Im Buch Kohelet im alten Testament gibt es das wunderbare Kapitel über die Zeit für alles, was dem Menschen unterkommen kann. Es gibt also eine Zeit für die Freude, für die Trauer, für die Liebe, für den Zorn, für die Arbeit und für die Muse. Der Verfasser des Buches führt noch viele Beispiele an, für die es eine eigene Zeit gäbe. And every age has its meaning, its task. And we are all now in a time of recollection, of reflection, as it was and of reflection, how it will be. Joy, confidence, but also concerns, perhaps sometimes even fear of what awaits us and which we know nothing. We do not know when is something that comes as we are concerned, everything is open 365 days of 2011 ahead of us, today, on 17 December I write this, because after all, have 351 days of 2010 are behind us. It is therefore time to consider what happened to hold a retrospective. Do not worry, dear readers of this blog or e-mail messages, it is not a list of activities, no summation the written lines, etc. It is simply a retrospective for an exciting year.
course will be the focus of these gleanings from the literature, but not only, there are also other areas of art are touched, it will happen a little society, and thus the policy. Let's be surprised what comes to mind as if gleanings 2010.
I have a long break prescribed and adhered to and where not to any rubbish my two cents. Occasionally, but it appealed to me yet and I had to once again, well, yes you did read it. There have been relatively well received - I was glad of - a single cancellation - which also upset me - and much silence that I - presumptuous and conceited as I am now once regarded as a silent nod.
Where to start?
makes sense to where or with which the year comes to an end: the inevitable wishes for Christmas and the upcoming year. The postman groaning under the mountains of mail, although much of it already done by mail. "May I offer his condolences by mail?" Was torn in the spring of 2010, a sentence in a book and a lot of discussion. "Can you do e-mail Merry Christmas?" The question is lost because it is already happening and is increasingly the case. Often with beautifully landscaped enclosures, with their own poems and texts, which is far more beautiful than any 0-8-15 greeting card. So, make all those who write conventional maps and all the others, the sameness by e-mail: a big thank you from me in this way and to me the assurance I will in the years to show myself in this regard abstinence and no Christmas - and send New Year wishes. Why? Well, I let my spinner, I'm just so, so I want to express a little appreciation, those who would otherwise be forgotten too, so I write about none at all.
So, that would be done.
Oh yes, with the coming to an end of the year I wanted to do. There they are still around the wood-timbered ". The way it was before," Cottages on our places in the cities around and signal the general right to give the Advent, at least I can not remember - and as born in 1940, I deliberately but experienced some of Advent - that it used " so "was. There was "used" on the radio always a transfer from the Festspielhaus Salzburg (then the little ones or old) and then someone sat in front with a crumpled, slightly drunken voice and grumbled, "the quietest time of the year."
This mendacious drivel I could not even listen to a teenager and now as age and certainly do not. What lies behind it? Doch eine Sehnsucht von uns allen, nach etwas von dem wir träumen, das es so aber nie gab. Und als Ersatz gibt es nun die Punschhütteln, die gebratenen Maroni, den Glühwein und vor allem die Auftritte der Schulkinder aller Schulstufen, die dürfen dort gemeinsam mit ihren Lehrkräften auf der Bühne am Hauptplatz ein paar Advent- und Weihnachtslieder singen. Und das wissen die Marketingmenschen aller Gemeinden: Kinder ziehen immer (und wenn nur die Großeltern mitkommen), dann noch ein wenig Bläsermusik, der Bürgermeister und die Gemeinderäte lassen sich sehen, gehen huldvoll grüßend durch die Mengen. Ach ja, die Heimatdichter und die heimatlichen Dichter, die kommen auch zu Wort. Wobei ich nun schon erstmals the advent of peace and the celebration of trouble you. Of course, getting the music groups that occur as a fee (yes is no picnic, in the Saukälte had it this year to stand at the main square and "it is scho same Dumpa" blow). What were the children, I do not know the native poet, of course, go empty-handed (or should be happy that we - the community - give them an opportunity to present their texts). If we practice in the coming Advent in denial? I think about it seriously! Invited
we were indeed in some cases. There was a Christmas party, where a business dinner, what's all just so. „Geh, komm und lies ein paar Zeilen“ aber nicht zu lang und nicht zu besinnlich, sonst werden die Leute unruhig. Als Gage? Beim Abendessen eingeladen, selbstverständlich.
Kommen wir doch zu unserem eigenen Metier, zur Literatur. Viele Veranstaltungen des Kapfenberger Europaliteraturkreis waren – von der Besucherzahl her gesehen – ein Flop. Stört das jemand? Oder sollen wir mit dem Fußballklub der Stadt Kapfenberg konkurrieren? Solange die sinkenden Zuschüsse und Subventionen nicht an der Zahl der Teilnehmer gemessen werden, habe ich kein Problem damit, wenn zu einer Lesung 10 Personen kommen, die aber begeistert nach Hause gehen. Dabei bin ich sicher, es gab unter diesen Veranstaltungen einige „Zuckerln“ (For our German readers: these are sweets), it would have been worth that ...
shame, maybe some other time. Certainly we will need to think about how we bring our activities more to the public and inform the population. The next year will certainly be a major task of the Executive Board of the ELCC. At least we now have
with the blog and, since 1 November, with the newly designed website (www.europa-literaturkreis.net) two communication platforms created. And we hope very popular. In the blog, our count at least to 17 12. 2010 6435 requests registered. And if we then set the posts in the coming year, again more often, then is also the exchange of ideas to get underway. And they look it will still continue to give, also for a time as a mail interested.
And now for books. I come back to the author of Ecclesiastes. There is the age of plenty and there is a time of drought, he wrote. If we'll get the authors of the ELCC, it was certainly a year of plenty! There was a large number of publications by our authors. This is a good sign, although I sometimes think of that word in ABUNDANCE also Vorwörtchen "to" inside and plugged in abundance also may mean ever "too much", some would have been better wenn es nicht erschienen wäre. Aber das ist eben so, dass auch manchmal etwas „durchrutscht.“ Wir haben ja im Rahmen der Lesebiennale da Beispiele erlebt. Gut, nein eigentlich nicht gut, aber darüber schrieb ich ja schon: Therapieschreiben und dergleichen und da haben sich ja die Leser des Blogs und dieser Nachlesen sehr intensiv daran beteiligt. Damit ist wohl auch für uns als Redaktion des Reibeisens eine Klarstellung erfolgt. Wir werden in Hinkunft doch die literarische Qualität in den Vordergrund stellen und nicht das Bedürfnis von jemand, sich sein Leid und seinen Kummer von der Seele schreiben zu müssen. Nochmals und abschließend zu diesem Thema: Wenn der Text gut geschrieben ist, hat er auch eine Chance. Aber um den Schweizer Autor Peter Bichsel (nochmals) zu zitieren: “Wenn ich einen Befund habe, gehe ich damit zum Facharzt und nicht zum Verleger.“ So einfach ist das im Prinzip. Aber eben nur im Prinzip.
Aber was war denn in der übrigen, der Großen Literatur los? Gab es da auch eine Zeit des Überflusses? Im Sinne von „zuviel“ ganz sicher! Die Freunde, die jährlich die Buchmessen besuchen, werden das bestätigen. Das ist sicher ein Überfluss sondergleichen! Wer da alles von Schreiben leben muss! Es ist ja wirklich unbegreiflich, dass auf diesem Markt die einfachsten Marktgesetze überhaupt nicht funktionieren! Es ist schon spannend als Mensch, der Jahrzehnte lang sich mit Wirtschaftsproblemen herumschlagen had to see how everything we had once learned to be upset. Supply, demand, production, substitution, innovation, or the book market in the literary world is all haywire. There have always been years where there was the so-called About Above results. The book of the books of the year, so to speak. It is already clear that there can not be every year. And so a year it seems, was the 2010! The book, which would have torn me from the stool, no, that was not there. And I've read again because of the reviews but many - thanks to the city library Kapfenberg, which always hangs up a lot of new releases. And it is now but already some years ago that it THE BOOK was. Nevertheless, there are an infinite number of books, very good, excellent and this is so beautiful. Despite all the over-production but there is also the quality and we find ourselves from that, it is not always the one that everything preceding is in the shade. Let us look forward to the books out there and we look forward to those to come.
And now I'm going to write something first in their own right. I'm so happy, in March during the book fair in Leipzig will be released my first book. The publisher machines in Berlin bringing my culture "speakers in the trees" out. I hope the book will be a gracious audience and I will in due time to the respective Presentations invite!
The year 2011 will also bring back our literature workshop, right at the beginning of the year we will fix the board the date and the place to give everyone the opportunity to plan their schedules accordingly and holidays. One thing I can already tell you this, it will be a place of mystery and mysticism to be!
When we hear that the torrent rushes, so we instinctively think of "romantic kitsch, and not without reason. And why does our authors to not see when they write the roar of the surf, from the pull of the clouds, the sound of the bells away over the fields - and hundreds of thousands of other metaphors more? Are we asking for a literature which may be full of romance, but free of the kitsch! If the 2011 brings us, then we can be happy!
Dear friends of literature, peace of Christmas be with us all, and the coming year bring us a step closer to what we have done in life!
Best regards - Hans Bäck your
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