Im Garten liegt ihr neuer Lieblingsplatz anscheinend unter einer Funkie; im Haus gilt, je höher oben sie sich befindet, desto wohler fühlt sie sich. Das untere Photo shows them in the gallery above the living room. (Anyone who wonders why the narrow curtains hang in the background apparently outside. The window is located in house, it's part of the old building to which the new part of the building was built) But it may not yet right now the ground floor more ...

The Spain tour was short, fairly strenuous (especially since English people eat incredibly late in the evening and then find no end, no matter if you had to get up in the middle of the night to get on a plane ...). The focus was two press conferences in Madrid and Seville, also diverse - one suspects it - dinner with Publisher employees. Very beautiful was the evening with my local agent Alicia and her boyfriend Carlos, who have shown me, following the historic center of Madrid at night. The hardcover of
VATICAN CONSPIRACY is still stacked everywhere in the English bookstores, and even while I was there, I announced my editor that they would publish in the autumn of next year, the alchemist.
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