Friday, November 5, 2010

Where To Buy Sugared Walnuts

Bäcks October gleanings 2010

It is generally said that books do not trigger revolutions, and not in a position to change the world.
Like anything else, "men say so," we must also not be generalized, the ideologues of various Couleurs fundamentalists of all religions and they are decided to appeal against such a statement of protest. However, little is clear, there are books that - once so we say now - now and then a vortex . Trigger
was what it there for a noise in the forest of leaves, wrote as a federal German bankers a book and it said that integration should be considered failure of immigrants in Germany and, above all, that immigration does not bring that population growth, that for the preservation of our welfare state was necessary. Meanwhile, the vociferous protests of the good guy has certainly been laid, the author was reprimanded and up to the tips of the Federal Republic of Germany is thinking about the theories and in particular on the conclusions of Mr. Sarrazin. And suddenly there is a Chancellor to be allowed to claim that multiculturalism had failed. And suddenly über darüber gesprochen, werden auch Meinungen angehört, die bis vor kurzem automatisch dem Rechten Eck zugeordnet wurden. Ich habe das Buch gelesen, und ich muss sagen, es lohnt sich schon darüber nachzudenken, was Herr Sarrazin da von sich gibt. Meine Aufforderung, lesen bevor über den Autor das Urteil gesprochen wird!

Wer erinnert sich nicht an das Buch „Kopfgeburten oder die Deutschen sterben aus“ von Günther Grass. Die beiden Studienräte aus Itzehoe haben auf der Reise durch China plötzlich den Alptraum, dass es anstelle von (damals) 950 Millionen Chinesen ebenso viele Deutsche gäbe. Ein Alptraum? Es lohnt sich, die beiden Bücher zu lesen: Grass: „Kopfgeburten“ Sarrazin and "Germany abolishes the"

Once again Marcel Proust. I will not invite the entire Schmöker "In Search of Lost Time" bring out or borrow in the library. But a little would not hurt to page through it. The Austrian philosopher Peter Strasser wrote recently in the "spectrum" of the "press" under the title "There is something better in the world" about the longing that lies within us all. And just quoting Proust on page 3940 (not a joke, actually, I am sure) "For the true paradises are those that you lost." Well, it's already once was: the work through to almost 4,000 pages and then find that sentence! Reading pleasure I can say!

Reinhard Jirgl received on 23 October the year's Büchner Prize. After two Austrians in previous years, so now a writer from Germany, and another one that is more likely to be regarded as outsiders of the literature I'm looking forward Reinhard Mermi will present the author in the blog soon too.

Yes, Reinhard Mermi! He told me on the phone that he met at a reading recently at the poet Gerd Jonker and if I know this Austrian author. Yes, dear Reinhard and whether and how!
Gert Jonkers, died last year, way too early! Since his first novel, "Geometric regional novel" Jonker worked like a madman and published novels, poetry, plays, almost on a yearly basis. As if he knew that his time would be limited. Jonker was the first Bachmann Awards (1977), followed by a series of prizes and awards. I remember performances of some of his plays at the Forum Stadtpark in Graz or in Styriate.
Gert Jonkers, most certainly a delight to read!

A notice yet: As agreed in 2011 will be held back a several-day literary workshop. As our friends and Mermi Reinhard Manfred Kolb no suitable Location have been identified, we will look back on us a bit. Currently, houses are in Slovenia for discussion, either in space Jeruzalem (in Slovenia - not in the Middle East), or at Bohjinsko Jezero (Bohinj lake) or in the Slovenian Karst in the hinterland of Trieste / Gorizia. Details will follow soon after the New Year.

forgive me if I was in my "future reference" continues to consider the so-called do-gooders a little vicious and they look rather than the opposite of what they wanted to be. But I have - of course yet again - a reading experience. Eventually, the youthful exuberance (all that was printed was read) I read also been notified in the writings Robbe spar. Yes exactly, that Jacobins of the French Revolution of 1789! And then wrote more than 220 years of the necessity of terror of the good and as we now than in the 20th Century grew to know the Well-intentioned is often exactly that which led to bad or even worse, become identical to itself mostly with the bad. And as we know, the theory of terror of the good with the French Revolution (and, subsequently, not only there) led to rivers of blood and ultimately seal the head spar and even tasted.

And one last quip, this time the actor Michael Degen, who in the new production des „Heldenplatz“ den Robert Schuster spielte: Österreich sollte stolz sein, einen Dichter wie Thomas Bernhard gehabt zu haben!

Soviel für heute – bis zu nächsten Mal!
Hans Bäck


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