Sunday, January 30, 2011

How To Make A Fondant Ballet Slipper

retained the German language? (3)

have to previous posts I pointed out that the German language is endangered by many changes.

What changes are generous? Dieter E. Zimmer led his contributions in 1995-1997, the following changes: 1

Time to translate words, not even.
This is basically true, of course, because some words are untranslatable, and their significance can only be explained quite expensive, if at all.
is problematic But, if words like backup and restore be preserved, although there are good German equivalents ( secure and restore ), but are hardly translatable into unintelligible German transfer. For example, if smart decoy is played with "bait" copy.

second Sometimes similar sounding words are selected from German, but with a different meaning. Then there is the "translation" as long as incomprehensible to the German word has taken a new meaning with, and thus is misleading, however. One example is the reproduction of restore mit restaurieren statt mit wiederherstellen .

3. Richtig kritisch kann es dann werden, wenn die englische Idiomatik übernommen wird.
Relativ harmlos ist es, wenn man statt "Goethe wurde 1749 geboren" schreibt " in 1749". Auch wenn man Katzen und Hunde regnen lässt, ist es eher lustig als missverständlich. Aber wenn man "danke für diese Anweisungen" liest und gemeint ist "dank dieser Anweisungen", dann wird es schon schwieriger.

4. Die nächste Änderungstendenz greift noch tiefer in die Sprache ein, da sie sogar die Syntax verändert.
Das zeigt sich am stärksten bei den Adjektiven. Manchmal wird die englsche Umschreibung der Steigerungsformen übernommen: das ist mehr interessant, am meisten nützlich. Hufiger ist freilich die Schaffung von Scheiandjektiven, indem zusammengesetzte Wörter (Komposita) wie Standardtreiber auseinandergenommen und im ersten Bestandteil klein, im zweiten groß geschrieben werden: standard Treiber.
Bei Bildungen wie Urlaub exklusiv ist dann noch nicht einmal klar, ob das klein geschriebene exklusiv Adjektiv oder Adverb sein soll. Es geht aber auch noch anders: Aus d er Film ist Klasse , der Comic ist Spitze wird der klasse Film , der spitze Comic . Obwohl diese Scheinadjektive von ihrem have an ending for nouns as a source, they are not declinable, so in the German language to foreigners.

5th Change in the pronunciation within a word, sometimes even repeated change: see lifestyle debut plan (English-French-German).

6th Dismantling composite Substative and unconnected juxtaposition of ingredients see Windows beginners.

7th In contrast, the innocuous name of the original word boundaries by single capital letters, see national bank, inter-city taken.

8th Introduction of the English-Saxon Gentivs not only in names ( Rita's Rita's place), but also with other nouns ( Manager's instead Manager), occasionally even in place of a plural ('s car instead of cars).

9th Completely ungrammatical translation of commas, which is entirely based on random rhythm; see For, in the shell installed objects.

10th Completely unmotivated tearing apart of words by poor separation programs: blood effusions, Cancer bulls , Walden inherit .

I have not given all the changes discovered in 1995 in the rooms of the translation of a computer manual and presented in an Essay on the German tomorrow led, but other is from his 1997 book, unlike German - the language of modernization fever. Even I, where it seemed more meaningful, use their own documents and the order of the change, according to the importance they have in my eyes, changed.

course it has some advantages, if languages \u200b\u200bare standardized. Who would still complain today that Luther has done with his Bible translation with the essential thrust to create a uniform written German. So why should
words that refer to the latest global developments, not the same world. Dangerous it is, however, lost when a language as the fundamental laws, so you need from understanding more and more go to rates. So, I can agree Jean-Pol Martin when he in his commentary says. "Communication problems, it is enough" - One should not add more than necessary.


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