Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Replacement Slipcover Charleston Pottery Barn

10. Dezember 2009

Im Eintrag vom 22. Juni 2009 habe ich Auszüge aus meinem Vorwort zum ersten Band von Ted Rypels GONJI posted. Meanwhile, volume was published 2, in the spring, comes the third. The original novels came out in the U.S. in the early eighties and were seen as forgotten, so I am still very excited that Lübbe followed my tip and has published the books after all these years in German.
Rypel Ted, who had long since hung up his career as a writer on the nail, is now back with a lot of enthusiasm in the matter and added a round-mail to friends and acquaintances about the current state of his newfound desire to write skillfully. He has allowed me to adjust to the journal here.

Well, the word has Ted:

The long-delayed first audio book in the Gonji series has just been released, on both a CD set and as an MP-3 download, from and is available from them as well as from numerous other commercial outlets. These include Dorchester Publishing, with whom Audio Realms is now partnered, and we're all hoping for a domestic re-issue and/or continuation of the series in print with them or elsewhere. The first book is titled RED BLADE FROM THE EAST---my original title for the Zebra Books release called DEATHWIND OF VEDUN (the first part of what became, by default, the "Deathwind Trilogy"). It's just a beautiful piece of work, with a marvelous reading by award-winning voice actor Brian Holsopple, nice cover art---I couldn't be happier with how this turned out. No date yet for the second volume, but Audio Realms is contracted for all the previously released books.

Meanwhile, the first two books in the series have been issued in the German language by Luebbe, with the third due in February. They're very handsomely packaged and were given a wonderful send-off with an introduction to the first book by German fantasy author Kai Meyer. The Gonji titles (in stunningly authoritative-sounding German!) are DER WIND DES TODES (THE WIND OF DEATH); DIE SEELE DES STAHLS (THE SOUL WITHIN THE STEEL); and DIE STUNDE DES DRACHEN (THE HOUR OF THE DRAGON). Best I can tell is that the first two books are performing no better than average in Germany right now. Yet the series does seem to generate a definite momentum, which kept them selling for quite a long time in the '80s. So time will tell. I was also interviewed about Gonji by the German e-mag Phantastik Couch. If anyone is interested, I can send you the English transcription, as computer translations are notoriously clunky.

What's next? Possibly more Gonji. I recently wrote a long synoptic proposal for the completion of the entire cycle of Gonji's saga, which would run to a total of 11 books. The previously published five would chronologically be #s 4-8. (The three "young Gonji" novels would chronicle the character from star-crossed prophesied birth to the siege of Vedun. The final three would carry him to his fated crusade into undreamed-of worlds in opposition to tyrannical powers which have adversely affected human history, an involvement whose stirrings began in the fourth and fifth Zebra editions.) That proposal is in the hands of the German publisher, but I'll naturally also be circulating it to domestic publishers, as we see how these various re-issues are doing. Also, Audio Realms has asked me for a novella-length story for a new download-product line. So that may well turn into the first new Gonji tale in over twenty years. Audio Realms is outspokenly supportive of Gonji.

Beyond planning the future for my resilient samurai, I also wrote the screenplay for a supernatural Western, SAVAGE FRONTIER, for an indie film company called Shadowcast Pictures. I got to work with them last year on a film that's in post-pro (CLOSED FOR THE SEASON). I'm developing the SF script for possible novelization; working on a YA fantasy series proposal that's been on my mind for a long time; and pursuing, in fits and starts, a couple of great looking collaborative projects with comic artist Gary Dumm (AMERICAN SPLENDOR).

But Gonji is closest to my heart, and completing his epic-length saga would be the fulfillment of a longtime dream. And hey---while you're waiting to see whether Gonji gets greenlit again, you can stifle that yawn with a quick dose of great fantasy fiction by David C. Smith, my compadre from the Zebra days. Check out Amazon for used copies of ORON or THE SORCERER'S SHADOW or THE FALL OF THE FIRST WORLD TRILOGY. Dave also wrote continuations of the R.E. Howard Red Sonja and Black Vulmea characters, so there's a lot of Smith Craft too look into!

Thanks for your time and investment encouragement in the Gonji series!
Best, as always, Ted

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Ltd 2010 Lorna Morgan

11. November 2009

Here are some photos from the tour to ARCADIA-NIGHT. In addition, the Hamburg Carlsen Verlag part of my reading and answers to many questions as audio files online made (in the right column).

Hamburg, the lobby of the Carlsen Verlag,





Tuesday, October 13, 2009

List Yahoo Ticker Symbols

13. Oktober 2008

In all the bustle ARCADIA-a trip into the world of the cloud people. Here's a taste of the dragon graveyard next Wolkenvolk comic album, published in 2010.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Intense Pain Behind Ear

08. Oktober 2009

Yesterday is a complex online action to ARCADIA AWAKENED started. Rosa Alcantara, the protagonist of the novel, blogging and twittering like crazy. As of this morning are 730 friends in Facebook, and about 250 followers on Twitter, which I think is quite enormous. The most important information about the raffle, which is associated, there are Rosas Blog and her Facebook page , and toured to Twitter .

--- On my Facebook page I found yesterday 50 photos from my research trip to Sicily online. You can watch it here .
tool being has the first-ARCADIA-NIGHT-shirts in the program, including the T-shirt with the pink in the novel (the word "liar, it is always better"). Just follow the link "shirts such as" turn left in the menu.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Anniversary Program For Church

23. September 2009

was in the forum noted that the / one or the other at the end of a book wants a more explicit representation of the relationships between the heroes. As Figure A is following all the events to figure B, which shows C thinks about it, etc. Here is my answer, which is applicable to many of my books:

principle is always two fractions: one which, under the actual showdown all that much to see or read (see, eg, the general criticism at the end of the third Lord of the Rings movie), and those who see all the characters again and again want to have strung the relationships individually. I usually try to find a middle way - that there is almost always once more scenes between the protagonists, but often with only indirect dialogue. To End, I think it's more emotional, since there is no longer about the details, only the feelings of the characters, and are sometimes flash point to better advantage than in long, fully formulated discussions.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Labeled Diagram Of Tv-s

20. September 2009

The tenth-ARCADIA-NIGHT-image of a scene I have ever shown some time ago here in the Journal, but is actually just a different perspective of the shaft on Figure 3
The other pictures are part of the Palazzo Alcantara, one of the main scenes of the novel.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

How To Read Expiry Dates Of Listerine Pocketpaks

05. September 2009

The last two photos of Arcadia-sites are here in the Journal of yet, I'll add below. As poetic justice, there is scene # 9 on Twitter until tomorrow, but here today:
The images # 7 and # 8:

Monday, August 17, 2009

Vegetarian Hors D'oeuvres

18. August 2009

Here is the sixth photo I during have taken my journey to the scenes of Arcadia-NIGHT. The area is covered with such ruins, a village that was completely destroyed by an earthquake several decades ago. Steffi and I are one, been running about two hours there and climbed up to and during the encounter a soul. Very original atmosphere.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

2 Year Old Mottled Skin

09. August 2009

now haunts the news through the Internet already, but it is only a few minutes ago: The Dark-working folk band Elane on a new album, whose songs will be based on several of my books. The CD will be released in 2010.
the band I've met a few years ago during a concert at Castle Satzvey, in a rather curious manner, when the keyboardist Nico Steckelberg paused between two pieces into the audience and asked if I was I would be. A while later, the idea for a collaboration (which means: Elane works, I await with interest ... :-)).
singer Joran has since tried valiantly in various "World of Warcraft" sessions, to me good Bürger von Azeroth zu machen, aber letztlich sind Online-Rollenspiele wohl doch nicht ganz mein Ding. Irgendwo steht dort noch mein Dunkelelf im Wald und wartet auf Reaktivierung.
Hier ist die offizielle Website der Band:
Und noch ein paar Elane-Songs von früheren Alben:

--- The fifth-ARCADIA-NIGHT-scene:

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

How Much Do Bugattis Cost To Lease

04. August 2009

have in the past two weeks I made some photos of scenes from Arcadia AWAKENED online. They are all taken during the trips to the various scenes of action. Here are the top four combined again:

Monday, August 3, 2009

What Are The Fees For Copyrighted Music

03. August 2009

I hope that all of the new journal entries are missing, looked to the right column to Twitter have . There's been every day one or more entries, since this is also a raffle. Who wants to join in and still does not have a Twitter account, you should create a (free) and immortalized in a tweet (Twitter = entry) followed by "@ KaiMeyer" which of my books she / he likes best. A few words in support would also be nice.
can win all sorts Signed: three ARCADIA-GOOD-NIGHT-Sample (about 50 pages, hardcover), three KLABAUTERKRIEG radio plays, three DSCHINNLAND instances, a LADY-OF-LIE-(advertising) board game and a large silk- AND SWORD banner. Everything else here .

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Dahvie Vanity Drawing

07. Juli 2009

Twitter eats less time than attention, but I understand now why so many seemingly sensible people addicted to it. Links
Do I repeat here in the Tweed? I do it again:
A new interview with me there are reader , including a few sentences to ARCADIA-NIGHT.
A very nice and detailed interview with Ted Rypel, author of GONJI has led Carsten Kuhr for fantastic coffee . My introduction to GONJI's are lower in part two journal entries.

--- I just correct the cause of Arcadia awakened and have even more fun on the heroine, Rosa Alcantara. It runs straight Institoris aura, the eternal candidate for the throne of my favorite character, the ranking from. And I'm looking forward to band 2 - the exposé will hopefully be finished in July, in August I will start with the first pages.

Monday, June 29, 2009

How Long Do Camcorders Last

29. Juni 2009

Basically, I am this whole Twitter thing with skepticism. But after many requests - and because it just distracts me from what I really should do, namely to write a short film - I have now registered with Twitter and then write similar nonsense staccato like everyone else. Who will keep track's can do so here: / KaiMeyer
Or in the spine right in the Journal ...

Monday, June 22, 2009

Sound Blaster Mb Kegen

22. Juni 2009

Frisch is published "Gonji" by TC Rypel, a novel I in Quote on the back "the most important rediscovery of classic fantasy since" Conan had "mentioned". Gonji is a samurai who studied in the late Middle Ages in the Carpathian Mountains, the mythical city of Verdun, to be there to provide a prophetic destiny. I wrote a foreword for the book that explains what connects me with Rypel novel, and here are some excerpts:

A while ago I read an interview with fantasy author David C. Smith, who in the seventies and eighties some colorful Sword & Sorcery-published adventure. Among other things, it was about how fleeting success can be, and a certain level of popularity. To illustrate this, he mentioned eine Romanserie mit dem Titel „Gonji“; vor rund 25 Jahren sei sie in den USA recht populär gewesen, heute aber zu Unrecht völlig vergessen. (...)
Neugierig bestellte ich mir antiquarisch alle fünf Bände seiner Reihe. Ohne allzu große Erwartungen, ehrlich gesagt. Sword & Sorcery ist jenes Subgenre der Fantasy mit dem schlechtesten Ruf: Pralle, meist recht maskuline (und muskuläre) Abenteuergeschichten, gern nach dem ewig gleichen Strickmuster gebaut, viele davon lediglich Variationen von Robert E. Howards Storys um den Barbaren Conan. In den Siebzigern feierte diese Spielart des Genres einige Erfolge, geriet aber seither unter den jüngeren Lesern, die sich für Phantastisches begeistern, in Vergessenheit. Many may not know Conan (rather than film, because as a book), but some of the other, perhaps even better heroes of the literary environment, from the perception of the fans disappeared: Elric, Kane, Fafhard and the Grey Mouse Ling - their adventures are reading today Unfortunately, hardly anyone.
"Gonji" but that was already clear to me on the very first pages, is different. Sure, here it all starts with a sword fighter, well-made action, a monster - but in order to exhaust the parallels. "Gonji" is above all: a phenomenally well written! So good that I immediately started the web for this obscure writer named TED Rypel search. Found I have nothing but some contain notes - apparently had Rypel after the fifth "Gonji" band in 1986, never published anything. Can not
, I thought. No one who has such talent, listen to easy. Two possibilities were considered: Either Rypel was no longer alive, or he wrote very well continue to books, just under another name. Some of the Sword and were Sorcery veterans of that time later in other genres into bestselling authors - is the most famous John Jakes, which began with naive barbarians stories, and then with his multi-volume Civil War saga "North and South" to present a worldwide success. (...)
So I extended my research. I ordered stacks of old American genre fanzines like "Amra" and "Fantasy Newsletter," which were up in the eighties was the voice of the scene. In it, it had evidence of Rypel - and if it were just a tribute.
But a few mentions of the title at the time of the show were all that I encountered in dozens of magazines. No reviews, no interviews. I wrote to David C. Smith - and got no response. Increasingly impatient, I set search requests in the largest U.S. Internet forums on Fantasy. Someone had to give it but who knew what had become of Rypel. But here, too: First even non-existent. (...)
Meanwhile, I read the first volume, then the second. Until, months later, at my e-mail notification was: Someone had reported in the official forum of the "Conan" homepage. I looked - and found an entry from Rypel daughter Beth. Her father was not a pseudonym, not dead, but, on the contrary, alive and kicking. I wrote her back that I was very relieved and happy I would be if she could forward my mail to him. She would like to do, she said, but balk at her father a little, by e-mail to communicate. Anyway, I thought I just wanted to get rid of my compliments to him and his books . Congratulations
went back some time, with complete radio silence. I was happy anyway, but all I had to get rid of that I had to say. But then, after several months, trickled in an unusually long and extremely friendly e-mail in to me - this time signed "Ted". Obviously, he could hardly believe that anyone still interested for him and his books. He just go into retirement, he wrote, after decades in a job that had filled him only moderately. Yes, he had always written, but actually the fifth since "Gonji" band released anything. Trouble with then-publisher, with an agency, all sorts of external circumstances have meant that he had himself by no longer seen as a real writer.
I disagreed - writer, you always, even years after the last publication. The books remain in place even if they are found only in the back alley of a second hand bookshops.
We started to write detailed emails, books sent back and forth, and I asked him the "Gonji" volumes show my publisher here in Germany are allowed to. Bastion Luebbe had just lost to the late David Gemmell Sword & Sorcery the last successful author, and I could imagine that Ted Rypel and Gonji " could fill this gap. Ted was delighted with my enthusiasm, but did not seem to want to believe it really, that could actually have a publisher interested. Nevertheless, he sent some copies to Luebbe fantasy editor Ruggero Leo and I had it tuned already a glowing recommendation and reiterated it again on the phone and on the next book fair. A few weeks later came the signal: Yes, they wanted to "Gonji" published in German, once the volumes one through three, a form self-contained trilogy, then perhaps the following two separate novels. (...)

If the excerpt from the preface. "Gonji" may seem like all Debut novels from a couple of teething symptoms (such as too many adjectives, which in German is still a little more evident than in the original), but what made me even more packed than the interesting main character, is the perfect own voice that speaks from the books. Similar to David Gemmell - who was a much weaker stylist - you can feel the presence behind every paragraph of the author and has the feeling that a real, individual person speaks to the reader. In modern fantasy that has become rare, and therefore it is one more reason the "Gonji" novels, to give a new chance.

Monday, June 15, 2009

How To Check Toner Levels On Mfc-9420cn

15. Juni 2009

This is Heidi. It is made from four weeks ago Portugal nach Deutschland gekommen, war seither in einer Pflegefamilie und wohnt seit vier Tagen bei uns. Im Moment liegt sie neben meinem Schreibtisch und schläft. Sie ist noch ziemlich ängstlich, gewöhnt sich aber allmählich an die neue Umgebung. Fremde Menschen machen sie nervös, in Portugal wurde sie an einer Kette im Stall gehalten; offenbar hatte sie dort auch Junge, die getötet wurden, kurz bevor Tierschützer sie freigekauft haben. Die gaben ihr auch ihren Namen, und wir haben ihn beibehalten, weil er derzeit so ziemlich das Einzige ist, auf das sie hört.
Im Garten liegt ihr neuer Lieblingsplatz anscheinend unter einer Funkie; im Haus gilt, je höher oben sie sich befindet, desto wohler fühlt sie sich. Das untere Photo shows them in the gallery above the living room. (Anyone who wonders why the narrow curtains hang in the background apparently outside. The window is located in house, it's part of the old building to which the new part of the building was built) But it may not yet right now the ground floor more ...

The Spain tour was short, fairly strenuous (especially since English people eat incredibly late in the evening and then find no end, no matter if you had to get up in the middle of the night to get on a plane ...). The focus was two press conferences in Madrid and Seville, also diverse - one suspects it - dinner with Publisher employees. Very beautiful was the evening with my local agent Alicia and her boyfriend Carlos, who have shown me, following the historic center of Madrid at night. The hardcover of
VATICAN CONSPIRACY is still stacked everywhere in the English bookstores, and even while I was there, I announced my editor that they would publish in the autumn of next year, the alchemist.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Tramp Stamp Stereotype

07. Juni 2009

It's for a few days to Spain, congratulatory of the local edition of the Vatican conspiracy in the highest terms. Only after the Madrid Book Fair journalist and a round, then to Seville for a panel discussion and a book signing. I interviewed there was written by Eric Frattini, the various books about conspiracies, the Vatican and all sorts of other Geheimnisumwölktes. 28 degrees Celsius, says the report. What you take with it? What does not? 14 kilo hand luggage and you may in the 1 transport class of Iberia, that's enough, I hope. Has yet to weigh my suitcase. And choose a book. Or just the iPod for the fifth "Lost" season? Getting up at 4.15 clock. Good night.

Monday, June 1, 2009

What Relation Should Ta Be To Tm Of Primers

01. Juni 2009

I'm back from the spring tour, I met old friends again in Berlin, on the train Michael Moorcock Elric latest novella in "Weird Tales" read (nostalgic value, high ... na ja) und auf der Bahnfahrt von Trier nach Hause einmal mehr entdeckt, wie schön die Eifel ist - tatsächlich dürfte dies eine der hübschesten Bahnstrecken sein, die mir überhaupt je untergekommen sind, weitgehend durch enge Waldtäler und an schmalen Flussläufen entlang. In Bielefeld habe ich die alte Villa des Splitter-Verlages besucht und das halbe WOLKENVOLK-Comic-Team getroffen, die beiden chinesischen Faltenhunde von Dirk Schulz und Delia Wülner geschmust und Ralf Schlüters Originalzeichnungen des Drachenfriedhofs bestaunt. Unterwegs habe ich den Großteil eines Kurzfilm-Treatments für Dominik Grafs Regieassistenten Johannes Sievert geschrieben, ein paar Folgen "True Blood" auf dem iPod angeschaut und noch einmal die ersten vier CDs des grandiosen WELLENLÄUFER-Hörspiels durchgehört. Bei den Lesungen selbst, die ungünstig gegen Biergartenwetter, ein Fußballspiel und - in Gütersloh - gegen eine gleichzeitige Lesung von Fernsehprominenz programmiert waren, gab´s das erste Kapitel von DSCHINNLAND, eine längere Passage aus WUNSCHKRIEG (Khalis erklärt die Welt in der Flasche), eine Schlüsselszene aus ARKADIEN ERWACHT und zum Abschluss, immer wieder gern, die Kurzgeschichte SCHAU HIN.
Jetzt bin ich wieder zuhause und habe bemerkt, dass ich noch fünfzehn Kurzgeschichten für einen Storywettbewerb lesen muss, in dessen Jury ich sitze. Eigentlich sollten gestern alle Bewertungen fertig sein. O je.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Russkije Filmy Online

13. Mai 2009

I'm always asked again how much text will be reduced for the audio books or changed. Because I have just looked through the cuts for the third STORM KINGS-band (click to enlarge) here once a typical example page. All in all, about 40 percent of audio book text be shorter than the original.
Here you can see quite clearly, chop for passages (descriptions, dialogues), where records are changed ("In the distance, lightning flashed" stands in the novel further below) or even how - and this is my special hair the soup in such arrangements - Wortdopplungen incurred, for example, there now stands within two lines twice, the word "genies" to make space for a longer clause was deleted. Sometimes I fish out those cosmetic things, but because I lack the time to examine every detail of that has changed the Maintainer, certainly much sashayed by.