber gesprochen, werden auch Meinungen angehört, die bis vor kurzem automatisch dem Rechten Eck zugeordnet wurden. Ich habe das Buch gelesen, und ich muss sagen, es lohnt sich schon darüber nachzudenken, was Herr Sarrazin da von sich gibt. Meine Aufforderung, lesen bevor über den Autor das Urteil gesprochen wird!
Wer erinnert sich nicht an das Buch „Kopfgeburten oder die Deutschen sterben aus“ von Günther Grass. Die beiden Studienräte aus Itzehoe haben auf der Reise durch China plötzlich den Alptraum, dass es anstelle von (damals) 950 Millionen Chinesen ebenso viele Deutsche gäbe. Ein Alptraum? Es lohnt sich, die beiden Bücher zu lesen: Grass: „Kopfgeburten“ Sarrazin and "Germany abolishes the"
Once again Marcel Proust. I will not invite the entire Schmöker "In Search of Lost Time" bring out or borrow in the library. But a little would not hurt to page through it. The Austrian philosopher Peter Strasser wrote recently in the "spectrum" of the "press" under the title "There is something better in the world" about the longing that lies within us all. And just quoting Proust on page 3940 (not a joke, actually, I am sure) "For the true paradises are those that you lost." Well, it's already once was: the work through to almost 4,000 pages and then find that sentence! Reading pleasure I can say!
Reinhard Jirgl received on 23 October the year's Büchner Prize. After two Austrians in previous years, so now a writer from Germany, and another one that is more likely to be regarded as outsiders of the literature I'm looking forward Reinhard Mermi will present the author in the blog soon too.
Yes, Reinhard Mermi! He told me on the phone that he met at a reading recently at the poet Gerd Jonker and if I know this Austrian author. Yes, dear Reinhard and whether and how!
Gert Jonkers, died last year, way too early! Since his first novel, "Geometric regional novel" Jonker worked like a madman and published novels, poetry, plays, almost on a yearly basis. As if he knew that his time would be limited. Jonker was the first Bachmann Awards (1977), followed by a series of prizes and awards. I remember performances of some of his plays at the Forum Stadtpark in Graz or in Styriate.
Gert Jonkers, most certainly a delight to read!
A notice yet: As agreed in 2011 will be held back a several-day literary workshop. As our friends and Mermi Reinhard Manfred Kolb no suitable Location have been identified, we will look back on us a bit. Currently, houses are in Slovenia for discussion, either in space Jeruzalem (in Slovenia - not in the Middle East), or at Bohjinsko Jezero (Bohinj lake) or in the Slovenian Karst in the hinterland of Trieste / Gorizia. Details will follow soon after the New Year.
forgive me if I was in my "future reference" continues to consider the so-called do-gooders a little vicious and they look rather than the opposite of what they wanted to be. But I have - of course yet again - a reading experience. Eventually, the youthful exuberance (all that was printed was read) I read also been notified in the writings Robbe spar. Yes exactly, that Jacobins of the French Revolution of 1789! And then wrote more than 220 years of the necessity of terror of the good and as we now than in the 20th Century grew to know the Well-intentioned is often exactly that which led to bad or even worse, become identical to itself mostly with the bad. And as we know, the theory of terror of the good with the French Revolution (and, subsequently, not only there) led to rivers of blood and ultimately seal the head spar and even tasted.
And one last quip, this time the actor Michael Degen, who in the new production des „Heldenplatz“ den Robert Schuster spielte: Österreich sollte stolz sein, einen Dichter wie Thomas Bernhard gehabt zu haben!
Soviel für heute – bis zu nächsten Mal!
Hans Bäck
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Temporary Alabama Drivers License Template
Advent Action 2010
Liebe Leser des Blogs,
auch heuer möchten wir wieder eine Adventsaktion mit Gedichten und Kurzgeschichten starten. Nicht nur vorweihnachtliche Themen sind erlaubt. Eigene Texte bzw. Gedichte sind erwünscht; Texte/Gedichte anderer Autoren können nur berücksichtigt werden, wenn letztere seit mehr als 70 Jahren verstorben snd (Urheberrechte).
Der Lyrikkreis Penzberg wird auch heuer wieder einen Adventskalender herausgeben. Die Gedichte werden mittels daily e-mail sent to interested parties. The calendar will be released this year not on a blog (LitTalk), (as happened last year) to also unpleasant collisions with copyright deal as possible.
Reinhard Mermi (red.)
Liebe Leser des Blogs,
auch heuer möchten wir wieder eine Adventsaktion mit Gedichten und Kurzgeschichten starten. Nicht nur vorweihnachtliche Themen sind erlaubt. Eigene Texte bzw. Gedichte sind erwünscht; Texte/Gedichte anderer Autoren können nur berücksichtigt werden, wenn letztere seit mehr als 70 Jahren verstorben snd (Urheberrechte).
Der Lyrikkreis Penzberg wird auch heuer wieder einen Adventskalender herausgeben. Die Gedichte werden mittels daily e-mail sent to interested parties. The calendar will be released this year not on a blog (LitTalk), (as happened last year) to also unpleasant collisions with copyright deal as possible.
Reinhard Mermi (red.)
Underactive Thyroid And Fibroids
Kindberger author at the Frankfurt Book Fair
Stefanie Roßmanith, known as the author already Eveli Mani,
presented her new novel "green mind" at the Frankfurt Book Fair.
How often can I start over? This question goes to the author in her new book
"green sense," the newly founded German Publisher Michason & May moved,
is next to the subject of the environment, auch von Partnerschaft, von der Liebe im
fortgeschrittenen Alter, von Emanzipation und den Enttäuschungen der
68er-Generation. "GreenSinn" geht der Frage nach: Wie oft kann man wieder
von vorne anfangen? Allerdings geht es in dem Buch nicht immer mit rechten
Dingen zu. Schon der Titel deutet darauf hin, dass irgendetwas grün wird.
Grün werden die beiden Menschen, um die sich die Handlung dreht, nachdem
"sie irgendetwas getrunken hatten". Ja, und dann beginnt eine turbulente
Seelenfahrt ...
Einen zweiten literarischen Weg, den die Autorin hier beschreitet, unter dem
Pseudonym Hanna Roßmanith.
(Auszug aus dem Bericht der Kleinen Zeitung von Christine Rois)
meaningful green / ISBN: 9 783862 860036 / 9,50 €
presented her new novel "green mind" at the Frankfurt Book Fair.
How often can I start over? This question goes to the author in her new book
"green sense," the newly founded German Publisher Michason & May moved,
is next to the subject of the environment, auch von Partnerschaft, von der Liebe im
fortgeschrittenen Alter, von Emanzipation und den Enttäuschungen der
68er-Generation. "GreenSinn" geht der Frage nach: Wie oft kann man wieder
von vorne anfangen? Allerdings geht es in dem Buch nicht immer mit rechten
Dingen zu. Schon der Titel deutet darauf hin, dass irgendetwas grün wird.
Grün werden die beiden Menschen, um die sich die Handlung dreht, nachdem
"sie irgendetwas getrunken hatten". Ja, und dann beginnt eine turbulente
Seelenfahrt ...
Einen zweiten literarischen Weg, den die Autorin hier beschreitet, unter dem
Pseudonym Hanna Roßmanith.
(Auszug aus dem Bericht der Kleinen Zeitung von Christine Rois)
meaningful green / ISBN: 9 783862 860036 / 9,50 €
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Crossdressers In Girdels
30. September 2010
Möchtet ihr Teile meines Originalmanuskripts gewinnen?
Unter allen, die eine Amazon-Rezension zu ARKADIEN BRENNT schreiben, verlose ich bis Ende Oktober jede Woche ein Kapitel aus dem Manuskript des Romans (also aus der allerersten ausgedruckten Version, inkl. handschriftlicher Korrekturen).
Eure Rezension sollte mindestens 15 Zeilen umfassen, nicht nur aus Inhaltsangabe bestehen, sondern auch eure Meinung darlegen. Bewertung spielt keine Rolle.
Einfach den Text NACH Erscheinen bei Amazon an diese E-Mail-Adresse schicken:
Möchtet ihr Teile meines Originalmanuskripts gewinnen?
Unter allen, die eine Amazon-Rezension zu ARKADIEN BRENNT schreiben, verlose ich bis Ende Oktober jede Woche ein Kapitel aus dem Manuskript des Romans (also aus der allerersten ausgedruckten Version, inkl. handschriftlicher Korrekturen).
Eure Rezension sollte mindestens 15 Zeilen umfassen, nicht nur aus Inhaltsangabe bestehen, sondern auch eure Meinung darlegen. Bewertung spielt keine Rolle.
Einfach den Text NACH Erscheinen bei Amazon an diese E-Mail-Adresse schicken:
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Star Wars Pinewood Derby Bsa Template
The Sunday Poem
Joseph Graßmugg
uncounted all the many days
the rare nights
a horizontal
the already tormented
just too much often weighs heavy weight
not the only
many words often more
penetrate them deeply
often sore from all of last
already lost to the glory
remains but the hope and tolerance prevail in
Joseph Graßmugg
uncounted all the many days
the rare nights
a horizontal
the already tormented
just too much often weighs heavy weight
not the only
many words often more
penetrate them deeply
often sore from all of last
already lost to the glory
remains but the hope and tolerance prevail in
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Simple Comfort 2010 Turning On And Off
Hansebäcker summer pickings
entry on 25 July 2010
festivals everywhere!
But again, who needs den heute noch Festspiele und diesmal ohne jede Polemik.
„politicians do their job [for peace], but musicians are able to be the most potent voices. Music doesn’t have borders - it is immediate, effective and very truthful˝. (Sir Georg Solti) oder
Claudio Magris: „Viele Utopien von einem Paradies auf Erden sind verflogen, doch nicht verflogen ist die Forderung, dass die Welt nicht nur verwaltet, sondern vor allem auch verändert werden muss.“
„Ändere die Welt, sie braucht es!“, forderte Bertolt Brecht. „Ändere sie auch, wenn alles dich drängt zu glauben, dass dies unmöglich sei.˝
Ich will nachdenken darüber, warum ich heute Festival go too much money on cards, in grossly overpriced living quarters for a drink in the break a glass of sparkling wine for the price I would otherwise have given a whole bottle. In this case, made it possible TV and radio, I could sit at home comfortable, open my bottle of champagne and my concerts, operas, plays in the best transmission quality to heart. Yes, I do, even with great zeal, because "one can not be everywhere - and it also arises is the question. Why?
Because I like to hear? That, too.
Because I love music? That, too.
Because I do if I already once there, like my tuxedo'm dressed again? That, too.
But that's not all.
Maybe it yet because I expect the motto "... listen to the highest of all "to see.
We go to concerts, theater, opera, exhibitions, have perhaps our subscription for cultural events, and yet,
comes the festival season, then I flip through the programs that I work for the free cards awards of Ö1, hoping thereby to performances at the greatest festivals to come (and sometimes - too often - but I will not be dissatisfied works, too), or else I study the program listings der einschlägigen Rundfunk- und Fernsehanstalten, die für Übertragungen in Frage kommen.
Also, weil ich den Don Gionvanni so sehr liebe? Auch deswegen.
Weil ich hoffe, annehme, erwarte, dass gerade diese Aufführung jetzt das o. e. Motto erfüllen wird und ich das Erlebnis schlechthin haben würde.
Auch deswegen!
Auch weil ich neugierig bin, wie Patricia Pettibon heuer die Lulu singen wird,
oder weil ich durch den Medien Hype aufgestachelt wurde, mir den „neuen“ Jedermann bis 0h15 anzusehen.
Auch deswegen.
Weil ich die Oper die „Passagierin“ von Weinberg aus Bregenz hören wollte und das (endlich) einmal was Neues in der abgedroschenen Operproduktion was. Yes, even so!
Because I'm interested in how to play King Lear in the original language and in Schloss Murau?
Yes, because of that.
Because I'm interested in as 359th Staging of A Midsummer Night's Dream from the Theater Association of Dilettanengruppe Behind Haxenhaus is offered?
Yes, because of that.
And because I enjoy it, to be there not only for the large, prestigious festivals and see how ready you are, to deal with the works of art?
Yes, because of that.
And because there is always something to see. Be it the chamber music festival in Styria, it was the evening music with Jordi Savall at the Helmut List Hall, be it the (past) Tage der Alten Musik in Krieglach bzw. jetzt in Aflenz, sei es ein Klavierabend mit Maurizio Pollini (und sonst niemand!) und den letzten 3 Schubertsonaten für Klavier auf der riesigen Bühne des Großen Festspielhauses in Salzburg, sei es auch die 123. Aufführung von Aida die ich sah und halt wieder einmal in der Arena von Verona, sei es, ... ach was, es kann sich jeder weiterdenken.
Und darum, liebe Leser dieser Nachlesen, bin ich dafür, dass es weiterhin Festspiele gibt. Nicht nur die ganz großen (die auch und unbedingt), aber die vielen kleinen, die oftmals Kostbarkeiten bringen und für die es sich lohnt, sich den blutsaugenden Gelsen auszusetzten.
Und noch einen Satz von der vorjährigen Rede (Elke Heidenreich) opening of the Salzburg Festival (again this one):
"We have many plans for our lives, plans, insurance policies. We make our lives, yes. But it is also made for illness, death, loss, accident, war. We finally have nothing in hand, nothing. More humility would be appropriate. The pain eats us, the fear pounding and drills. We fear what we call destiny and fight against it.
Before the art, to art, we do not have to fight. We can include them in us, we must trust it, it heals the wounds that we feel. Let us for a day of work voller Ärger und dem, was wir Stress zu nennen wir uns angewöhnt haben, nach Hause und zur Ruhe, dann erklingt Mozarts Requiem, dann hören wir König Philips Arie aus dem 4. Akt von Verdis Von Carlos, das Adagio aus Mahlers 10. Sinfonie, wir hören Beethovens letztes Streichquartett oder die Altrhapsodie von Brahms oder die Callas singt Casta Diva, und wir wissen, dass es etwas gibt, das größer und schöner ist als wir und das uns überdauern wird.
Die Kunst, die Musik als das rettende Geländer. Wir müssen Kunst und Kultur nicht aus Ausfüllung von Freizeit begreifen, sondern als Seinsweise, wie das Atmen und das Essen.“
Auch darum, liebe Freunde, auch darum Ja, ich will Festspiele!
entry on 26 July 2010
And since we're at it, the reference. The above-mentioned everyone: I stayed on course until the end and followed the death of the rich man. And I must say, something was already tuned to the media excitement with which the new line was expected. About the play can, of course worthy of debate, who would take because today a poet's very Catholic salvation from, any more that would be made up to Oberammergau, however, who followed the text, at times it reminded me even to the events of the recent past Economic crisis and the great sayings of the slick banker. "Who was called for to take money on interest" of the sarcasm of Hofmannsthal may have been without further said in 2008 the evicted American homeowners. The play itself has been - and this is my conviction - and with his Catholic salvation to the good end, its right to exist in 2010 and later. But back to the players: Yes, we can play the everyman. Will act the presentiment of death, ousted from the party mood, the young lover, the calls simply "swill until it crashes," the dinner party, as risen from the "side-glances. Yes, I mean, we can now produce and play the everyman. And the great devil of Peter Jordan, of course, has the most beautiful sentence in the whole piece when he can finally say with regard to views and the most expensive places of the first series "I'll be back, because there is still much to do!" That was
one of those festival evenings when it was worth staying up.
entry on 27 July 2010
Dear friends, it is not strange that the really big injustices are gone, at least in Europe, fascism, communism, and thus the art and steering control. And all of those works that impossible under these dictatorships were pursuing prohibited (degenerate), who survived, came, in part they are only now - Communism is still only 21 years ago collapsed - but the art comes and there. It's nice that they are there!
entry on 30 July 2010
of the occasion - as it is so beautiful - I would remind you that we have decided at our last annual meeting to offer our members as they receive their new books for review. I personally like to extend this offer to all interested parties from the recipients of these low and middle reading. Anyone who brings a new book out and needs a Renzesion or will have, can I please request the book Send and within two weeks, the review is completed (if I read the book at this time "derpacke") However, it may well be that this work does not suits me, then the author concerned a personal meeting gets from me, then stop not intended as a review is to pass.
This service is available now!
entry on 3 August 2010
After a long (TV) night. I Depp, once again did not read and am therefore on 2 August at 22:50 to set the TV to me, "Lulu" from Salzburg to watch. The play and the music are so interesting and exciting, Patricia Petibon a fantastic singer. Na So, uncork a bottle of Barolo and could begin.
started m. W. of Michael Jackson saying that he himself constantly attacked in the step - on stage - and this was apparently a must. Not only that men and women engage in this step, now it is apparently for the better tone of a modern production that also draw women to men in the crotch. If it's so modern but! but I will whistle. I'm not a prude by God, and my texts bear witness to it, but these methods are simple wooden hammer fad. What does he object to the director? Can not express subtle eroticism on stage? Of course, or could one, but then it is soooo modern?
I do not know I was in Lulu unfortunately bland. Only I'm draufgekommne now that the 3 Sat release at a normal time, ie by 20:15 again broadcast (Saturday 7 August), hence my above self-abuse as a moron! I should have a look at the festival programs!
But back to the reason of my polemic: Of course, the erotic is an indispensable part of art - and I remind you, dear readers of this post-and intermediate reading - we have grater No. 24 - 2007 a comprehensive review of this inexhaustible theme of Konrad Paul Liessmann printed. And therein, the author pointed to a very erotic in der Kunst Stellung. Es lohnt sich, diesen Beitrag wieder einmal nachzulesen.
Wobei ich gerne darauf hinweise, dass wir in unseren Reibeisen –auch in früheren Ausgaben - immer wieder spannende und hoch stehende Artikel von ganz bedeutenden Fachleuten abgedruckt haben. Liebe Empfänger, dieser Mail, schaut euch die „alten“ Reibeisen einmal an, da sind immer wieder Kostbarkeiten enthalten. Und wir wollen hoffen, dass wir das auch in Hinkunft wieder zusammenbringen!
Ach ja, und 4870 Zugriffe auf unseren Blog haben wir auch schon (Stand 3. August, 17h)
Eintrag am 9. August 2010
Da las ich in der Zeitung der Steir. Wirtschaftskammer von einer Unternehmerin, the problems with the Equal Treatment Commission was given. She had taken at a recruiting two serious flaw: it was looking for "washing-with excellent knowledge of German"
First, she was accused of this activity need nobody excellent knowledge of German, it would be good knowledge of German sufficient, and second, it was far more serious: She had a Abwächer searched and not gender neutral, a / n "Abwäscherin / washing-" looking for.
you we look out and I want to have these worries! Since I have bought some time ago a book on mediation, I needed it for a job working for a client. I can tell you, this book is unreadable, unusable. I've fired a few pages in the corner. The author, a well-known expert and colleague, wrote this book, and now need even trade books that support from the public sector (not just poetry), and this was granted only on condition that the textbook just "gender justice" or gender-neutral 'd written. Otherwise there is no funding (in Austria, will perform in Germany, is beyond me - and frankly, I do not even want to know, so rubbish does not interest me). Now an example from this book:
"A attentive listener an attentive listener can get into a situation that he / she even changed with the / of the narrators ...
If the listener, the listener is authentic to him, the narrator / narrator that the respect and respect that that was him / her brought against. "And so on. etc. Apart from the totally meaningless text, a collection of platitudes that we've been around for decades, this form of the letter unbearable. If then the internal I comes to that, is definitely for me the oven.
Entry 31 August 2010:
The literary season is coming up, the first new releases are already there and are already discussed. I wait until the Frankfurt Book Fair which is still and will then give my two cents.
Many thanks to all who participated in the discussion, the practice of "therapy letter. We have collected all the posts and put them in the blog. There, everyone can look up what reactions they provoked my question. One thing I would like to hold down this already: There are in fact all that the literary quality is king, and we should only pay attention to it.
As I said, in brief, there is the summary at the blog and our new website takes already beautiful and concrete forms, and this medium will soon available again!
Hans Bäck

entry on 25 July 2010
festivals everywhere!
But again, who needs den heute noch Festspiele und diesmal ohne jede Polemik.
„politicians do their job [for peace], but musicians are able to be the most potent voices. Music doesn’t have borders - it is immediate, effective and very truthful˝. (Sir Georg Solti) oder
Claudio Magris: „Viele Utopien von einem Paradies auf Erden sind verflogen, doch nicht verflogen ist die Forderung, dass die Welt nicht nur verwaltet, sondern vor allem auch verändert werden muss.“
„Ändere die Welt, sie braucht es!“, forderte Bertolt Brecht. „Ändere sie auch, wenn alles dich drängt zu glauben, dass dies unmöglich sei.˝
Ich will nachdenken darüber, warum ich heute Festival go too much money on cards, in grossly overpriced living quarters for a drink in the break a glass of sparkling wine for the price I would otherwise have given a whole bottle. In this case, made it possible TV and radio, I could sit at home comfortable, open my bottle of champagne and my concerts, operas, plays in the best transmission quality to heart. Yes, I do, even with great zeal, because "one can not be everywhere - and it also arises is the question. Why?
Because I like to hear? That, too.
Because I love music? That, too.
Because I do if I already once there, like my tuxedo'm dressed again? That, too.
But that's not all.
Maybe it yet because I expect the motto "... listen to the highest of all "to see.
We go to concerts, theater, opera, exhibitions, have perhaps our subscription for cultural events, and yet,
comes the festival season, then I flip through the programs that I work for the free cards awards of Ö1, hoping thereby to performances at the greatest festivals to come (and sometimes - too often - but I will not be dissatisfied works, too), or else I study the program listings der einschlägigen Rundfunk- und Fernsehanstalten, die für Übertragungen in Frage kommen.
Also, weil ich den Don Gionvanni so sehr liebe? Auch deswegen.
Weil ich hoffe, annehme, erwarte, dass gerade diese Aufführung jetzt das o. e. Motto erfüllen wird und ich das Erlebnis schlechthin haben würde.
Auch deswegen!
Auch weil ich neugierig bin, wie Patricia Pettibon heuer die Lulu singen wird,
oder weil ich durch den Medien Hype aufgestachelt wurde, mir den „neuen“ Jedermann bis 0h15 anzusehen.
Auch deswegen.
Weil ich die Oper die „Passagierin“ von Weinberg aus Bregenz hören wollte und das (endlich) einmal was Neues in der abgedroschenen Operproduktion was. Yes, even so!
Because I'm interested in how to play King Lear in the original language and in Schloss Murau?
Yes, because of that.
Because I'm interested in as 359th Staging of A Midsummer Night's Dream from the Theater Association of Dilettanengruppe Behind Haxenhaus is offered?
Yes, because of that.
And because I enjoy it, to be there not only for the large, prestigious festivals and see how ready you are, to deal with the works of art?
Yes, because of that.
And because there is always something to see. Be it the chamber music festival in Styria, it was the evening music with Jordi Savall at the Helmut List Hall, be it the (past) Tage der Alten Musik in Krieglach bzw. jetzt in Aflenz, sei es ein Klavierabend mit Maurizio Pollini (und sonst niemand!) und den letzten 3 Schubertsonaten für Klavier auf der riesigen Bühne des Großen Festspielhauses in Salzburg, sei es auch die 123. Aufführung von Aida die ich sah und halt wieder einmal in der Arena von Verona, sei es, ... ach was, es kann sich jeder weiterdenken.
Und darum, liebe Leser dieser Nachlesen, bin ich dafür, dass es weiterhin Festspiele gibt. Nicht nur die ganz großen (die auch und unbedingt), aber die vielen kleinen, die oftmals Kostbarkeiten bringen und für die es sich lohnt, sich den blutsaugenden Gelsen auszusetzten.
Und noch einen Satz von der vorjährigen Rede (Elke Heidenreich) opening of the Salzburg Festival (again this one):
"We have many plans for our lives, plans, insurance policies. We make our lives, yes. But it is also made for illness, death, loss, accident, war. We finally have nothing in hand, nothing. More humility would be appropriate. The pain eats us, the fear pounding and drills. We fear what we call destiny and fight against it.
Before the art, to art, we do not have to fight. We can include them in us, we must trust it, it heals the wounds that we feel. Let us for a day of work voller Ärger und dem, was wir Stress zu nennen wir uns angewöhnt haben, nach Hause und zur Ruhe, dann erklingt Mozarts Requiem, dann hören wir König Philips Arie aus dem 4. Akt von Verdis Von Carlos, das Adagio aus Mahlers 10. Sinfonie, wir hören Beethovens letztes Streichquartett oder die Altrhapsodie von Brahms oder die Callas singt Casta Diva, und wir wissen, dass es etwas gibt, das größer und schöner ist als wir und das uns überdauern wird.
Die Kunst, die Musik als das rettende Geländer. Wir müssen Kunst und Kultur nicht aus Ausfüllung von Freizeit begreifen, sondern als Seinsweise, wie das Atmen und das Essen.“
Auch darum, liebe Freunde, auch darum Ja, ich will Festspiele!
entry on 26 July 2010
And since we're at it, the reference. The above-mentioned everyone: I stayed on course until the end and followed the death of the rich man. And I must say, something was already tuned to the media excitement with which the new line was expected. About the play can, of course worthy of debate, who would take because today a poet's very Catholic salvation from, any more that would be made up to Oberammergau, however, who followed the text, at times it reminded me even to the events of the recent past Economic crisis and the great sayings of the slick banker. "Who was called for to take money on interest" of the sarcasm of Hofmannsthal may have been without further said in 2008 the evicted American homeowners. The play itself has been - and this is my conviction - and with his Catholic salvation to the good end, its right to exist in 2010 and later. But back to the players: Yes, we can play the everyman. Will act the presentiment of death, ousted from the party mood, the young lover, the calls simply "swill until it crashes," the dinner party, as risen from the "side-glances. Yes, I mean, we can now produce and play the everyman. And the great devil of Peter Jordan, of course, has the most beautiful sentence in the whole piece when he can finally say with regard to views and the most expensive places of the first series "I'll be back, because there is still much to do!" That was
one of those festival evenings when it was worth staying up.
entry on 27 July 2010
Dear friends, it is not strange that the really big injustices are gone, at least in Europe, fascism, communism, and thus the art and steering control. And all of those works that impossible under these dictatorships were pursuing prohibited (degenerate), who survived, came, in part they are only now - Communism is still only 21 years ago collapsed - but the art comes and there. It's nice that they are there!
entry on 30 July 2010
of the occasion - as it is so beautiful - I would remind you that we have decided at our last annual meeting to offer our members as they receive their new books for review. I personally like to extend this offer to all interested parties from the recipients of these low and middle reading. Anyone who brings a new book out and needs a Renzesion or will have, can I please request the book Send and within two weeks, the review is completed (if I read the book at this time "derpacke") However, it may well be that this work does not suits me, then the author concerned a personal meeting gets from me, then stop not intended as a review is to pass.
This service is available now!
entry on 3 August 2010
After a long (TV) night. I Depp, once again did not read and am therefore on 2 August at 22:50 to set the TV to me, "Lulu" from Salzburg to watch. The play and the music are so interesting and exciting, Patricia Petibon a fantastic singer. Na So, uncork a bottle of Barolo and could begin.
started m. W. of Michael Jackson saying that he himself constantly attacked in the step - on stage - and this was apparently a must. Not only that men and women engage in this step, now it is apparently for the better tone of a modern production that also draw women to men in the crotch. If it's so modern but! but I will whistle. I'm not a prude by God, and my texts bear witness to it, but these methods are simple wooden hammer fad. What does he object to the director? Can not express subtle eroticism on stage? Of course, or could one, but then it is soooo modern?
I do not know I was in Lulu unfortunately bland. Only I'm draufgekommne now that the 3 Sat release at a normal time, ie by 20:15 again broadcast (Saturday 7 August), hence my above self-abuse as a moron! I should have a look at the festival programs!
But back to the reason of my polemic: Of course, the erotic is an indispensable part of art - and I remind you, dear readers of this post-and intermediate reading - we have grater No. 24 - 2007 a comprehensive review of this inexhaustible theme of Konrad Paul Liessmann printed. And therein, the author pointed to a very erotic in der Kunst Stellung. Es lohnt sich, diesen Beitrag wieder einmal nachzulesen.
Wobei ich gerne darauf hinweise, dass wir in unseren Reibeisen –auch in früheren Ausgaben - immer wieder spannende und hoch stehende Artikel von ganz bedeutenden Fachleuten abgedruckt haben. Liebe Empfänger, dieser Mail, schaut euch die „alten“ Reibeisen einmal an, da sind immer wieder Kostbarkeiten enthalten. Und wir wollen hoffen, dass wir das auch in Hinkunft wieder zusammenbringen!
Ach ja, und 4870 Zugriffe auf unseren Blog haben wir auch schon (Stand 3. August, 17h)
Eintrag am 9. August 2010
Da las ich in der Zeitung der Steir. Wirtschaftskammer von einer Unternehmerin, the problems with the Equal Treatment Commission was given. She had taken at a recruiting two serious flaw: it was looking for "washing-with excellent knowledge of German"
First, she was accused of this activity need nobody excellent knowledge of German, it would be good knowledge of German sufficient, and second, it was far more serious: She had a Abwächer searched and not gender neutral, a / n "Abwäscherin / washing-" looking for.
you we look out and I want to have these worries! Since I have bought some time ago a book on mediation, I needed it for a job working for a client. I can tell you, this book is unreadable, unusable. I've fired a few pages in the corner. The author, a well-known expert and colleague, wrote this book, and now need even trade books that support from the public sector (not just poetry), and this was granted only on condition that the textbook just "gender justice" or gender-neutral 'd written. Otherwise there is no funding (in Austria, will perform in Germany, is beyond me - and frankly, I do not even want to know, so rubbish does not interest me). Now an example from this book:
"A attentive listener an attentive listener can get into a situation that he / she even changed with the / of the narrators ...
If the listener, the listener is authentic to him, the narrator / narrator that the respect and respect that that was him / her brought against. "And so on. etc. Apart from the totally meaningless text, a collection of platitudes that we've been around for decades, this form of the letter unbearable. If then the internal I comes to that, is definitely for me the oven.
Entry 31 August 2010:
The literary season is coming up, the first new releases are already there and are already discussed. I wait until the Frankfurt Book Fair which is still and will then give my two cents.
Many thanks to all who participated in the discussion, the practice of "therapy letter. We have collected all the posts and put them in the blog. There, everyone can look up what reactions they provoked my question. One thing I would like to hold down this already: There are in fact all that the literary quality is king, and we should only pay attention to it.
As I said, in brief, there is the summary at the blog and our new website takes already beautiful and concrete forms, and this medium will soon available again!
Hans Bäck
Boat Air Conditioning Calculator
texts and therapy ...
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It honors you, you to think about it - I only now realize the magnitude of this problem and
dilemmas and confess: I know no way out.
Dr. Peter Mitmasser
your loved ones!
It honors you, you to think about it - I only now realize the magnitude of this problem and
dilemmas and confess: I know no way out.
Dr. Peter Mitmasser
Remove Smears Lcd Screen
texts and therapy ...
Marianne Gruber
mail to Hans Bäck
Dear Hans, I think your suggestion
thinking about writing therapy, very
well. There is a man - Harald Kollegger, - of this has worked very
competent. Might succeed it, to make him a
statement in this blog.
My point:
writing is still a bit better than just reading.
Sometimes such texts, even if they are offered for publication
simply a cry for help: Take Care of me, take me
true, talk to me, take me away important and stuff.
letter helps to gain clarity. You can tell when
own work. Even if you have a thought, a story
can explain very well, the writing still requires a
further clarification.
When you think of Leo Navratil, who has urged his patients to write
and painting, can be to see the therapeutic effect
artistic work clearly. But there was a professional at work
and worthy of publication of the texts he has considered a few
. And always in connection with an accompanying text by
The question remains how to deal with texts in connection with the
publication in a literary-cultural magazine:
It seems as if the therapeutic value of text depending on the degree of attempted
aesthetic. Through the aesthetic
personal, too personal might be something other
is allowed access, creates space, it is a work of art. There are all
Thus, these texts discuss the point, which seems to us
as artistic, is expected to occur. - Would a
also worth discussion. You describe there quite well.
Sartre wrote of Jean Genet that this Besse Sene with each piece
deliver more and more of his demon. Thus, all these texts
therapeutic treat just like any other text.
It is also in these artistic to the potential. Dealing with
the writer is to make sure different. But
again is a different issue. Although we are not all therapists,
but people who are capable of funding - I hope
at least. Sometimes that is enough to help.
Another keyword: V. Frankl once wrote: Two and two is also
then four, when it says a paranoiac. That means: A disease
never cover the totality as a person. The artistic potential
has nothing to do with the disease, but with the
images, metaphors, which selects for the expression. But that's also
our "normal" life and suffering.
Marianne Gruber
Austrian Society for Literature

Marianne Gruber
mail to Hans Bäck
Dear Hans, I think your suggestion
thinking about writing therapy, very
well. There is a man - Harald Kollegger, - of this has worked very
competent. Might succeed it, to make him a
statement in this blog.
My point:
writing is still a bit better than just reading.
Sometimes such texts, even if they are offered for publication
simply a cry for help: Take Care of me, take me
true, talk to me, take me away important and stuff.
letter helps to gain clarity. You can tell when
own work. Even if you have a thought, a story
can explain very well, the writing still requires a
further clarification.
When you think of Leo Navratil, who has urged his patients to write
and painting, can be to see the therapeutic effect
artistic work clearly. But there was a professional at work
and worthy of publication of the texts he has considered a few
. And always in connection with an accompanying text by
The question remains how to deal with texts in connection with the
publication in a literary-cultural magazine:
It seems as if the therapeutic value of text depending on the degree of attempted
aesthetic. Through the aesthetic
personal, too personal might be something other
is allowed access, creates space, it is a work of art. There are all
Thus, these texts discuss the point, which seems to us
as artistic, is expected to occur. - Would a
also worth discussion. You describe there quite well.
Sartre wrote of Jean Genet that this Besse Sene with each piece
deliver more and more of his demon. Thus, all these texts
therapeutic treat just like any other text.
It is also in these artistic to the potential. Dealing with
the writer is to make sure different. But
again is a different issue. Although we are not all therapists,
but people who are capable of funding - I hope
at least. Sometimes that is enough to help.
Another keyword: V. Frankl once wrote: Two and two is also
then four, when it says a paranoiac. That means: A disease
never cover the totality as a person. The artistic potential
has nothing to do with the disease, but with the
images, metaphors, which selects for the expression. But that's also
our "normal" life and suffering.
Marianne Gruber
Austrian Society for Literature
Strep Throat Causes Toothache
texts and therapy ...
of Theres black
mail to Hans Bäck
Dear Bäck,
I do not think one denies the depressives a help if you can not publish his articles. Important for the person concerned is merely that he has written himself once settled down to the details of his illness, and so from many a detail that has eluded him earlier, perhaps, still learning and can change things.
Many depressives are not suffering from external events - they were just the trigger. They are genetically damaged, always potentially at risk, even if they "too good" about. Even in the earliest childhood victims are often later life depression. Since only helps therapy. This clumsy in form to get a literary forum, is more dangerous - for both - for the person concerned and the forum. See your own experience with the following texts by women Schwaiger after their first success. There are other media.
If such texts are published in designated media, the clerk from the health point of view really does not help either. But often it helps him financially yes, because such people often do not or only very limited capacity to work, often difficult or impossible to integrate. Other stakeholders, it helps sometimes because they see themselves again and see how the author came zurande - or not. But this is a Literature Forum grater determined as not competent. not of sufficient quality texts should not be printed in my opinion, it would cause enormous damage to the cultural magazine itself to have helped one iota without the writers. Grater has no therapeutic role. It is to publish good literature.
fact Sincerely
T. Black
of Theres black
mail to Hans Bäck
Dear Bäck,
I do not think one denies the depressives a help if you can not publish his articles. Important for the person concerned is merely that he has written himself once settled down to the details of his illness, and so from many a detail that has eluded him earlier, perhaps, still learning and can change things.
Many depressives are not suffering from external events - they were just the trigger. They are genetically damaged, always potentially at risk, even if they "too good" about. Even in the earliest childhood victims are often later life depression. Since only helps therapy. This clumsy in form to get a literary forum, is more dangerous - for both - for the person concerned and the forum. See your own experience with the following texts by women Schwaiger after their first success. There are other media.
If such texts are published in designated media, the clerk from the health point of view really does not help either. But often it helps him financially yes, because such people often do not or only very limited capacity to work, often difficult or impossible to integrate. Other stakeholders, it helps sometimes because they see themselves again and see how the author came zurande - or not. But this is a Literature Forum grater determined as not competent. not of sufficient quality texts should not be printed in my opinion, it would cause enormous damage to the cultural magazine itself to have helped one iota without the writers. Grater has no therapeutic role. It is to publish good literature.
fact Sincerely
T. Black
Trendy Store In Miami That Sells Wigs
texts and therapy ...
by Waltraud Holzer
mail to Hans Bäck
Mr Bäck,
writing is an effective therapy to get a better handle problems. I can say from personal experience. But does this "opening the soul "in words and sentences is reflected, go to the general public? say I will not, would it be true so on all to the agent, but many of them I guess a certain exhibitionist tendency, the desire from their miserable . situation to hit the capital of applause, the reader can indeed feel sympathy for the author, but the writing is judged by its literary value, "This is a poor devil. In every way ... "
I personally agree with you and P. Bichsel that not the publisher or a reading public, but a psychologist or any good friends as a suitable partner. Should be on the publication of a text its literary quality to decide which however should not be "pedantically" will be evaluated after any punctuation errors.
Waltraud Holzer
by Waltraud Holzer
mail to Hans Bäck
Mr Bäck,
writing is an effective therapy to get a better handle problems. I can say from personal experience. But does this "opening the soul "in words and sentences is reflected, go to the general public? say I will not, would it be true so on all to the agent, but many of them I guess a certain exhibitionist tendency, the desire from their miserable . situation to hit the capital of applause, the reader can indeed feel sympathy for the author, but the writing is judged by its literary value, "This is a poor devil. In every way ... "
I personally agree with you and P. Bichsel that not the publisher or a reading public, but a psychologist or any good friends as a suitable partner. Should be on the publication of a text its literary quality to decide which however should not be "pedantically" will be evaluated after any punctuation errors.
Waltraud Holzer
Ocular Migraine Metformin
texts and therapy ...
Andrea Wolfmayr
mail to Hans Bäck
Dear Hans, I was shocked
hard because I only in this way / your release of Brigitte's death learn and then of course by now seen all the press reports have - I was a few weeks in Hungary on vacation and just at the time of their death not there. I have known them personally (we both were almost struck literary at the same time with our first fruits, it was certainly much berühmter als ich, die ich fast zur gleichen Zeit meine "Spielräume" schrieb) und als Schriftstellerin ganz außerordentlich geschätzt. Dass sie als Mensch bekanntermaßen äußerst schwierig und auf Distanz bedacht war, hat eine aufkeimende Freundschaft, die ich gern weiter entwickelt hätte, nicht aufkommen lassen.
Meine Meinung zu deiner Frage:
Solche Antworten sind sehr, sehr heikel und brauchen Fingerspitzengefühl. Meine Hochachtung für dich/euch, dass ihr euch Gedanken darüber macht, denn die Auswirkungen einer Rückmeldung können wirklich fatal sein und wir (alle empfindlichen und hochsensiblen Künstlerseelen) wissen aus eigener Erfahrung, wie schwer Ablehnungen zu verkraften - even if mentally or less "normal" - or shall we say pathologically inconspicuous - being.
However one thing is clear, as you are already formulated as a principle: the literary quality must be paramount.
Now if you read a heart-breaking text that can be taken from under you, how bad someone is going or have gone at the time of writing has, and this text still does not "own handwriting" has only ever lost I broken circling lament is, moreover, in an immature or simply bad literary form, it is surely good (so there are employees, the time and the necessary sensitivity and linguistic expression dafür haben), einen etwas ausführlicheren, mitfühlend und persönlich gehaltenen Antwortbrief zu schreiben, der auf den Inhalt des Textes kurz Bezug nimmt, allerdings auch vorsichtig und unmißverständlich ausdrückt, dass - nach Einschätzung für das Medium Reibeisen - die literarische Qualität nicht ausreicht. Denn es hat keinen Sinn, Leute weiter zu ermutigen, ihnen Hoffnungen zu machen, sie hinzuhalten und zu vertrösten - sie spüren das sowieso. Also in vorsichtig-differenzierter Weise ist ein klares Ja oder Nein, ggf. eine Weiterleitung an andere Medien, bei denen der Text vielleicht wirklich besser untergebracht sein könnte, auszudrücken. Für die Folgen ist nicht derjenige verantwortlich, of the clear response letter has written, but the person who receives it. We can not prevent people decide - for whatever reasons - to live no longer want or can. We can certainly try to help them can show ways - but in any case, we must tell the truth and cheat us by not doing so because we then feel better, the main thing is we never launched.
So, my opinion in brief: Be sure to clear text - in terms of empathic form to provide possible alternatives, and other feasible ways.
Andrea Wolfmayr
Andrea Wolfmayr
mail to Hans Bäck
Dear Hans, I was shocked
hard because I only in this way / your release of Brigitte's death learn and then of course by now seen all the press reports have - I was a few weeks in Hungary on vacation and just at the time of their death not there. I have known them personally (we both were almost struck literary at the same time with our first fruits, it was certainly much berühmter als ich, die ich fast zur gleichen Zeit meine "Spielräume" schrieb) und als Schriftstellerin ganz außerordentlich geschätzt. Dass sie als Mensch bekanntermaßen äußerst schwierig und auf Distanz bedacht war, hat eine aufkeimende Freundschaft, die ich gern weiter entwickelt hätte, nicht aufkommen lassen.
Meine Meinung zu deiner Frage:
Solche Antworten sind sehr, sehr heikel und brauchen Fingerspitzengefühl. Meine Hochachtung für dich/euch, dass ihr euch Gedanken darüber macht, denn die Auswirkungen einer Rückmeldung können wirklich fatal sein und wir (alle empfindlichen und hochsensiblen Künstlerseelen) wissen aus eigener Erfahrung, wie schwer Ablehnungen zu verkraften - even if mentally or less "normal" - or shall we say pathologically inconspicuous - being.
However one thing is clear, as you are already formulated as a principle: the literary quality must be paramount.
Now if you read a heart-breaking text that can be taken from under you, how bad someone is going or have gone at the time of writing has, and this text still does not "own handwriting" has only ever lost I broken circling lament is, moreover, in an immature or simply bad literary form, it is surely good (so there are employees, the time and the necessary sensitivity and linguistic expression dafür haben), einen etwas ausführlicheren, mitfühlend und persönlich gehaltenen Antwortbrief zu schreiben, der auf den Inhalt des Textes kurz Bezug nimmt, allerdings auch vorsichtig und unmißverständlich ausdrückt, dass - nach Einschätzung für das Medium Reibeisen - die literarische Qualität nicht ausreicht. Denn es hat keinen Sinn, Leute weiter zu ermutigen, ihnen Hoffnungen zu machen, sie hinzuhalten und zu vertrösten - sie spüren das sowieso. Also in vorsichtig-differenzierter Weise ist ein klares Ja oder Nein, ggf. eine Weiterleitung an andere Medien, bei denen der Text vielleicht wirklich besser untergebracht sein könnte, auszudrücken. Für die Folgen ist nicht derjenige verantwortlich, of the clear response letter has written, but the person who receives it. We can not prevent people decide - for whatever reasons - to live no longer want or can. We can certainly try to help them can show ways - but in any case, we must tell the truth and cheat us by not doing so because we then feel better, the main thing is we never launched.
So, my opinion in brief: Be sure to clear text - in terms of empathic form to provide possible alternatives, and other feasible ways.
Andrea Wolfmayr
Cmicnfg Mfc Application Has Stopped Working
texts and therapy ...
Detlev Lazar
mail to Christian Schmid
Hello, Mr. Schmidt,
thanks for your mail. That this exchange on the occasion of the death of Mrs. Schwaiger takes place, I feel sad for the one hand, on the other hand, for very positive, since at least the (open) the death of Mrs. Schwaiger but those who feel affected, moved to think.
preliminary: for me, suicide is not me resolution. However, I have therefore no right to judge about the suicide of others, especially when I do not know their motives.
Mrs Schwaiger I knew nothing until I received mail from Hans (Baker) to her death. Accordingly, I have read to date, it also does not work. Now it seems - according to your specifications - to have left at least a good, which is not only worth reading, but also absolutely goes deep. Would it be possible for me to leave this book on loan, if I did not get everything on the free market do? I think that we - should try to be fair wife Schwaiger, as far as is possible for us - regardless of the jury of the literary circle that can only fulfill their duties. Of course, means not only work but to read all of it! Only then can you really take a picture. My - deceased - father (a lawyer like me) once said, "you picture a verdict bevor Du nicht die Gegenseite gehört hast." Und die "Gegenseite" ist vorliegend ja wohl Frau Schwaiger.
Ich stehe nach wie vor zu dem, was ich zur Aufgabe der Jury des Literaturkreises und - in dieser Mail - auch zu Frau Schwaiger geschrieben habe. Allerdngs hat dies mit dem Menschen Schwaiger nichts oder nur wenig zu tun. Die Beachtung und Respektierung des MENSCHEN Schwaiger erfolgt auf einer anderen Ebene, auf meiner ganz persönlichen. Und jeder Mensch, der den sog. Freitod (so frei ist dieser im Normalfall ja überhaupt nicht, sondern deutet nur auf eine Vielzahl von Enttäuschungen und inneren Zwngen hin) wählt, hat es verdient dass man sich mit ihm beschäftigt
Es geht sicher nicht darum, ob mir ein Werk Mrs Schwaiger like it or not. It goes the other hand, about the author with what moves him and has to recognize in his works. And then - to decide whether he / she is worthy to be rescued from Nrmalität by publishing or not - for example, by the jury of the literature circle.
For me personally, has brought about the confrontation with the suicide of Mrs. Schwaiger a thought: EIGHT MORE ON YOUR NEIGHBOR!
In this sense
Detlev Lazar
Detlev Lazar
mail to Christian Schmid
Hello, Mr. Schmidt,
thanks for your mail. That this exchange on the occasion of the death of Mrs. Schwaiger takes place, I feel sad for the one hand, on the other hand, for very positive, since at least the (open) the death of Mrs. Schwaiger but those who feel affected, moved to think.
preliminary: for me, suicide is not me resolution. However, I have therefore no right to judge about the suicide of others, especially when I do not know their motives.
Mrs Schwaiger I knew nothing until I received mail from Hans (Baker) to her death. Accordingly, I have read to date, it also does not work. Now it seems - according to your specifications - to have left at least a good, which is not only worth reading, but also absolutely goes deep. Would it be possible for me to leave this book on loan, if I did not get everything on the free market do? I think that we - should try to be fair wife Schwaiger, as far as is possible for us - regardless of the jury of the literary circle that can only fulfill their duties. Of course, means not only work but to read all of it! Only then can you really take a picture. My - deceased - father (a lawyer like me) once said, "you picture a verdict bevor Du nicht die Gegenseite gehört hast." Und die "Gegenseite" ist vorliegend ja wohl Frau Schwaiger.
Ich stehe nach wie vor zu dem, was ich zur Aufgabe der Jury des Literaturkreises und - in dieser Mail - auch zu Frau Schwaiger geschrieben habe. Allerdngs hat dies mit dem Menschen Schwaiger nichts oder nur wenig zu tun. Die Beachtung und Respektierung des MENSCHEN Schwaiger erfolgt auf einer anderen Ebene, auf meiner ganz persönlichen. Und jeder Mensch, der den sog. Freitod (so frei ist dieser im Normalfall ja überhaupt nicht, sondern deutet nur auf eine Vielzahl von Enttäuschungen und inneren Zwngen hin) wählt, hat es verdient dass man sich mit ihm beschäftigt
Es geht sicher nicht darum, ob mir ein Werk Mrs Schwaiger like it or not. It goes the other hand, about the author with what moves him and has to recognize in his works. And then - to decide whether he / she is worthy to be rescued from Nrmalität by publishing or not - for example, by the jury of the literature circle.
For me personally, has brought about the confrontation with the suicide of Mrs. Schwaiger a thought: EIGHT MORE ON YOUR NEIGHBOR!
In this sense
Detlev Lazar
Zig Zag Blunt Wraps Ottawa
texts and therapy ...
By Christian Schmid
mail to Hans Bäck
God be with you dear Hans!
I am grad of a beautiful journey into the inner emigration
back to nature and have to commit suicide by Brigitte Schwaiger
shocking too.
your book, "How did salt get into the sea" has inspired me in my
Hugend, I read it on a long sea passage
and connect me more
many memories associated with the book
What came later, it has not fallen.
from her own I then again only in a very sensitive and well-made
interview heard and seen. I was then shocked
, the outer decline (by
alcohol causes disease) see, but it filled my heart to hear
with joy, how much they
positives to draw from that to which everything else in life worth living as
the situation was.
She was a welfare case and under which they suffered
certainly the most. This is the start for me
the question:
What must a state that it is not so far
? What can the individual, because this can not but
silent screams remain unheard
, or we all live by a house-
hofer'schen Glasmonade surrounded that we walk past each other
so careless.
It is not the critic who his tools
guards like a hawk, the death of an artist
hberbeiführt. And if so, then it is a singular lack of understanding of
being who dares to ask
apotheosis of all. I think there
only to Deon Meyer, Mankell
South Africa, my God, they have laid the stones
in the way, and yet he is unwavering
went his way.
Brigitte Schwaiger has chosen writing as a form of
therapy in the last years,
because it seemed to her as the only way to send
a cry of despair at the house end up in window-
loose Betonmonaden people
to help her. That there is a literary
feathers are left for me to
hand. Since then that does not sit at any point
and not every comma seems
Whether it's purpose and meaning fulfillment of
is criticism, with Puritanism this or that
omission literary "value"
tools on the scale of our self Eitel-
opportunities lay, which I leave to judge each
to individual critic from himself.
Christian Schmid
By Christian Schmid
mail to Hans Bäck
God be with you dear Hans!
I am grad of a beautiful journey into the inner emigration
back to nature and have to commit suicide by Brigitte Schwaiger
shocking too.
your book, "How did salt get into the sea" has inspired me in my
Hugend, I read it on a long sea passage
and connect me more
many memories associated with the book
What came later, it has not fallen.
from her own I then again only in a very sensitive and well-made
interview heard and seen. I was then shocked
, the outer decline (by
alcohol causes disease) see, but it filled my heart to hear
with joy, how much they
positives to draw from that to which everything else in life worth living as
the situation was.
She was a welfare case and under which they suffered
certainly the most. This is the start for me
the question:
What must a state that it is not so far
? What can the individual, because this can not but
silent screams remain unheard
, or we all live by a house-
hofer'schen Glasmonade surrounded that we walk past each other
so careless.
It is not the critic who his tools
guards like a hawk, the death of an artist
hberbeiführt. And if so, then it is a singular lack of understanding of
being who dares to ask
apotheosis of all. I think there
only to Deon Meyer, Mankell
South Africa, my God, they have laid the stones
in the way, and yet he is unwavering
went his way.
Brigitte Schwaiger has chosen writing as a form of
therapy in the last years,
because it seemed to her as the only way to send
a cry of despair at the house end up in window-
loose Betonmonaden people
to help her. That there is a literary
feathers are left for me to
hand. Since then that does not sit at any point
and not every comma seems
Whether it's purpose and meaning fulfillment of
is criticism, with Puritanism this or that
omission literary "value"
tools on the scale of our self Eitel-
opportunities lay, which I leave to judge each
to individual critic from himself.
Christian Schmid
Acronis Installation Interrupted Xp
In memory of Brigitte Schwaiger ...
Heli Türk
Yes what does one actually write that? I mean literary. Whether poetry or prose. No, do not care. Poetry is already which requires. At least a minimum level of literary knowledge.
"writing stories" The right to short stories or even novels is, it should be easier. Is it easier? One reason for writing it takes forever and needs a (e) any (r). Experiences, events, situations, feelings of positive and negative kind, the most positive things convey joy, happiness, well-being regardless of whether one or read:
social events. Therefore, they are also a lot of writing but unfortunately less printed.
In the negative things, such as fear, sorrow, disease, despair, pain and death, one realizes that these things in the so-called "big Literature more often are present. Is this perhaps the reason why many who write, mainly dealing with negative issues?
But if I'm right, so here is the so-called "therapeutic writing" are discussed. So how does this happen?
We know the saying: "Free from the liver to talk away ..." First, it remains so even when talking. But what if one listens to no one? If it comes to writing, for "writing down"
"faith healing", there is. There exists the "Healthy letter?" Some people think Psychotherapy "YES".
But because many or most publishers "Therapy literature" refuse to try it stop at anthologies or literary magazines. So have the judges see as the "helper therapy" and do not despair. For only rarely, very rarely to claim such texts are "literary" fair.
The dilemma may be that texts about the unfathomable tragedy, Forbidden, Sad. sell on crime, murder and manslaughter is easier and bring them to the man (for example, are on television as a "crime writer".
That man for the worse "driven forth" will show the headlines in the newspapers and television programs to satisfy.
Now with the need we live and the judges of culture magazines with literary claim.

Heli Türk
Yes what does one actually write that? I mean literary. Whether poetry or prose. No, do not care. Poetry is already which requires. At least a minimum level of literary knowledge.
"writing stories" The right to short stories or even novels is, it should be easier. Is it easier? One reason for writing it takes forever and needs a (e) any (r). Experiences, events, situations, feelings of positive and negative kind, the most positive things convey joy, happiness, well-being regardless of whether one or read:
social events. Therefore, they are also a lot of writing but unfortunately less printed.
In the negative things, such as fear, sorrow, disease, despair, pain and death, one realizes that these things in the so-called "big Literature more often are present. Is this perhaps the reason why many who write, mainly dealing with negative issues?
But if I'm right, so here is the so-called "therapeutic writing" are discussed. So how does this happen?
We know the saying: "Free from the liver to talk away ..." First, it remains so even when talking. But what if one listens to no one? If it comes to writing, for "writing down"
"faith healing", there is. There exists the "Healthy letter?" Some people think Psychotherapy "YES".
But because many or most publishers "Therapy literature" refuse to try it stop at anthologies or literary magazines. So have the judges see as the "helper therapy" and do not despair. For only rarely, very rarely to claim such texts are "literary" fair.
The dilemma may be that texts about the unfathomable tragedy, Forbidden, Sad. sell on crime, murder and manslaughter is easier and bring them to the man (for example, are on television as a "crime writer".
That man for the worse "driven forth" will show the headlines in the newspapers and television programs to satisfy.
Now with the need we live and the judges of culture magazines with literary claim.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Marriage Customs In Peru
's People
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it is not necessary, comments, responses and opinions separately to the video-editing - forward - by e-mail. You can also "comment" function under the article in use among them. If it concerns a longer story, it is recommended that they first create using a text editor, eg MS-Word, and then copy in the comment window into it.
Best wishes in the round!
Reinhard Mermi
Blog Editor
Dear reader,
it is not necessary, comments, responses and opinions separately to the video-editing - forward - by e-mail. You can also "comment" function under the article in use among them. If it concerns a longer story, it is recommended that they first create using a text editor, eg MS-Word, and then copy in the comment window into it.
Best wishes in the round!
Reinhard Mermi
Blog Editor
Company Housing Allowance
again texts and texts
I have a Hans Beck e-mail zoangeführtem subject and wishes to get on this subject briefly in my opinion, position:
I too have the book "How to get the salt into the sea" and read it to me gefalllen very good. The other books I do not know personally and can not comment on it.
Now to the topic of the "open letter". I also know that life sometimes demands a lot of one, in different areas. But I am of the opinion that one has no right, nor to writing, other people to charge so
and pulls down with it. I do not take the negative of "reclamation" and I am convinced that only with positive can grow and constructive impulses to a tolerable situation.
I write here only problems that life brings with it just like that. But how it looks when someone is mentally ill, I can not judge. Perhaps such people are simply a greater need to come out with their suffering. Only that they should rather do in a diary for yourself or go to a doctor.
However, I have found that our contemporary art, it is now literature, painting or music, many posts of people, have with themselves no longer cope. It therefore seems to be a mirror of our Company.
I give Hans Beck all of the above points right.
Margaret Hackl
Addendum: Addendum to
my e-mail today:
I have several years volunteers with mental health problems such as depression and the like. care and found that they are constantly with their illness in a circle, just not auskönnen, although they had a good medikamtöse treatment from the doctors. I must say that they never had the need to express themselves in writing. But I always had the impression that they would like goldfish turn in a round glass; year in - year out, always the same rounds.
you feel safe as a relief when one deals with them, but to their underlying condition does not change.
course, there are also different degrees of such diseases and I want to break anyone of a sword, for the suffering that these people do is, infinite. They are trapped in yourself, see no way out and other people they can into their world of thought not usually follow. What is going on in such a man, you know basically unfortunately can not and will never know, because they usually react emotionally like and sometimes completely from all rules.
As Mr. Beck has also raised the question of how to provide aid, it would I propose a "platform" specifically for these people. Here they can express themselves in their own way and to feel accepted.
Margaret Hackl
I have a Hans Beck e-mail zoangeführtem subject and wishes to get on this subject briefly in my opinion, position:
I too have the book "How to get the salt into the sea" and read it to me gefalllen very good. The other books I do not know personally and can not comment on it.
Now to the topic of the "open letter". I also know that life sometimes demands a lot of one, in different areas. But I am of the opinion that one has no right, nor to writing, other people to charge so
and pulls down with it. I do not take the negative of "reclamation" and I am convinced that only with positive can grow and constructive impulses to a tolerable situation.
I write here only problems that life brings with it just like that. But how it looks when someone is mentally ill, I can not judge. Perhaps such people are simply a greater need to come out with their suffering. Only that they should rather do in a diary for yourself or go to a doctor.
However, I have found that our contemporary art, it is now literature, painting or music, many posts of people, have with themselves no longer cope. It therefore seems to be a mirror of our Company.
I give Hans Beck all of the above points right.
Margaret Hackl
Addendum: Addendum to
my e-mail today:
I have several years volunteers with mental health problems such as depression and the like. care and found that they are constantly with their illness in a circle, just not auskönnen, although they had a good medikamtöse treatment from the doctors. I must say that they never had the need to express themselves in writing. But I always had the impression that they would like goldfish turn in a round glass; year in - year out, always the same rounds.
you feel safe as a relief when one deals with them, but to their underlying condition does not change.
course, there are also different degrees of such diseases and I want to break anyone of a sword, for the suffering that these people do is, infinite. They are trapped in yourself, see no way out and other people they can into their world of thought not usually follow. What is going on in such a man, you know basically unfortunately can not and will never know, because they usually react emotionally like and sometimes completely from all rules.
As Mr. Beck has also raised the question of how to provide aid, it would I propose a "platform" specifically for these people. Here they can express themselves in their own way and to feel accepted.
Margaret Hackl
Diabetes In A Two Year Old?
therapy and treatment ...
Caveat: Suicide is no solution for me, no matter how hard I pressed a problem. However, this is just for me, for no one else has chosen the woman Schwaiger another way - for reasons that I do not know and therefore can not judge. And even for Selstmord takes courage!
to issues raised by Mr Bäck problem - I do not think it is the duty of judges and editors of the grater, each potential suicide candidates mit seinen Texten Plattform zu sein. Das Team des Reibeisen (einschließlich der Juroren) hat sich zur Garantie der Qualität des Reibeisens selbst eine hohe Anforderung gestellt - Erkennen und Aussieben der qualitativ hochstehenden Beiträge und Aufnahme dieser Beiträge in das Reibeisen. Und ich denke, dieser Anspruch ist auch absolut gerechtfertigt.
Und: Ihr seid nicht schuld am Selbstmord von Frau Schwaiger! Zieht euch diesen Schuh bitte nicht an! Als Frau Schwaiger ins Wasser ging, hat sie sicher nicht an euch, sondern allein an ihre eigene verkorkste Situation gedacht - sonst wäre sie nicht in den Selbstmord gegangen.
Ich habe schon Manches zu Papier gebracht - Gedichte und Geschichten. Aber nach your - in force for all writers - none of these criteria has passed bruising and was worthy to be placed in the grater (to my own opinion). And Hans (Bäck) Some time ago I said something quite important in this context: love, heartbreak, etc. There are a thousand times - is important but alone: \u200b\u200bWHAT I WANT MY TO SAY TALK: PASS? What does my personal counterpart (the reader) for himself from what I impart to him? Under this aspect is much (almost everything I've ever put on paper) from the grater. John has helped me to discover the self and the extent of work to me.
around the circle close to Mrs. Schwaiger: Her death is unfortunate. But it is based on their own decision. My mother is of atrophy (brain shrinkage) died, my aunt in her life, the father of friends of mine all of a sudden and easy to sleep in the car on a motorway service station, a good friend of mine to cancer (the night of death was cruel for me and is forget) - but all these have to try her death, to life in their own way yet to win something positive! And I think that's what counts!
who does not believe in yourself, even in the darkest hour of his life, it has otherwise earned. Listening now to hard - but we all have the possibility der Wahl! Und wenn ich an mich selbst glaube, kann mir die Welt nichts, da ich Teil der Welt bin! Das(!) ist meine Lebenserfahrung von nunmehr über 57 Jahren - seit ich angefangen habe, bewußt zu denken und meine Umwelt wahrzunehmen - ungefähr mein 3. Lebensjahr).
Fazit: Lasst euch nicht in euren Vorgaben für das Reibeisen beirren und handelt weiterhin danach. Für den Abdruck von Lebensbeichten und Therapieerfahrungen sind andere zuständig (Verlage, denen es in erster Linie auf das Geld ankommt). Aufgabe des Reibeisens ist es, wirklich guten Autoren den Weg zu ebnen! Bitte: Haltet an dieser Aufgabe fest! Für jeden möglichen Autor für das Reibeisen ist dies Prüfungsmaßstab für sich self and motivation. can achieve
D. Lazar
Caveat: Suicide is no solution for me, no matter how hard I pressed a problem. However, this is just for me, for no one else has chosen the woman Schwaiger another way - for reasons that I do not know and therefore can not judge. And even for Selstmord takes courage!
to issues raised by Mr Bäck problem - I do not think it is the duty of judges and editors of the grater, each potential suicide candidates mit seinen Texten Plattform zu sein. Das Team des Reibeisen (einschließlich der Juroren) hat sich zur Garantie der Qualität des Reibeisens selbst eine hohe Anforderung gestellt - Erkennen und Aussieben der qualitativ hochstehenden Beiträge und Aufnahme dieser Beiträge in das Reibeisen. Und ich denke, dieser Anspruch ist auch absolut gerechtfertigt.
Und: Ihr seid nicht schuld am Selbstmord von Frau Schwaiger! Zieht euch diesen Schuh bitte nicht an! Als Frau Schwaiger ins Wasser ging, hat sie sicher nicht an euch, sondern allein an ihre eigene verkorkste Situation gedacht - sonst wäre sie nicht in den Selbstmord gegangen.
Ich habe schon Manches zu Papier gebracht - Gedichte und Geschichten. Aber nach your - in force for all writers - none of these criteria has passed bruising and was worthy to be placed in the grater (to my own opinion). And Hans (Bäck) Some time ago I said something quite important in this context: love, heartbreak, etc. There are a thousand times - is important but alone: \u200b\u200bWHAT I WANT MY TO SAY TALK: PASS? What does my personal counterpart (the reader) for himself from what I impart to him? Under this aspect is much (almost everything I've ever put on paper) from the grater. John has helped me to discover the self and the extent of work to me.
around the circle close to Mrs. Schwaiger: Her death is unfortunate. But it is based on their own decision. My mother is of atrophy (brain shrinkage) died, my aunt in her life, the father of friends of mine all of a sudden and easy to sleep in the car on a motorway service station, a good friend of mine to cancer (the night of death was cruel for me and is forget) - but all these have to try her death, to life in their own way yet to win something positive! And I think that's what counts!
who does not believe in yourself, even in the darkest hour of his life, it has otherwise earned. Listening now to hard - but we all have the possibility der Wahl! Und wenn ich an mich selbst glaube, kann mir die Welt nichts, da ich Teil der Welt bin! Das(!) ist meine Lebenserfahrung von nunmehr über 57 Jahren - seit ich angefangen habe, bewußt zu denken und meine Umwelt wahrzunehmen - ungefähr mein 3. Lebensjahr).
Fazit: Lasst euch nicht in euren Vorgaben für das Reibeisen beirren und handelt weiterhin danach. Für den Abdruck von Lebensbeichten und Therapieerfahrungen sind andere zuständig (Verlage, denen es in erster Linie auf das Geld ankommt). Aufgabe des Reibeisens ist es, wirklich guten Autoren den Weg zu ebnen! Bitte: Haltet an dieser Aufgabe fest! Für jeden möglichen Autor für das Reibeisen ist dies Prüfungsmaßstab für sich self and motivation. can achieve
D. Lazar
Lethal Dose Of Themazepan
texts and therapy ...
that writing in itself for such a loaded colleagues certainly health benefits, has been Leo Navratil in his book "Schizophrenia and language" underpinned by research and publications of the works of Patients encouraged. As the reader of the works, however, have known about the state of the authors.
Whether the editors of literary magazines are professionals who are up a similar task? Moreover, would probably defend the authors concerned, to be regarded as "mentally struck.
Andererseits gibt es viele Beispiele von seelisch kranken Autoren, deren Texte es erst nach ihrem Suizid oder "normalen" Tod zu Anerkennung und in Büchern zu hohen Auflagen gebracht haben.
Wäre ich Redakteur einer Zeitschrift oder Lektor eines Verlages würde ich mit dem Autor, sollte ich über dessen seelischer Verfassung überhaupt Bescheid wissen, den persönlichen Kontakt suchen. Allerdings ist mir bewusst, dass der
überall vorherrschende Zeitdruck ein derartiges Vorgehen schwer möglich macht.
Das Thema lässt sich in wenigen Zeilen nicht erschöpfend ausleuchten, sollte das überhaupt möglich sein. Bin schon neugierig auf Stellungnahmen von Kollegen.
Hans Walter Grössinger
P.S.:Mit Autor sind selbstverständlich auch alle Autorinnen gemeint. Das in Mode gekommene große I im Wort finde ich jedoch grässlich.

that writing in itself for such a loaded colleagues certainly health benefits, has been Leo Navratil in his book "Schizophrenia and language" underpinned by research and publications of the works of Patients encouraged. As the reader of the works, however, have known about the state of the authors.
Whether the editors of literary magazines are professionals who are up a similar task? Moreover, would probably defend the authors concerned, to be regarded as "mentally struck.
Andererseits gibt es viele Beispiele von seelisch kranken Autoren, deren Texte es erst nach ihrem Suizid oder "normalen" Tod zu Anerkennung und in Büchern zu hohen Auflagen gebracht haben.
Wäre ich Redakteur einer Zeitschrift oder Lektor eines Verlages würde ich mit dem Autor, sollte ich über dessen seelischer Verfassung überhaupt Bescheid wissen, den persönlichen Kontakt suchen. Allerdings ist mir bewusst, dass der
überall vorherrschende Zeitdruck ein derartiges Vorgehen schwer möglich macht.
Das Thema lässt sich in wenigen Zeilen nicht erschöpfend ausleuchten, sollte das überhaupt möglich sein. Bin schon neugierig auf Stellungnahmen von Kollegen.
Hans Walter Grössinger
P.S.:Mit Autor sind selbstverständlich auch alle Autorinnen gemeint. Das in Mode gekommene große I im Wort finde ich jedoch grässlich.
Antivirals Used Cats Herpes

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
Der Anregung von Hans Bäck folgend, möchte ich den Beitrag über das Dilemma von Zeitschriften bei der Beurteilung von unausgereiften literarischen Texten kommentieren.
Eine Literaturzeitschrift ist m.E. ein Medium, um Texte einer möglichst breiten Leserschaft zur Beurteilung zur Verfügung zu stellen. Nicht die Zeitschrift und nicht die Juroren beurteilen ein Stück, sondern einzig und allein der Leser. Außerdem ist Literatur nicht Mathematics, there is no absolute good and absolute evil, it can not be passed because it is very subjective assessments. Consider as an example of Dario For "Misterio Buffo", which helped the author to a Nobel Prize but most readers felt to be devoid of meaning was bawling. The wetlands, which were long on the top places in the hit parade were not seen as a consensus masterpiece.
So I would argue that it is making in non-obvious (= objectified) nonsensical texts the first attempt at a presentation of the piece, but with a feedback mechanism is provided that will allow the magazine, which Acceptance of a text by the audience to find out. I can imagine a form of school grades, or even a query over the Internet. The main thing would be to abandon the idea of authentic texts can be divided into "good" and "bad". This is exactly what many authors complain to publishers: the one-sided selection, possibly on public taste over. begin
Yours, Yours sincerely
Julius Franzot
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
How To Avoid Regurgitation Of Food
Graßmugg pickings
As for the students in July, the holiday, the period for us as a club this month, our "official" Sommerpause.
Das bedeutet aber lediglich, dass die regelmäßigen Dienstag-Abend-Treffen in unserem Vereinslokal nicht stattfinden.
Sehr wohl gilt es auch in dieser Zeit die verschiedensten Termine wahrzunehmen. Vor allem die Vorbereitungsarbeiten für das REIBEISEN Nr. 28 müssen erledigt werden.
Am 2. Juli hatten wir unsere diesjährige Generalversammlung.
Gemäß unseren Statuten findet die Wahl des Vereinsvorstandes im Zweijahresrhythmus statt. Die nächste Neuwahl wird es also bei der Jahreshauptversammlung 2011 geben. Diesmal lag der Schwerpunkt bei den Berichten zu den zahlreich durchgeführten Veranstaltungen des abgelaufenen Arbeitsjahres und der Vorschau auf bereits in Planung befindliche Projekte.
A major decision - adopted unanimously - is to increase the annual membership fee from 2011 to 25 - €.
In the event that a member of the application of this amount is not possible, was granted to the Executive Board, the membership fee for hours due to special circumstances.
course, is the literary fallen off of our association in any "summer sleep." Here are two part-messages:
The German Academy for Language and Literature has reached agreement on who should receive the prize of 40,000 euros Georg-Büchner Prize 2010: It is born in 1953 in East Berlin Reinhard Jirgl be. Although a writer at a young age active, took up the literary success Jirgl only after the turn. Since that time has both its release and prices and award list for a considerable length.
The award of the Georg Büchner Prize will take place on 23 October 2010.
The Swedish author Per Olov Enquist received on 25 July 2010 the Austrian State Prize for European Literature 2009 ". The
worth 25,000 euros, the award was presented to the major European storytellers Minister of Culture Claudia Schmied in Salzburg.
is with this award for his literary oeuvre Enquist in einer Reihe mit Schriftstellern wie Umberto Eco, Salman Rushdie, Milan Kundera, Friedrich Dürrenmatt, Simone de Beauvoir, Harold Pinter u. v. a.
Noch viele schöne Urlaubs- oder einfach nur Sommertage (und –nächte)
wünscht euch
Sepp Graßmugg

As for the students in July, the holiday, the period for us as a club this month, our "official" Sommerpause.
Das bedeutet aber lediglich, dass die regelmäßigen Dienstag-Abend-Treffen in unserem Vereinslokal nicht stattfinden.
Sehr wohl gilt es auch in dieser Zeit die verschiedensten Termine wahrzunehmen. Vor allem die Vorbereitungsarbeiten für das REIBEISEN Nr. 28 müssen erledigt werden.
Am 2. Juli hatten wir unsere diesjährige Generalversammlung.
Gemäß unseren Statuten findet die Wahl des Vereinsvorstandes im Zweijahresrhythmus statt. Die nächste Neuwahl wird es also bei der Jahreshauptversammlung 2011 geben. Diesmal lag der Schwerpunkt bei den Berichten zu den zahlreich durchgeführten Veranstaltungen des abgelaufenen Arbeitsjahres und der Vorschau auf bereits in Planung befindliche Projekte.
A major decision - adopted unanimously - is to increase the annual membership fee from 2011 to 25 - €.
In the event that a member of the application of this amount is not possible, was granted to the Executive Board, the membership fee for hours due to special circumstances.
course, is the literary fallen off of our association in any "summer sleep." Here are two part-messages:
The German Academy for Language and Literature has reached agreement on who should receive the prize of 40,000 euros Georg-Büchner Prize 2010: It is born in 1953 in East Berlin Reinhard Jirgl be. Although a writer at a young age active, took up the literary success Jirgl only after the turn. Since that time has both its release and prices and award list for a considerable length.
The award of the Georg Büchner Prize will take place on 23 October 2010.
The Swedish author Per Olov Enquist received on 25 July 2010 the Austrian State Prize for European Literature 2009 ". The
worth 25,000 euros, the award was presented to the major European storytellers Minister of Culture Claudia Schmied in Salzburg.
is with this award for his literary oeuvre Enquist in einer Reihe mit Schriftstellern wie Umberto Eco, Salman Rushdie, Milan Kundera, Friedrich Dürrenmatt, Simone de Beauvoir, Harold Pinter u. v. a.
Noch viele schöne Urlaubs- oder einfach nur Sommertage (und –nächte)
wünscht euch
Sepp Graßmugg
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