Tuesday, March 8, 2011

What Is The Blood Test For Shingles

Detection of plagiarism in 2006 "almost impossible"

Debora Weber-Wulff reported in 2002, how can prove plagiarism on the Internet.

supervisor Professor Häberle and second supervisor Professor Streinz the dissertation Guttenberg now declare But
In discussing the work, one should always keep in mind that the review of dissertations are technically 2006 was not common and, to date widespread (yet) is common. In addition, the detection of plagiarism in 2006 with the then existing technical means was hardly possible. Plagiarism software and other methods at that time were not as well developed as today. As lawyers they should
the term protection claim be familiar.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

How Can I Get Pokemon Diamond On Mac

The Allerwerteste the new Norton

The Allerwerteste the new Norton
Originally uploaded by urs_witschi

No Guzzi at the 2-wheel exhibition in Zurich Oelikon, but that at the booth of Egli stacks of new models by NORTON, which are also optically worth a sin!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

When Does Cervical Mucus Occur

honesty in science

Since it was science, there was probably science schools, ie, scientists, students and a teacher were groups that had the same scientific orientation. In such schools hypotheses were considered benign if they were from their school, and critical when they came from outsiders. This goes against scientific objectivity, but human.
is problematic it if scientific results are not caused by schools partisanship, but by deliberate deception,.
The blog storm " honesty in science "tries to make attention

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Bottles For Bottling Olive Oil

interesting things about language learning

The Aquarmas Publisher offers reading group and a wand, and writes.
The Learning" Language Teachers "accompanied d en Children n at home and away.
We take great care that the modern media devices n age-appropriate to be used in learning foreign languages.
We appeal to media literacy!
you want to learn with your children foreign languages : with fun and efficiency without sitting in front of the computer. Man
used the pen like a PC mouse and click on the book to the appropriate people.

it very attractive is to learn as Chinese. Just - you will learn as Chinese?

Mucus That Tastes Like Blood

Pickings for a winter

... who is now in February already seems to be over. Once again, an important note: These are not official communications of the European literature Kapfenberg, but only the private views of Hans Bäck! The European literature
Kapfenberg me is his home page or blog the literature available, for which I am very grateful!

Somehow it itches me, and if it itches, it will scratch you. Even if it's monuments.

As in the last days of January were the Austrian newspapers full of memories on the occasion of the 100th Birthday of Bruno Kreisky. With all due respect and all due respect and recognition, but estimated by me "press" used in the general part of the issue seven large format pages and in the "Spectrum" (this is the weekend supplement of literature) to the Honourable Manasseh were again given almost two pages of this exploited also to leave even his two cents in memory .

And then came the February and with it the memory of the 80th Birthday of Thomas Bernhard - and lo and behold I am full of praise for the Austrian newspapers. I do not mean the cheese leaves, a Federal and a number of ministers hold as agents. I mean those leaves, it really is worth reading. So, the praise for those newspapers, who devoted themselves in carefully edited flashbacks, dedications, reminders, etc. to the great poet Thomas Bernhard. Solely on the quantity of pages, the two events were another reminder of nothing. And that's quite something, which as often maligned in the press to observe culture and value is to be held. And it was not just writers who wrote about Thomas Bernhard, which perhaps was also quite good, because who's always been immune to smaller or larger jealousies. A writer certainly not! I only repeat something I wrote once in the fall: "Austria can be proud to have had such a poet" Actually I wanted to quote from various newspapers for the pickings, and I have a whole pack kept in journals, but I will remain so, and invite my readers to go on the trip itself and browsed what was now in February all written to Thomas Bernhard , you will make great discoveries. That now, 22 years after his death, even those who joined in the chorus of praise, who saw his time dawning for example, the premiere of "Heroes' Square," the decline of the West, is a logical Austrian Development (Leave Th example) would. I am personally pleased that I witnessed the creation of this great man as an avid reader and contemporary was allowed and many of his books in my bookcase, and almost all have read. How were stale and often articles from today hyped writers against the Titans, Thomas Bernhard.

It is indeed here with these notes, as already mentioned in the title, a gleaning, I shall therefore give not too much to preview. Just this: the grater number 28 is already in production, the first reviews are already in the layout and by the revision, the timely appearance on 15 April in Kapfenberg and 28 April in Vienna is therefore no more obstacles. The authors represented in the grater is available in the coming days the agreement and invitation to the presentations from the Chairman Sepp Graßmugg.
A request to all authors who wish to submit for the grater 29: Keep to the guidelines laid down regarding the scope of the review! We will this time everything that goes on relentlessly back and if thereby the submission deadline is exceeded, the author has just been unlucky. We take for example not more than 10 poems by a writer (a writer) to! We will make no selection or the jury left, these submissions become really back to the sender. In our home the detailed submission guidelines are included, please hold you!

Now for the reference and looked up.

One can hardly believe, as an Austrian, but the products are increasing and therefore it is not to deny more than a few who were present at that time to push. What is it about?
Once again, the German-German History to 1989 (and yet also a bit beyond).
First, I say thank you to Dr. Jörg Bilke in Coburg, who provided me kindly with important information (and, I hope, will also continue to provide). For residents of the island of the blessed do in there to hear about. Depths that are so incredible, so unbelievable that they are almost in the category of absurd literature should, or like the legendary "Watschenmann" - the Sunday morning of the Austrian cabaret. Radio many years ago, said: "Such things can not invent, not even from our establishment,"

For example
Anna Seghers, whose real name is Nelly Radvanyi (1900 - 1983) was since 1928, convinced communist briefly arrested by the Gestapo and she managed to escape to Switzerland and then on to Paris. From there they could emigrate with the family in 1941 to Mexico (in 1942 there appeared to her most famous book "The Seventh Cross"), she returned to Germany in 1947, SED became a member in 1950 and moved to East Germany. Numerous awards followed the GDR and now it is an adventure for me: In Wikipädia is coyly noted that it had at the various disciplinary measures of GDR writers mostly silent, only the exclusion of Heiner Müller from the East German Writers' Union voted against it. But what was really going on? There was the workers' uprising in June 1953, which the author later in a letter as "two, three crazy days" dismissed the "would be a divergence to the peace hopes of mankind" and how she took over the party official name of "counter-revolutionary coup attempt" , the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 she described as "staged by Western agents" and the Wall, "we have prevented a war and to prevent it further." But it has also used time and again for writers, in the "disgrace" fallen, were imprisoned or exiled. If they do not help people in need personally, could they forwarded the matter to the higher positions, reaching again and again relief. Although she confessed
always and everywhere to their state, with East Germany and its ideology, it has been under surveillance since the Hungarian uprising of the Stasi. And informers, informants were not anyone but respectable people of the GDR's cultural scene: Klaus Gysi, head of the East German publishing house construction and later East German culture minister, fellow writer Hermann Kant and Günter Görlich, wife of poet Paul Vienna (who worked himself to Erich Mielke) and Gerhard Henninger, the secretary of the East German Writers' Association!
What a world!

And now in a different world:

Czernowitz And again and again!

In the former imperial city of books (Rose foreigners), there was a poetry festival: www.meridiancz.com - based on the name of Meridian, the Paul Celan was once his city.
poet from the Ukraine, Germany, Austria and Switzerland were reading from their works and inaugurated on 3 September, a Vienna street.
brought to life Igor Pomerantsev, himself of his time in Czernowitz went to school and studied, his first works there wrote, before the Soviet secret 1978 "released" to emigrate was: The poetry festival was also the buried cultural and historical legacy revive the city again. It's been yet so that all the great poets of this city at the time of the Soviet regime were not available. Pomerantsev writes that at that time probably read Thomas Mann, Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky and Faukner, but from a Paul Celan heard nothing and got to face.
Schopenhauer and Kafka were banned in the Soviet writer. And all post-communist countries are under serious problem: Just as in C and NC after 1945 there is a discontinuity in the historical and literary memory, a break in the collective memory. Everywhere the authorities tried to erase the past.
And this reminder again to dig up was the real aim of the festival.

have the other hand, let the myths of the town to the literary past to Paul Celan, Rose Ausländer and many others, this city a monument to solidify and paralyzed its development. Although the city had continued to live under the Soviet Union, Chernivtsi has the transition from the German language to Ukrainian, for the rule of the Nazis, communism survived and still not lost their appeal.

These details I gathered from an interview with Igor Pomerantsevs the Salzburger Nachrichten.

Yes, I will not hide anything: I was referring to one of my past future reference a "few slaps". In the blog they can be read as a comment. Christine Teichmann has been angry about my Pauschalverdächtigung and general good guy and said the diminutive 15 November 2010:
"Since I really have a say for the good guy in the balance. First, there is a long way from a humanistic or altruistic attitude to an ideology that is eating its children. Strictly speaking, the basic message of faith to practice so these do-gooders, tolerance in the sense that I share, not your opinion, but I would risk my life to make sure that you are allowed to express them. The last known even to the tolerance for the intolerant. Second, I have the good guy in A. .. rather than the realos or whatever you may call the "other party" in the face. Finally, they are the last in our - at least since the black and blue to the end-use rights - society, which hold a social consensus on sustainability, human rights do not be confused with citizenship rights. So rather well as blood (pure) or otherwise what nonsense. "
Christine law has of course, as always has someone right there also is one of the wrong. So I tried to justify myself and Christine then had a lengthy exchange of our thoughts by e-mail.
me, it was necessary to point out why I just got this group of people so very much in the wrong windpipe. There's one part even to me important point that not everything that is not links would automatically be classified as right. Other hand, I have personally what I am fighting every case, however, with the brown-blue hatching thrown into a pot to be, only because I, for various reasons simply can not be left and therefore as a committed and enthusiastic liberal-conservative citizens, a third variant of the political orientation studied. This is the one (and principles) to do so. And then there is another event that had me removed from the above-gooders: those were the demos on the Thursday after the swearing-in of black-blue government in Austria. I would go fight to demonstrate it and that these demos are still allowed, which, however, I could not accept in any way that the first three days could be chanted by the demonstrators freely: "Resistance, Resistance, Heider - dish on the wall! "That was too much for me to call lynching or, if you stand right for a democratic election in a majority government passed since that is and was not only disgusting, repulsive, distasteful, but also unforgivable. The more so, as indeed heard these calls after the third day, but there was as a result of any of the organizers of an apology or at least a distance.
Well, let's leave that, it's all here for future reference so that mainly the literature and so I still hang something literary to:
In this year it marks the 50th Time that Ivo Andric won the Nobel Prize for Literature. To mark the occasion. There is an exhibition in Kapfenberg, thanks to the relations of our Helmut Türk, "accademia europe study" in Gorizia gestaltet wurde.
Und das ist für mich der Anlass, wieder einmal auf diesen großartigen Dichter hinzuweisen. Wie ich schon früher schrieb, es ist selbstverständlich reizvoll die Texte Peter Handkes über seine Besuche in Serbien und Bosnien zu lesen und zu versuchen, sich daraus ein Bild dieses zerrissenen Landes zu machen. Wer jedoch den Balkan verstehen will, seine Probleme, seine Menschen, die Kultur und die Entwicklung, der sollte Andric lesen.

Ja, ein Buch möchte ich noch, nein, muss ich, erwähnen. Von Arno Geiger liegt „Der alte König in seinem Exil“ vor. Was ist wichtig, was macht unser Leben lebenswert? Arno Geiger erzählt von seinem Vater, aber auch von sich The itself is a reminder of the lost, the author get them back. And it is a book made about the father, his orientation dissolves slowly and at the same time, as the son, the author refers back and get his father re-learn. Incredibly, here with what love violinist with the dementia of his father deals and presents great literature. A reading adventure! Another memorial was
there in these days of February. As an admirer of Rilke I can not help on the 150th Birthday of Lou Andreas-Salome noted. "What we often call to love a man is nothing but his way of making us productive in the highest sense," she wrote in her novel "In the Battle for God. "And what she has in her admirers, lovers, confidants suggested everything from productivity! Alone with the younger by 14 years Rilke, a relationship developed in the artistic expressiveness, both after their separation still band together for many years. A woman who lived through their life outside of their time and Nietzsche wrote in a love letter: "Dear Lou, ..., you become who you are!"
Then, dear friends I have left is just some information ( in their own right): From 17 - 20 March 2011 will be held in Leipzig Book Fair. My book "speakers in the trees" (published by Culture Machine www.kulturmaschinen.com Berlin) there is also presented and I will keep two readings in Leipzig. Because I want of course, my "fan club" like to inform and ask you to many of you there! "Our stand is in Hall 5, Stand A 219th I am of course appear throughout the exhibition in Leipzig and also at the FDA will stand there and be present. I would be happy if I could take quite a lot of my friends in Leipzig!
The exact dates are read from about 17th February on the website of the Leipzig Book Fair, and "Leipzig Reads" to be found. But of course I will in time all my literary friends in Germany shortly before the start again personally invite!

Hans Bäck

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Ivo Andric

He was 50 years ago, the Nobel Prize for Literature, and the great Bosnian writer was born in 1892 in Travnik. High school in Sarajevo, was also there in the revolutionary liberal youth movement "Mlada Bosna" act, arrested by the imperial authorities. With these and other interruptions, he studied in 1912 in Zagreb, Vienna, Krakow and Graz.
From 1921 he was a diplomat for the new Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, later Kingdom of Yugoslavia. In 1924 he graduated as Doctor of Philosophy in Graz. It was Yugoslavia's ambassador in Berlin, where he was then interned in 1940 by the Nazis and in 1941 released to Belgrade.
He was later received President of the Yugoslav and Serbian Writers' Association, member of the Yugoslav parliament and 50 years ago, in 1961, the Nobel Prize for Literature. On 13 March 1975 the poet died in Belgrade.

His literature to assign the classical realism, deals mostly with the history of his native Bosnia, the coexistence but also the clash of different cultures of the Middle East with Islam, Christianity and the Orthodox Church and the values of the culture of central Europe. In 1945 his great work "The Bridge on the Drina" and "viziers and consuls" in 1950 then "The mistreatment" and 1967 "Anika's Times" just to list a few.
You can read books about Peter Handke and Serbia to discuss and of course, but if you want to understand the Balkans, I have to read Andric!
Whatever is said about "Balkan atrocities, particularly the two long novels" The Bridge on the Drina "and" viziers and consuls "are exemplary of density and poetry. Anyone who wants to understand the myth of Kosovo Polje (Kosovo) Serbs, the passage read by the impalement of peasants Radisaw, even though it may thereby shaking with terror. This stupidity and wickedness, magnanimity and wisdom is not only one or one ethnic group beleibe assigned, but Andric distributed to all: there is no ethnic group could claim for themselves, without prejudice and without horror. "Come like this to be" And despite all resulting in a spell when the poet describes the landscape and describes the thoughts and motives, actions and aspirations of the people.

a happy accident, and not least the good relations the European Literary Circle Graz to Europe have made it possible that the Ivo Andric's traveling exhibition on teaching the "Accademia Europe Ista" in Gorizia in Kapfenberg gezeigt werden kann. Unser besonderer Dank gilt Signore Pio Baissero, dem Direktor der „Accademia Europeista“ für seine Unterstützung.

Die Ausstellung wird am 8. April 2011 im KUZ eröffnet und schließt am
21. April.

Hans Bäck

Friday, February 18, 2011

Lava Lamp Won't Make Bubbles

on the usefulness of group work

Not only the peaceful revolutionaries from Tunisia, Serbia and Egypt have cooperated , the readers of working together to Guttenberg's thesis, to collect the plagiarism (in the Wiki Guttenplag ).

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Where Do I Buy Maternity Pad

What is important the teacher?

Roland Barthes 'dictum about the following literary author, identify some teachers, was fortunately of teachers is not so important: There is the Internet, Web 2.0 and the reality has always represented the students and parents have followed it with some delay..
For students such as Brecht has always been "I had bad teachers, that was a good school."

But one must draw the conclusion "We are free to teach in on environment without fear that someone might 'miss something'," as Mr. Cornally it do?
I fear not.
has of course found in the age of the Internet each student with unlimited access to the Internet is always the chance, a better "teacher" than in his classroom. Only, he will be able to use it?
The chance is very small. I wish all parents and Mr. Dudek success. But most of our students need our model, be it that we refer them to reality and the Internet.

Golo Mann has found his very personal way to history. Far away from the footsteps of his father and from his academic role models and colleagues. But he was convinced that he had not come rightly, did not believe Kurt Hahn and Karl Jaspers , they had to give him something he really have to have.

To finally have its right to Roland Barthes:
Literature is that neuter, that composite, that oblique into Which every subject escapes, the trap where all identity is lost, beginning with the very identity of the body that writes.
( ubu : Three Essays)
He may be a suject impure have seen in any other way, Goethe, the responsibility for his lyrics, he does not miss.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Design For Wooden Catapult

taken up short by deflecting attention, by will to succeed, school refusers, batons, offender-victim compensation; Tiger widows

We know that constant distractions interfere with a work, such as occur frequently in business by phone calls and e-mails, attention-sensitive. We also know that we are for major tasks - to take a break - such as learning for an exam.
now has a study out that the same is true for shorter activities. Of course, if it should apply only to extremely boring activities and only 50 minutes, then us it was known in advance.
not always so much to read what brings life for nothing, better a book on how to become successful, says a student and transmits it to the teacher. What happens when the teacher reads it? Read with comments in the staff room .
Hesse known truants to court. The oldest sons of the family shine Dudek with top marks. Should the state refrain from compulsory education?
steel batons instead of batons for police officers . They should act as a deterrent. Probably more for Demons aunts as criminals? How do you see?
Christopher and nose, the cat will grow . - An offender-victim mediation ?
A day of Christopher's life before he was offered the cat milk, and a few days before .
What women are punished (The Women of forest workers who have been killed by tigers are banned in Bangladesh because they bring bad luck.)

Friday, February 4, 2011

Pain In My Lower Stomach And Peeing A Lot

hero travels of Karl May, Cornelia Funke, Virgil, Dante, William Sage, Siegfried ...

Mr. Rau, I owe the reference to Mr. Wolfgang village Tschick and the hero's journey .

The American mythologist Joseph Campbell has compiled the following stations of an idealized mythical hero's journey. I will try again, which stations can I verify that I know in a few texts. Particularly appeals to me here Karl May and the comparison with other texts.
a) Karl May b) Cornelia Funke c) Virgil's Aeneid d) Dante: Divine Comedy e) Dietrich forecast f) Siegfried legend

first Reputation: experience of a defect or sudden appearance of a task
b) appearance Dustfinger
c) destruction Troy
f) merely exposed

2.Weigerung: The hero is reluctant to heed the call, for example, because it is important to give up.
a) Karl May knows it.
b) mo does not want in the book
c) Aeneas would rather die in battle
f) does not Siegfried

3.Aufbruch: He overcomes his hesitation and embarks on the journey.
a) May, has no hesitation, we usually experience it after the break.
b) exciting, especially in Inkspell, where the girls follow suit by his going before the others.
c) Venus convinces Aeneas having regard to the task of founding a kingdom and his duty of care for his father Anchises.

4.Auftreten of problems that can be interpreted as tests
a) every 10 pages
b) the atrocities of the evil to the people and their attacks on the new heroes
c) Countries with strangers / being
f) work in forging

5.Übernatürliche Help: The hero unexpectedly meets one or more mentors.
a) Sam Hawkens , Dick Stone and Will Parker (still very normal "clover leaf of Western men), Winnetou (with schon eher mythischen Fähigkeiten)
b) Staubfinger
c) Venus, Neptun, Sybille
d) Vergil
f) das Drachenblut

6.Die erste Schwelle: Schwere Prüfungen, Kampf mit dem Drachen etc., der sich als Kampf gegen die eigenen inneren Widerstände und Illusionen erweisen kann.
a) Old Shatterhands große Probe: Kampf mit Intschu-tschuna , um Leben und Tod geht es aber fast immer
b) die jeweils Bösen
e) Kampf gegen Grimm und Hilde
f) Drachenkampf

7. Fortschreitende Probleme und Prüfungen, übernatürliche Hilfe.
a) Helfer sind auch: Henrystutzen

8th Initiation and transformation of the hero: Reception and robbery of an elixir or treasure that could save the world of everyday life, from which the hero is broken. This treasure can exist in an inner experience, symbolized by an external object.
a) f blood brother Winnetou
) Nibelungen hoard

9th Refusal of Return: The hero hesitates in the world of everyday life back.
a) never, it is only through new adventures prevented
f) Siegfried wants a normal life, marrying Kriemhild, but is torn by her fault (fight the Könginnen)

10th Leave the underworld: The hero is subjected to internal motivations or external compulsion to come back, which takes place in a magical flight or escape from negative forces.

11th Return: The hero crosses the threshold to the everyday world from which he had set out originally. He met with disbelief or incomprehension, and must integrate the on the hero's journey found or won in everyday life. (In fairy tales: The gold is suddenly to ashes)
a) Karl May's unmasking as a former con man and convict ; Antidote: Costume Photos , Orient Travel and creating serious literature. Here it is clear that May's life follows the laws of the myth itself.

12th Lord of the Two Worlds: The Hero with a combined daily life with his newfound knowledge, and thus leaves the company to share his discovery.
a) This is the situation Karl Mays.
d) Dante's situation

The points are filled in gradually for the remaining works, but I am grateful for the assistance. (The one can write in comments, genaus natural as protests against mismatches.)
Perhaps it is irritating but it on their own readings try.
Sexy would be for me Parzival.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Motorcycle Backrest For Driver

Digital Apparent suicide or digital? How

Frauke wants Lüpke-Narberhaus know it. She has completed her digital life " Spiegel said online reported on 02/03/2008.
She explained in more detail:
three years I've caught in the nets of StudiVZ, Facebook and Xing. I was not one of those nudes that are online completely naked, put their privacy on the Internet. And yet, I have congratulated written gegruschelt, genetzwerkt, figured, reviled, laughed. This is starting over now. I get out.

Today - after three years - they reported back to the mirror online :
My digital suicide failed. For three years I fell regularly on Facebook, Flickr and Xing, until I had enough in February 2008 and ended this digital life. Others would say I have cut off my little finger than the digital, because e-mails I wrote the same way as before, and on-line banking I gave not .[...] Without emailed Facebook and simste with my friends, instead of to write messages. As they had to find

then returns it to Facebook: "Facebook let me not die at that time [...] I wanted to start a new life, but my old was still there for a fresh start on Facebook, I needed a new one. E-mail address. "

The" suicide was "so until the return. Until then it was only apparently dead, so as I am well, I was a few weeks on Facebook, and I have logged a few months ago.
your new life she has begun to use Facebook differently: "I use it hardly, to distract me, but almost exclusively, to inform me aware, to communicate and do research."

Whether they are probably Tell them, when their use is back up Rocks and experienced even as after a slimming a yo-yo effect?
slander I should not. My only apparent death was the Karl May Wiki . Otherwise, I try my wikis and Blogs half-way to use regularly, even if it's in the one is easier than the other ...

Sunday, January 30, 2011

How To Make A Fondant Ballet Slipper

retained the German language? (3)

have to previous posts I pointed out that the German language is endangered by many changes.

What changes are generous? Dieter E. Zimmer led his contributions in 1995-1997, the following changes: 1

Time to translate words, not even.
This is basically true, of course, because some words are untranslatable, and their significance can only be explained quite expensive, if at all.
is problematic But, if words like backup and restore be preserved, although there are good German equivalents ( secure and restore ), but are hardly translatable into unintelligible German transfer. For example, if smart decoy is played with "bait" copy.

second Sometimes similar sounding words are selected from German, but with a different meaning. Then there is the "translation" as long as incomprehensible to the German word has taken a new meaning with, and thus is misleading, however. One example is the reproduction of restore mit restaurieren statt mit wiederherstellen .

3. Richtig kritisch kann es dann werden, wenn die englische Idiomatik übernommen wird.
Relativ harmlos ist es, wenn man statt "Goethe wurde 1749 geboren" schreibt " in 1749". Auch wenn man Katzen und Hunde regnen lässt, ist es eher lustig als missverständlich. Aber wenn man "danke für diese Anweisungen" liest und gemeint ist "dank dieser Anweisungen", dann wird es schon schwieriger.

4. Die nächste Änderungstendenz greift noch tiefer in die Sprache ein, da sie sogar die Syntax verändert.
Das zeigt sich am stärksten bei den Adjektiven. Manchmal wird die englsche Umschreibung der Steigerungsformen übernommen: das ist mehr interessant, am meisten nützlich. Hufiger ist freilich die Schaffung von Scheiandjektiven, indem zusammengesetzte Wörter (Komposita) wie Standardtreiber auseinandergenommen und im ersten Bestandteil klein, im zweiten groß geschrieben werden: standard Treiber.
Bei Bildungen wie Urlaub exklusiv ist dann noch nicht einmal klar, ob das klein geschriebene exklusiv Adjektiv oder Adverb sein soll. Es geht aber auch noch anders: Aus d er Film ist Klasse , der Comic ist Spitze wird der klasse Film , der spitze Comic . Obwohl diese Scheinadjektive von ihrem have an ending for nouns as a source, they are not declinable, so in the German language to foreigners.

5th Change in the pronunciation within a word, sometimes even repeated change: see lifestyle debut plan (English-French-German).

6th Dismantling composite Substative and unconnected juxtaposition of ingredients see Windows beginners.

7th In contrast, the innocuous name of the original word boundaries by single capital letters, see national bank, inter-city taken.

8th Introduction of the English-Saxon Gentivs not only in names ( Rita's Rita's place), but also with other nouns ( Manager's instead Manager), occasionally even in place of a plural ('s car instead of cars).

9th Completely ungrammatical translation of commas, which is entirely based on random rhythm; see For, in the shell installed objects.

10th Completely unmotivated tearing apart of words by poor separation programs: blood effusions, Cancer bulls , Walden inherit .

I have not given all the changes discovered in 1995 in the rooms of the translation of a computer manual and presented in an Essay on the German tomorrow led, but other is from his 1997 book, unlike German - the language of modernization fever. Even I, where it seemed more meaningful, use their own documents and the order of the change, according to the importance they have in my eyes, changed.

course it has some advantages, if languages \u200b\u200bare standardized. Who would still complain today that Luther has done with his Bible translation with the essential thrust to create a uniform written German. So why should
words that refer to the latest global developments, not the same world. Dangerous it is, however, lost when a language as the fundamental laws, so you need from understanding more and more go to rates. So, I can agree Jean-Pol Martin when he in his commentary says. "Communication problems, it is enough" - One should not add more than necessary.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Vegetable Root Tattoo

"You have prepared me wrong on my studies!" How

A consistent and well formulated Lehrerlob : You always have required transfer to the University is just memorization required. The teacher response
can be thought of after almost: "Charlotte, I repeat: You can do it even on the transfer of missing you so have you done for yourself!. You recognized that colleges and university operating a mass can never convey what is in a self-created as a talent and passion and what you are willing to get involved. [...] Go your way and do not be bitter, I'm not. "

Does the Germanists only that the imperative of" go "once" go! Said "until the lights were labeled with no traffic light man Red: "Wait" and green. "Go" - There's probably gone with the transfer something wrong But that's really not here
If one was not so blessed,'s was perhaps not only the commitment.. (it certainly also), but vielleicht auch an einem Schuss Pragmatismus. Für gute Schüler nicht unbedingt das Richtige. Man lese Loki Schmidt , eine Schülerin, die die beste Reklame für ihre Schulen war, die man sich denken kann.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Tuesday Evening Sayings

retained the German language? (2) How can the German language

Die deutsche Sprache verliert die Verlässlichkeit ihrer Bildungsregeln (ihres Codes), weil diese in zunehmendem Umfang durch Bildungsregeln der englischen Sprache ersetzt werden (Codesprung). Dadurch wird der Hörer immer mehr zum Raten gezwungen, welche Bildungsregeln gerade verwendet werden. Es geht Verständlichkeit verloren und dadurch auch die Möglichkeit, etwas differenziert und schön zu sagen.

Um das Deutsche lebendig zu erhalten, brauchte weder die Aufnahme stopped by foreign words would be all to be Germanized vigorously.
It would have to be reduced in the affected areas of the Anglicization common language only the amount of code jumps, so that would total consolidated the German code. Here, use a translation, there a phonetic or orthographic adaptation, with the aim of the visiting words in all grammatical contexts can freely - even that would work wonders.
(Room: German and otherwise, p.85)
room though not quite believe it, that this can be, for the set so "ahead of the common will to get the German on the German language. "This will, however, was" not present "and where it is available, it would" immediately booed as Germano.

He wrote before the debate about the German culture broke out and before Angela announces an end to multicultural , both concerned with the German language not with the look came. seems Nevertheless, I expressed skepticism appropriate, if not total resignation.

Who has been the linguistic sensibility to recognize the 10 changes in the German language, which he quotes, (the do quite a few) and the exposure to to the Germans of these changes grows seen.

What changes might it be? Not the mass immigration of words, not even the acquisition of idiomatic idioms such as "makes sense" but ...
Here one may think, look up at room or wait for my next post.

Angela Merkel has stressed early on that foreigners should learn German. In this respect, German was the dominant culture and multicultural context of the conversation very well. But that could be lost to the Germans as a whole the ability of building rules des Deutschen sicher zu sein, das kam in diesen Diskussionen nicht zur Sprache.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Disney Clip Art, Littlest Pet Shop


In zwei grundlegenden Aufsätzen in der ZEIT hat Dieter E. Zimmer 1995 Gefährdungen der deutschen Sprache formuliert. Ich habe die Aufsätze schon damals als bedeutsam erkannt, aber erst die Erfahrungen mit der deutschen Sprache, die ich seitdem gemacht habe, zusammen mit der Möglichkeit der Veröffentlichung im Blog  haben dazu geführt, dass ich ihre Hauptgedanken bewusst weiterverbreiten möchte. Es wird in kleinen Schritten geschehen.
Eine zentrale Erkenntnis hat Zimmer wie folgt formuliert:
Nicht der reichliche Einstrom fremder Wörter It is threatening the various European languages, but their inability and unwillingness to assimilate the foreigners who entered them and thus to have full freedom of movement within their own control system.
on one of the two articles I can link here: encounter with the German tomorrow (pdf file). The idea of both articles are summarized and supplemented in the book German and other of 1997. The paperback edition came out 1998th The idea is quoted on pages 73/74.
I will present in further explain his thoughts and contributions.
Here initially the link to a page , wo er an eine ganze Reihe seiner Aufsätze erinnert.

Im Deutschen müssen Substantive ein Geschlecht haben und Verben konjugiert werden können. Adjektive sollten gesteigert werden können. Wo der Sinn es ausschließt - wie bei "schwanger", ist es nicht erforderlich, dennoch lässt die Sprache es ohne weiteres zu (schwanger, schwangerer, am schwangersten).

An Zimmers Erkenntnis mag befremden, dass Sprachen darin wie handelnde Subjekte auftauchen. Natürlich hält er sie nicht für Subjekte. Seine Redeweise versucht dem komplizierten Sachverhalt gerecht zu werden, dass unsere Sprache Bildungsgesetze (einen Code) hat, die uns nicht bewusst sind, die aber von allen Sprechern der deutschen Language are largely complied with.
If some of the words we use do not obey these laws may form, reduces the clarity of language in general. The show is
it in detail.

Monday, January 17, 2011

How Long Do Cohibas Last?

over blogging

You must link up!
Because blogging is discourse on its own platform out ( Gibro )

The course provides for standards to blogging, rather than be descriptive.
In my blog, I present quite different set functions. Together, the willingness to communicate, but not the orientation is on communication.

How Long Should It Take To Drink Colyte

More TV time despite the Internet

There will be more watched television als in früheren Jahren, obwohl mehr und mehr Zeit im Internet verbracht wird, berichtete John Plunkett im Guardian vom 19.8.2010.
Die Begründung ist:
1. Die Bevölkerung wird älter, und ältere Leute tendieren dazu mehr fernzusehen. Über 65-Jährige sehen durchschnittlich über 5 Stuunden am Tag TV.
2. Fernsehen und Nutzung sozialer Netzwerke im Internet schließen sich nicht aus.

Meine Twittererfahrung bestätigt mir das. Es ist erstaunlich, wie oft man in Twitter zu lesen bekommt, dass ein Programm schlecht sei. Gewöhnlich heißt das nicht, dass man nicht von derselben Person über den Fortgang der Sendung informiert würde.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Denise Milani Faceboook

Loki Schmidt: My life for the school

In my opinion, fits the title "life of the school" does not.
The enthusiastic student Loki Glaser has lived with and in the school and has the two reform schools they visited, the Castle Road School - an elementary school - and later by the Lichtwark for their teachers life much learned what give her teacher training could not.
When she was a teacher then, she has lived for the children . Some schools, she liked to leave again because of her mind there was too authoritarian.

"The book should be required curriculum for educators." (NZZ)
I think it is weniger wichtig für die Pädagogen als für die Kultusministerien und Schulämter; denn es zeigt, dass vieles erst möglich ist, wenn sich die Lehrkraft nicht primär an die curricularen Vorgaben hält und sich die Freiheit nimmt, nicht jedes Jahr festgelegte Bildungsstandards zu erreichen.

"Diese Lehrerin wünscht man sich für seine eigenen und für alle Kinder." (SZ)
Wenn man von den vielen begeisterten Kindern und Eltern liest, legt sich das nahe. Wenn man bedenkt, dass sie oft über 50 Kinder zu unterrichten hatte, kann man sich freilich fragen, ob nicht zwei Klassen mit je 25 Schülern für viele Kinder doch besser gewesen wären.
Und gewiss würden Today, many parents with a teacher who announces them at the beginning of the school year that the children, if it considers it necessary to beat, will prefer the same class.

Nevertheless, when teachers wish you the many skills, enthusiasm and the courage to superiors and the energy that Loki Glaser earned in their work.
With such capabilities and such use of the teacher education reform will bring excellent results.
And I wish I was for the students I have taught, been what has become Loki Glaser-Schmidt for her care.

The reasoning which would have to follow now would be almost as long as the book. Not least, the description of her - privation in many ways - happy childhood and that of their primary school years, worked in the many (arbeitslosen!) fathers and mothers in school and thus a school spirit of togetherness created, as much in less of emergency times characterized to create heavier belonged to, but also the many activities with which she guided her children to work independently and acting.

was first precipitated as Loki Schmidt of illness from the hospital, she has not worked directly for the school children, but started to support such schools, with their initiative to work learning projects for secondary schools the ZEIT Foundation.