Kronplatz mountain race Giro in 2008 Mit dem Rennrad und dem Mountainbike auf den Kronplatz (2275m) in den Dolomiten .
Tour 1: Die Strecke der Mountain stage of the Giro d'Italia in San Vigilio to the Kronplatz Length: 11 km altitude: 1200 From St. Vigil in Val Badia the route goes up at the lifts by the direction Enneberg . At the junction turn right to Furkelpass . After the underpass next to the ski slopes is from the extra-prepared for the Giro way to Kronplatz. But until then, there are 13 curves. And especially the last curve (Marco Pantani) has it all, there is the way the 24% steep . But then you made it and is at Kronplatzplateau his amazing panoramic in the surrounding mountains.
For more information on mountain time between St. Vigil - Kronplatz
Tour 2: Around the Kronplatz length: about 50km altitude: 1700 This Mountain Classic in South start in Zwischenwasser and leads to the panoramic road to Enneberg . From there it passes through several small hamlets as far as Frena . There diverted a forest (closed to Räder?!?) links ab, dem man immer weiter aufwärts folgt. Kurz vor seinem Ende muß man links ein kurzes Stück schieben und gelangt auf den Panoramaweg Nr. 2/4/8 . Nach einem kurzes Singletrail überquert man ein Gatter und folgt dem Wirtschaftsweg durch die Skipisten bis zum Gipfel des Kronplatz . Nach der Geiselbergerhütte biegt man links ab und fährt den Forstweg downhill bis Geiselberg . Nach einem kurzen Stück auf der Straße biegt man wieder links ein und folgt dem Weg Nr. 5 uphill, bis rechts der Abzweig Nr. 14 Richtung Reischach comes. Very well through the forest largely down to Reischach. here again on the road to Stefansdorf and moss. We want and still has power, can here the single track No. 1 to take Mary halls. We go for lack of time on the road there and go there again on the Panoramstraße, which leads us back to Startpukt after Zwischenwasser .
further information on around the Kronplatz
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avalanche in Prettau Mammamia, there is probably pretty run down of what the steering head Ahrntal . Vast ...
ski tour Zufrittspitze - Ultental ski tour in the far Ultental the Zufrittspitze (3439m) in
Ortler Mountains.
With the Zufrittspitze: Tommy, Arni & Gigi
Start Skitour Zufrittspitze: parking lot at Weißenbrunnsee
altitude ski tour Zufrittspitze: 1600m
rise Zufrittspitze Follow the summer trail No. 140 to Green Lake. There on the highest hut (Rifugio Canziani 2591m) on the right by a steep slope traversing further into the valley. We keep left towards Zufrittjoch (not described in many of the leaders of the variant on the East Ridge Zufrittspitze) and then over a steep edge to depot to about 3250m. A good snow cover, we are in the best conditions along the ridge up to a rope insurance. And then we are already at the top of the Zufrittspitze. Zufrittspitze departure At the top we are almost too early to go, because esnoch too hard. In the middle part of the descent, we get for Frühlingsfirn. Even the last piece to the parking lot is still very good mobile. All in all, a perfect spring ski tour in South Tyrol.